@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
-Copyright (C) 2012-2017 gnosygnu@gmail.com
+Copyright (C) 2012-2020 gnosygnu@gmail.com
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
@@ -13,95 +13,103 @@ The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
GPLv3 License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-GPLv3.txt
Apache License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE2.txt
-package gplx.core.primitives; import gplx.*; import gplx.core.*;
-import org.junit.*;
-public class Gfo_number_parser_tst {
- @Before public void init() {fxt.Clear();} private final Gfo_number_parser_fxt fxt = new Gfo_number_parser_fxt();
- @Test public void Integer() {
- fxt.Test_int("1", 1);
- fxt.Test_int("1234", 1234);
- fxt.Test_int("1234567890", 1234567890);
- fxt.Test_int("-1234", -1234);
- fxt.Test_int("+1", 1);
- fxt.Test_int("00001", 1);
- }
- @Test public void Long() {
- fxt.Test_long("9876543210", 9876543210L);
- }
- @Test public void Decimal() {
- fxt.Test_dec("1.23", Decimal_adp_.parse("1.23"));
- fxt.Test_dec("1.023", Decimal_adp_.parse("1.023"));
- fxt.Test_dec("-1.23", Decimal_adp_.parse("-1.23"));
- }
- @Test public void Double_long() {
- fxt.Test_dec(".42190046219457", Decimal_adp_.parse(".42190046219457"));
- }
- @Test public void Exponent() {
- fxt.Test_int("1E2", 100);
- fxt.Test_dec("1.234E2", Decimal_adp_.parse("123.4"));
- fxt.Test_dec("1.234E-2", Decimal_adp_.parse(".01234"));
- fxt.Test_dec("123.4E-2", Decimal_adp_.parse("1.234"));
- fxt.Test_dec("+6.0E-3", Decimal_adp_.parse(".006"));
- }
- @Test public void Err() {
- fxt.Test_err("+", true);
- fxt.Test_err("-", true);
- fxt.Test_err("a", true);
- fxt.Test_err("1-2", false);
- fxt.Test_err("1..1", true);
- fxt.Test_err("1,,1", true);
- fxt.Test_err("1", false);
- }
- @Test public void Hex() {
- fxt.Test_hex("0x1" , 1);
- fxt.Test_hex("0xF" , 15);
- fxt.Test_hex("0x20" , 32);
- fxt.Test_hex("x20" , 0, false);
- fxt.Test_hex("d" , 0, false); // PURPOSE: d was being converted to 13; no.w:Hovedbanen; DATE:2014-04-13
- }
- @Test public void Ignore() {
- fxt.Init_ignore("\n\t");
- fxt.Test_int("1" , 1);
- fxt.Test_int("1\n" , 1);
- fxt.Test_int("1\t" , 1);
- fxt.Test_int("1\n2" , 12);
- fxt.Test_err("1\r" , true);
- }
-class Gfo_number_parser_fxt {
- private final Gfo_number_parser parser = new Gfo_number_parser();
- public void Clear() {parser.Clear();}
- public void Init_ignore(String chars) {parser.Ignore_chars_(Bry_.new_a7(chars));}
- public void Test_int(String raw, int expd) {
- byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
- int actl = parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Rv_as_int();
- Tfds.Eq(expd, actl, raw);
- }
- public void Test_long(String raw, long expd) {
- byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
- Tfds.Eq(expd, parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Rv_as_long(), raw);
- }
- public void Test_dec(String raw, Decimal_adp expd) {
- byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
- Decimal_adp actl = parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Rv_as_dec();
- Tfds.Eq(expd.To_double(), actl.To_double(), raw);
- }
- public void Test_err(String raw, boolean expd) {
- byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
- boolean actl = parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Has_err();
- Tfds.Eq(expd, actl, raw);
- }
- public void Test_hex(String raw, int expd_val) {Test_hex(raw, expd_val, true);}
- public void Test_hex(String raw, int expd_val, boolean expd_pass) {
- parser.Hex_enabled_(true);
- byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
- int actl = parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Rv_as_int();
- if (expd_pass) {
- Tfds.Eq(expd_val, actl, raw);
