فهرست منبع

Parser: Require coefficient for scientific notation [#795]

gnosygnu 4 سال پیش
2فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه280 افزوده شده و 264 حذف شده
  1. 179 171
  2. 101 93

+ 179 - 171

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
 XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
-Copyright (C) 2012-2017 gnosygnu@gmail.com
+Copyright (C) 2012-2020 gnosygnu@gmail.com
 XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
 XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
 or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
 or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
@@ -13,173 +13,181 @@ The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
 GPLv3 License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-GPLv3.txt
 GPLv3 License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-GPLv3.txt
 Apache License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE2.txt
 Apache License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE2.txt
-package gplx.core.primitives; import gplx.*; import gplx.core.*;
-public class Gfo_number_parser {
-	public int				Rv_as_int() {return (int)num_val;} private long num_val = 0;
-	public long				Rv_as_long() {return num_val;}
-	public Decimal_adp		Rv_as_dec() {return dec_val == null ? Decimal_adp_.long_(num_val) : dec_val;} private Decimal_adp dec_val = null;
-	public boolean				Is_int()	{return dec_val == null && (num_val >= Int_.Min_value && num_val <= Int_.Max_value);}
-	public boolean				Has_err()	{return has_err;} private boolean has_err;
-	public boolean				Has_frac()	{return has_frac;} private boolean has_frac;
-	public boolean				Hex_enabled() {return hex_enabled;} public Gfo_number_parser Hex_enabled_(boolean v) {hex_enabled = v; return this;} private boolean hex_enabled;
-	public Gfo_number_parser	Ignore_chars_(byte[] v) {this.ignore_chars = v; return this;} private byte[] ignore_chars;
-	public Gfo_number_parser	Ignore_space_at_end_y_() {this.ignore_space_at_end = true; return this;} private boolean ignore_space_at_end;
-	public void	Clear() {
-		ignore_chars = null;
-	}
-	public Gfo_number_parser Parse(byte[] src) {return Parse(src, 0, src.length);}
-	public Gfo_number_parser Parse(byte[] ary, int bgn, int end) {
-		int loop_bgn = end - 1, loop_end = bgn - 1, exp_multiplier = 1, factor = 10;
-		long multiplier = 1, frc_multiplier = 1;
-		num_val = 0; dec_val = null; boolean comma_nil = true;
-		long frc_int = 0;
-		has_err = false; has_frac = false; boolean has_exp = false, has_neg = false, exp_neg = false, has_plus = false, has_num = false;
-		boolean input_is_hex = false;
-		if (hex_enabled) {
-			if (loop_end + 2 < end) {		// ArrayOutOfBounds check
-				byte b_2 = ary[loop_end + 2];
-				switch (b_2) {
-					case Byte_ascii.Ltr_x:
-					case Byte_ascii.Ltr_X:								// is 2nd char x?
-						if (ary[loop_end + 1] == Byte_ascii.Num_0) {	// is 1st char 0?
