
From XOWA: a free, open-source, offline wiki application


name: XOWA
license: AGPLv3
website: https://gnosygnu.github.io/xowa/
developer: gnosygnu
email: gnosygnu@gmail.com
identity passphrases: 8d06d35872ca9e477c3295c3b2ccfb02214626660ae0f292ab93e1dfedcadac4


name contribution
  • MathJax integration
  • Sortable/Collapsible tables
  • Reference tooltips
  • Timeline
  • Wikidata html formatter
  • Search suggestions
  • Redlink identification
  • Edit toolbar
  • German localization
  • 250+ defect detection
name contribution
  • Firefox Add-on
  • Polish localization
  • multiple defect detection
  • multiple defect detection
  • import bz2 by stdout proposal
  • multiple defect detection
  • HTTP Web Server
  • Chinese localization
  • multiple defect detection

Components and Tools

XOWA is free software. It was built using free software and was made possible by free culture.

Support free software and free culture today!
Name Description License
Primary application components
Wikimedia Foundation Wiki data dumps and images CC-BY-SA 3.0
XUL Runner Mozilla Firefox web browser runtime environment MPL
Java Programming language GPLv2
SWT Web browser interoperability CPL
Secondary application components
sqlite SQL database library Public Domain
Xerial SQLite JDBC Java library for Sqlite Apache v2.0
Lua Embedded scripting library MIT
Luaj Embedded scripting library (Java) BSD
tidy HTML markup cleaner MIT
JTidy HTML markup cleaner (Java) BSD
MathJax Browser-based LaTEX functionality Apache v2.0
JQuery Javascript library (used for table sorting/collapsing) MIT
Apache Commons Compress BZ2 compression / decompression library Apache v2.0
7-Zip Compression / decompression program (Windows) LGPL
Lilypond Music score generator GPLv3
ImageMagick Image converter Apache v2.0
Inkscape SVG converter GPL
MiKTEX TEX converter (Windows) MikTex Open Source
archive.org Image database host
Sourceforge.net Project hosting website
Gerrit Software code review
Wikimedia dump servers Wiki backup host
Development tools and utilities
Ubuntu Operating system GPL derived
Eclipse Java IDE CPL
jEdit Text editor GPLv2
Notepad++ Text editor (Windows) GPL
Firebug HTML inspection BSD
LibreOffice Spreadsheet application LGPLv3, MPL
SQuirreL SQL SQL editor LGPL
JSmooth Java exe wrapper (Windows) GPLv2
Launch4J Java exe wrapper (Windows 64-bit) BSD, MIT
qBittorrent Torrent generator GPLv2
GIMP Image manipulation GPLv3
VLC Media player GPLv2
DjVuLibre DjVu viewer GPLv2
Evince PDF viewer GPLv2
MediaWiki Wiki server software GPLv2
PHP Server-side scripting language PHP v3.01
Tango icon library Icons Public Domain
Oxygen Icons LGPL
Special mention
GNU Free software philosophy