- Tfds.Eq(true, !parser.Has_err());
- }
- else
- Tfds.Eq(false, !parser.Has_err());
- parser.Hex_enabled_(false);
- }
+package gplx.core.primitives;
+import gplx.Bry_;
+import gplx.Decimal_adp;
+import gplx.Decimal_adp_;
+import gplx.Tfds;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+public class Gfo_number_parser_tst {
+ @Before public void init() {fxt.Clear();} private final Gfo_number_parser_fxt fxt = new Gfo_number_parser_fxt();
+ @Test public void Integer() {
+ fxt.Test_int("1", 1);
+ fxt.Test_int("1234", 1234);
+ fxt.Test_int("1234567890", 1234567890);
+ fxt.Test_int("-1234", -1234);
+ fxt.Test_int("+1", 1);
+ fxt.Test_int("00001", 1);
+ }
+ @Test public void Long() {
+ fxt.Test_long("9876543210", 9876543210L);
+ }
+ @Test public void Decimal() {
+ fxt.Test_dec("1.23", Decimal_adp_.parse("1.23"));
+ fxt.Test_dec("1.023", Decimal_adp_.parse("1.023"));
+ fxt.Test_dec("-1.23", Decimal_adp_.parse("-1.23"));
+ }
+ @Test public void Double_long() {
+ fxt.Test_dec(".42190046219457", Decimal_adp_.parse(".42190046219457"));
+ }
+ @Test public void Exponent() {
+ fxt.Test_int("1E2", 100);
+ fxt.Test_dec("1.234E2", Decimal_adp_.parse("123.4"));
+ fxt.Test_dec("1.234E-2", Decimal_adp_.parse(".01234"));
+ fxt.Test_dec("123.4E-2", Decimal_adp_.parse("1.234"));
+ fxt.Test_dec("+6.0E-3", Decimal_adp_.parse(".006"));
+ fxt.Test_err("e24", true); // 2020-09-07|ISSUE#:795|scientific notation requires coefficient
+ }
+ @Test public void Err() {
+ fxt.Test_err("+", true);
+ fxt.Test_err("-", true);
+ fxt.Test_err("a", true);
+ fxt.Test_err("1-2", false);
+ fxt.Test_err("1..1", true);
+ fxt.Test_err("1,,1", true);
+ fxt.Test_err("1", false);
+ }
+ @Test public void Hex() {
+ fxt.Test_hex("0x1" , 1);
+ fxt.Test_hex("0xF" , 15);
+ fxt.Test_hex("0x20" , 32);
+ fxt.Test_hex("x20" , 0, false);
+ fxt.Test_hex("d" , 0, false); // PURPOSE: d was being converted to 13; no.w:Hovedbanen; DATE:2014-04-13
+ }
+ @Test public void Ignore() {
+ fxt.Init_ignore("\n\t");
+ fxt.Test_int("1" , 1);
+ fxt.Test_int("1\n" , 1);
+ fxt.Test_int("1\t" , 1);
+ fxt.Test_int("1\n2" , 12);
+ fxt.Test_err("1\r" , true);
+ }
+class Gfo_number_parser_fxt {
+ private final Gfo_number_parser parser = new Gfo_number_parser();
+ public void Clear() {parser.Clear();}
+ public void Init_ignore(String chars) {parser.Ignore_chars_(Bry_.new_a7(chars));}
+ public void Test_int(String raw, int expd) {
+ byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
+ int actl = parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Rv_as_int();
+ Tfds.Eq(expd, actl, raw);
+ }
+ public void Test_long(String raw, long expd) {
+ byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
+ Tfds.Eq(expd, parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Rv_as_long(), raw);
+ }
+ public void Test_dec(String raw, Decimal_adp expd) {
+ byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
+ Decimal_adp actl = parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Rv_as_dec();
+ Tfds.Eq(expd.To_double(), actl.To_double(), raw);
+ }
+ public void Test_err(String raw, boolean expd) {
+ byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
+ boolean actl = parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Has_err();
+ Tfds.Eq(expd, actl, raw);
+ }
+ public void Test_hex(String raw, int expd_val) {Test_hex(raw, expd_val, true);}
+ public void Test_hex(String raw, int expd_val, boolean expd_pass) {
+ parser.Hex_enabled_(true);
+ byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
+ int actl = parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Rv_as_int();
+ if (expd_pass) {
+ Tfds.Eq(expd_val, actl, raw);
+ Tfds.Eq(true, !parser.Has_err());
+ }
+ else
+ Tfds.Eq(false, !parser.Has_err());
+ parser.Hex_enabled_(false);
+ }