-							factor = 16;
-							input_is_hex = true;
-						}
-						break;
-					default:
-						break;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		for (int i = loop_bgn; i > loop_end; i--) {
-			byte cur = ary[i];
-			switch (cur) {
-				case Byte_ascii.Num_0:
-				case Byte_ascii.Num_1:
-				case Byte_ascii.Num_2:
-				case Byte_ascii.Num_3:
-				case Byte_ascii.Num_4:
-				case Byte_ascii.Num_5:
-				case Byte_ascii.Num_6:
-				case Byte_ascii.Num_7:
-				case Byte_ascii.Num_8:
-				case Byte_ascii.Num_9:
-					num_val += (cur - Byte_ascii.Num_0) * multiplier;
-					multiplier *= factor;
-					has_num = true;
-					break;
-				case Byte_ascii.Dot:
-					if (has_frac) return Has_err_y_();
-					frc_int = num_val;
-					num_val = 0;
-					frc_multiplier = multiplier;
-					multiplier = 1;
-					has_frac = true;
-					break;
-				case Byte_ascii.Comma:
-					if (comma_nil)
-						comma_nil = false;
-					else
-						return Has_err_y_();
-					break;
-				case Byte_ascii.Dash:
-					if (has_neg) return Has_err_y_();
-					has_neg = true;
-					break;
-				case Byte_ascii.Space:
-					if		(i == bgn) {}	// space at bgn
-					else if (i == end - 1 && ignore_space_at_end) {}	// ignore space at end; DATE:2015-04-29
-					else
-						return Has_err_y_();
-					break;
-				case Byte_ascii.Plus:
-					if (has_plus) return Has_err_y_();
-					has_plus = true;
-					break;
-				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_e:
-				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_E:
-					if (input_is_hex) {
-						num_val += 14 * multiplier;	// NOTE: 14=value of e/E
-						multiplier *= factor;
-						has_num = true;						
-					}
-					else {
-						if (has_exp) return Has_err_y_();
-						exp_neg = has_neg;
-						exp_multiplier = (int)Math_.Pow(10, num_val);
-						num_val = 0;
-						multiplier = 1;
-						has_exp = true;
-						has_neg = false;
-						has_plus = false;	// allow +1E+2
-					}
-					break;
-				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_A:
-				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_B:
-				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_C:
-				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_D:
-				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_F:
-					if (input_is_hex) {
-						num_val += (cur - Byte_ascii.Ltr_A + 10) * multiplier;
-						multiplier *= factor;
-						has_num = true;
-					}
-					else
-						return Has_err_y_();
-					break;
-				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_a:
-				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_b:
-				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_c:
-				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_d:
-				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_f:
-					if (input_is_hex) {
-						num_val += (cur - Byte_ascii.Ltr_a + 10) * multiplier;
-						multiplier *= factor;
-						has_num = true;
-					}
-					else
-						return Has_err_y_();
-					break;
-				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_x:
-				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_X:
-					if (input_is_hex)
-						return (factor == 16) ? this : Has_err_y_();	// check for '0x'
-					else
-						return Has_err_y_();
-				default:
-					if (ignore_chars != null) {
-						int ignore_chars_len = ignore_chars.length;
-						boolean ignored = false;
-						for (int j = 0; j < ignore_chars_len; ++j) {
-							if (cur == ignore_chars[j]) {
-								ignored = true;
-								break;
-							}
-						}
-						if (ignored) continue;
-					}
-					return Has_err_y_();
-			}
-		}			
-		if (!has_num) return Has_err_y_();	// handles situations wherein just symbols; EX: "+", ".", "-.", " ,  " etc.
-		if (has_frac) {
-			long full_val = (((num_val * frc_multiplier) + frc_int));
-			if (has_neg) full_val *= -1;
-			if (has_exp) {
-				if (exp_neg)	frc_multiplier	*= exp_multiplier;	// divide, so apply to frc
-				else			full_val		*= exp_multiplier;	// multiply, so apply to full_val
-			}
-			dec_val = Decimal_adp_.divide_(full_val, frc_multiplier);
-		}
-		else {
-			if (has_neg) num_val *= -1;
-			if (has_exp) {
-				num_val = exp_neg 
-					? num_val / exp_multiplier 
-					: num_val * exp_multiplier;
-			}
-		}
-		return this;
-	}
-	private Gfo_number_parser Has_err_y_() {has_err = true; return this;}
+package gplx.core.primitives;
+import gplx.Byte_ascii;
+import gplx.Decimal_adp;
+import gplx.Decimal_adp_;
+import gplx.Int_;
+import gplx.Math_;
+public class Gfo_number_parser {
+	public int                  Rv_as_int() {return (int)num_val;} private long num_val = 0;
+	public long                 Rv_as_long() {return num_val;}
+	public Decimal_adp          Rv_as_dec() {return dec_val == null ? Decimal_adp_.long_(num_val) : dec_val;} private Decimal_adp dec_val = null;
+	public boolean              Is_int() {return dec_val == null && (num_val >= Int_.Min_value && num_val <= Int_.Max_value);}
+	public boolean              Has_err() {return has_err;} private boolean has_err;
+	public boolean              Has_frac() {return has_frac;} private boolean has_frac;
+	public boolean              Hex_enabled() {return hex_enabled;} public Gfo_number_parser Hex_enabled_(boolean v) {hex_enabled = v; return this;} private boolean hex_enabled;
+	public Gfo_number_parser    Ignore_chars_(byte[] v) {this.ignore_chars = v; return this;} private byte[] ignore_chars;
+	public Gfo_number_parser    Ignore_space_at_end_y_() {this.ignore_space_at_end = true; return this;} private boolean ignore_space_at_end;
+	public void	Clear() {
+		ignore_chars = null;
+	}
+	public Gfo_number_parser Parse(byte[] src) {return Parse(src, 0, src.length);}
+	public Gfo_number_parser Parse(byte[] ary, int bgn, int end) {
+		int loop_bgn = end - 1, loop_end = bgn - 1, exp_multiplier = 1, factor = 10;
+		long multiplier = 1, frc_multiplier = 1;
+		num_val = 0; dec_val = null; boolean comma_nil = true;
+		long frc_int = 0;
+		has_err = false; has_frac = false; boolean has_exp = false, has_neg = false, exp_neg = false, has_plus = false, has_num = false;
+		boolean input_is_hex = false;
+		if (hex_enabled) {
+			if (loop_end + 2 < end) {		// ArrayOutOfBounds check
+				byte b_2 = ary[loop_end + 2];
+				switch (b_2) {
+					case Byte_ascii.Ltr_x:
+					case Byte_ascii.Ltr_X:								// is 2nd char x?
+						if (ary[loop_end + 1] == Byte_ascii.Num_0) {	// is 1st char 0?
+							factor = 16;
+							input_is_hex = true;
+						}
+						break;
+					default:
+						break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		for (int i = loop_bgn; i > loop_end; i--) {
+			byte cur = ary[i];
+			switch (cur) {
+				case Byte_ascii.Num_0:
+				case Byte_ascii.Num_1:
+				case Byte_ascii.Num_2:
+				case Byte_ascii.Num_3:
+				case Byte_ascii.Num_4:
+				case Byte_ascii.Num_5:
+				case Byte_ascii.Num_6:
+				case Byte_ascii.Num_7:
+				case Byte_ascii.Num_8:
+				case Byte_ascii.Num_9:
+					num_val += (cur - Byte_ascii.Num_0) * multiplier;
+					multiplier *= factor;
+					has_num = true;
+					break;
+				case Byte_ascii.Dot:
+					if (has_frac) return Has_err_y_();
+					frc_int = num_val;
+					num_val = 0;
+					frc_multiplier = multiplier;
+					multiplier = 1;
+					has_frac = true;
+					break;
+				case Byte_ascii.Comma:
+					if (comma_nil)
+						comma_nil = false;
+					else
+						return Has_err_y_();
+					break;
+				case Byte_ascii.Dash:
+					if (has_neg) return Has_err_y_();
+					has_neg = true;
+					break;
+				case Byte_ascii.Space:
+					if		(i == bgn) {}	// space at bgn
+					else if (i == end - 1 && ignore_space_at_end) {}	// ignore space at end; DATE:2015-04-29
+					else
+						return Has_err_y_();
+					break;
+				case Byte_ascii.Plus:
+					if (has_plus) return Has_err_y_();
+					has_plus = true;
+					break;
+				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_e:
+				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_E:
+					if (input_is_hex) {
+						num_val += 14 * multiplier;	// NOTE: 14=value of e/E
+						multiplier *= factor;
+						has_num = true;						
+					}
+					else {
+						if (has_exp) return Has_err_y_();
+						exp_neg = has_neg;
+						exp_multiplier = (int)Math_.Pow(10, num_val);
+						num_val = 0;
+						multiplier = 1;
+						has_exp = true;
+						has_neg = false;
+						has_plus = false;	// allow +1E+2
+						has_num = false; // 2020-09-07|ISSUE#:795|scientific notation requires coefficient; set has_num to false which will fail below if no coefficient
+					}
+					break;
+				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_A:
+				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_B:
+				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_C:
+				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_D:
+				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_F:
+					if (input_is_hex) {
+						num_val += (cur - Byte_ascii.Ltr_A + 10) * multiplier;
+						multiplier *= factor;
+						has_num = true;
+					}
+					else
+						return Has_err_y_();
+					break;
+				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_a:
+				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_b:
+				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_c:
+				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_d:
+				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_f:
+					if (input_is_hex) {
+						num_val += (cur - Byte_ascii.Ltr_a + 10) * multiplier;
+						multiplier *= factor;
+						has_num = true;
+					}
+					else
+						return Has_err_y_();
+					break;
+				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_x:
+				case Byte_ascii.Ltr_X:
+					if (input_is_hex)
+						return (factor == 16) ? this : Has_err_y_();	// check for '0x'
+					else
+						return Has_err_y_();
+				default:
+					if (ignore_chars != null) {
+						int ignore_chars_len = ignore_chars.length;
+						boolean ignored = false;
+						for (int j = 0; j < ignore_chars_len; ++j) {
+							if (cur == ignore_chars[j]) {
+								ignored = true;
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						if (ignored) continue;
+					}
+					return Has_err_y_();
+			}
+		}			
+		if (!has_num) return Has_err_y_();	// handles situations wherein just symbols; EX: "+", ".", "-.", " ,  " etc.
+		if (has_frac) {
+			long full_val = (((num_val * frc_multiplier) + frc_int));
+			if (has_neg) full_val *= -1;
+			if (has_exp) {
+				if (exp_neg)	frc_multiplier	*= exp_multiplier;	// divide, so apply to frc
+				else			full_val		*= exp_multiplier;	// multiply, so apply to full_val
+			}
+			dec_val = Decimal_adp_.divide_(full_val, frc_multiplier);
+		}
+		else {
+			if (has_neg) num_val *= -1;
+			if (has_exp) {
+				num_val = exp_neg 
+					? num_val / exp_multiplier 
+					: num_val * exp_multiplier;
+			}
+		}
+		return this;
+	}
+	private Gfo_number_parser Has_err_y_() {has_err = true; return this;}

+ 101 - 93

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
 XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
-Copyright (C) 2012-2017 gnosygnu@gmail.com
+Copyright (C) 2012-2020 gnosygnu@gmail.com
 XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
 XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
 or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
 or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
@@ -13,95 +13,103 @@ The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
 GPLv3 License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-GPLv3.txt
 GPLv3 License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-GPLv3.txt
 Apache License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE2.txt
 Apache License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE2.txt
-package gplx.core.primitives; import gplx.*; import gplx.core.*;
-import org.junit.*;
-public class Gfo_number_parser_tst {		
-	@Before public void init() {fxt.Clear();} private final    Gfo_number_parser_fxt fxt = new Gfo_number_parser_fxt();
-	@Test  public void Integer() {
-		fxt.Test_int("1", 1);
-		fxt.Test_int("1234", 1234);
-		fxt.Test_int("1234567890", 1234567890);
-		fxt.Test_int("-1234", -1234);
-		fxt.Test_int("+1", 1);
-		fxt.Test_int("00001", 1);
-	}
-	@Test  public void Long() {
-		fxt.Test_long("9876543210", 9876543210L);
-	}
-	@Test  public void Decimal() {
-		fxt.Test_dec("1.23", Decimal_adp_.parse("1.23"));
-		fxt.Test_dec("1.023", Decimal_adp_.parse("1.023"));
-		fxt.Test_dec("-1.23", Decimal_adp_.parse("-1.23"));
-	}
-	@Test  public void Double_long() {
-		fxt.Test_dec(".42190046219457", Decimal_adp_.parse(".42190046219457"));
-	}
-	@Test  public void Exponent() {
-		fxt.Test_int("1E2", 100);
-		fxt.Test_dec("1.234E2", Decimal_adp_.parse("123.4"));
-		fxt.Test_dec("1.234E-2", Decimal_adp_.parse(".01234"));
-		fxt.Test_dec("123.4E-2", Decimal_adp_.parse("1.234"));
-		fxt.Test_dec("+6.0E-3", Decimal_adp_.parse(".006"));
-	}
-	@Test  public void Err() {
-		fxt.Test_err("+", true);
-		fxt.Test_err("-", true);
-		fxt.Test_err("a", true);
-		fxt.Test_err("1-2", false);
-		fxt.Test_err("1..1", true);
-		fxt.Test_err("1,,1", true);
-		fxt.Test_err("1", false);
-	}
-	@Test  public void Hex() {
-		fxt.Test_hex("0x1"	, 1);
-		fxt.Test_hex("0xF"	, 15);
-		fxt.Test_hex("0x20"	, 32);
-		fxt.Test_hex("x20"	, 0, false);
-		fxt.Test_hex("d"	, 0, false);	// PURPOSE: d was being converted to 13; no.w:Hovedbanen; DATE:2014-04-13
-	}
-	@Test  public void Ignore() {
-		fxt.Init_ignore("\n\t");
-		fxt.Test_int("1"	, 1);
-		fxt.Test_int("1\n"	, 1);
-		fxt.Test_int("1\t"	, 1);
-		fxt.Test_int("1\n2"	, 12);
-		fxt.Test_err("1\r"	, true);
-	}
-class Gfo_number_parser_fxt {
-	private final    Gfo_number_parser parser = new Gfo_number_parser();
-	public void Clear() {parser.Clear();}
-	public void Init_ignore(String chars) {parser.Ignore_chars_(Bry_.new_a7(chars));}
-	public void Test_int(String raw, int expd) {
-		byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
-		int actl = parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Rv_as_int(); 
-		Tfds.Eq(expd, actl, raw);
-	}
-	public void Test_long(String raw, long expd) {
-		byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
-		Tfds.Eq(expd, parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Rv_as_long(), raw);
-	}
-	public void Test_dec(String raw, Decimal_adp expd) {
-		byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
-		Decimal_adp actl = parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Rv_as_dec(); 
-		Tfds.Eq(expd.To_double(), actl.To_double(), raw);
-	}
-	public void Test_err(String raw, boolean expd) {
-		byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
-		boolean actl = parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Has_err(); 
-		Tfds.Eq(expd, actl, raw);
-	}
-	public void Test_hex(String raw, int expd_val) {Test_hex(raw, expd_val, true);}
-	public void Test_hex(String raw, int expd_val, boolean expd_pass) {
-		parser.Hex_enabled_(true);
-		byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
-		int actl = parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Rv_as_int();
-		if (expd_pass) {
-			Tfds.Eq(expd_val, actl, raw);
-			Tfds.Eq(true, !parser.Has_err());
-		}
-		else 
-			Tfds.Eq(false, !parser.Has_err());
-		parser.Hex_enabled_(false);
-	}
+package gplx.core.primitives;
+import gplx.Bry_;
+import gplx.Decimal_adp;
+import gplx.Decimal_adp_;
+import gplx.Tfds;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+public class Gfo_number_parser_tst {
+	@Before public void init() {fxt.Clear();} private final Gfo_number_parser_fxt fxt = new Gfo_number_parser_fxt();
+	@Test public void Integer() {
+		fxt.Test_int("1", 1);
+		fxt.Test_int("1234", 1234);
+		fxt.Test_int("1234567890", 1234567890);
+		fxt.Test_int("-1234", -1234);
+		fxt.Test_int("+1", 1);
+		fxt.Test_int("00001", 1);
+	}
+	@Test public void Long() {
+		fxt.Test_long("9876543210", 9876543210L);
+	}
+	@Test public void Decimal() {
+		fxt.Test_dec("1.23", Decimal_adp_.parse("1.23"));
+		fxt.Test_dec("1.023", Decimal_adp_.parse("1.023"));
+		fxt.Test_dec("-1.23", Decimal_adp_.parse("-1.23"));
+	}
+	@Test public void Double_long() {
+		fxt.Test_dec(".42190046219457", Decimal_adp_.parse(".42190046219457"));
+	}
+	@Test public void Exponent() {
+		fxt.Test_int("1E2", 100);
+		fxt.Test_dec("1.234E2", Decimal_adp_.parse("123.4"));
+		fxt.Test_dec("1.234E-2", Decimal_adp_.parse(".01234"));
+		fxt.Test_dec("123.4E-2", Decimal_adp_.parse("1.234"));
+		fxt.Test_dec("+6.0E-3", Decimal_adp_.parse(".006"));
+		fxt.Test_err("e24", true); // 2020-09-07|ISSUE#:795|scientific notation requires coefficient
+	}
+	@Test public void Err() {
+		fxt.Test_err("+", true);
+		fxt.Test_err("-", true);
+		fxt.Test_err("a", true);
+		fxt.Test_err("1-2", false);
+		fxt.Test_err("1..1", true);
+		fxt.Test_err("1,,1", true);
+		fxt.Test_err("1", false);
+	}
+	@Test public void Hex() {
+		fxt.Test_hex("0x1"	, 1);
+		fxt.Test_hex("0xF"	, 15);
+		fxt.Test_hex("0x20"	, 32);
+		fxt.Test_hex("x20"	, 0, false);
+		fxt.Test_hex("d"	, 0, false);	// PURPOSE: d was being converted to 13; no.w:Hovedbanen; DATE:2014-04-13
+	}
+	@Test public void Ignore() {
+		fxt.Init_ignore("\n\t");
+		fxt.Test_int("1"	, 1);
+		fxt.Test_int("1\n"	, 1);
+		fxt.Test_int("1\t"	, 1);
+		fxt.Test_int("1\n2"	, 12);
+		fxt.Test_err("1\r"	, true);
+	}
+class Gfo_number_parser_fxt {
+	private final Gfo_number_parser parser = new Gfo_number_parser();
+	public void Clear() {parser.Clear();}
+	public void Init_ignore(String chars) {parser.Ignore_chars_(Bry_.new_a7(chars));}
+	public void Test_int(String raw, int expd) {
+		byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
+		int actl = parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Rv_as_int(); 
+		Tfds.Eq(expd, actl, raw);
+	}
+	public void Test_long(String raw, long expd) {
+		byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
+		Tfds.Eq(expd, parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Rv_as_long(), raw);
+	}
+	public void Test_dec(String raw, Decimal_adp expd) {
+		byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
+		Decimal_adp actl = parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Rv_as_dec(); 
+		Tfds.Eq(expd.To_double(), actl.To_double(), raw);
+	}
+	public void Test_err(String raw, boolean expd) {
+		byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
+		boolean actl = parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Has_err(); 
+		Tfds.Eq(expd, actl, raw);
+	}
+	public void Test_hex(String raw, int expd_val) {Test_hex(raw, expd_val, true);}
+	public void Test_hex(String raw, int expd_val, boolean expd_pass) {
+		parser.Hex_enabled_(true);
+		byte[] raw_bry = Bry_.new_a7(raw);
+		int actl = parser.Parse(raw_bry, 0, raw_bry.length).Rv_as_int();
+		if (expd_pass) {
+			Tfds.Eq(expd_val, actl, raw);
+			Tfds.Eq(true, !parser.Has_err());
+		}
+		else 
+			Tfds.Eq(false, !parser.Has_err());
+		parser.Hex_enabled_(false);
+	}