@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
-Copyright (C) 2012-2017 gnosygnu@gmail.com
+Copyright (C) 2012-2020 gnosygnu@gmail.com
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
@@ -13,175 +13,202 @@ The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
GPLv3 License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-GPLv3.txt
Apache License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE2.txt
-package gplx.xowa.xtns.syntax_highlights; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*;
-import org.junit.*;
-public class Synh_xtn_nde_tst {
- private final Xop_fxt fxt = new Xop_fxt();
- @Test public void Basic() {
- fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str("<syntaxHighlight>abc</syntaxHighlight>", "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">abc</pre></div>");
- }
- @Test public void Text() {
- fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str("<syntaxHighlight lang=\"text\">abc</syntaxHighlight>", "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\" class=\"prettyprint lang-text\">abc</pre></div>");
- }
- @Test public void Style_pre() {
- fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str("<syntaxHighlight style=\"color:red;\">abc</syntaxHighlight>", "<div class=\"mw-highlight\" style=\"color:red;\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">abc</pre></div>");
- }
- @Test public void Style_code() {
- fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str("<syntaxHighlight lang=\"text\" style=\"color:red;\">abc</syntaxHighlight>", "<div class=\"mw-highlight\" style=\"color:red;\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\" class=\"prettyprint lang-text\">abc</pre></div>");
- }
- @Test public void Trim_ws() {
- fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
- ( "<syntaxHighlight>"
- , "abc"
- , "</syntaxHighlight>"
- ), String_.Concat_lines_nl
- ( "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
- , "abc"
- , "</pre></div>"
- ));
- }
- @Test public void Line() {
- fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
- ( "<syntaxHighlight line>"
- , "a"
- , "b"
- , "</syntaxHighlight>"
- ), String_.Concat_lines_nl
- ( "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
- , "<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">1 </span><span>a</span>"
- , "<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">2 </span><span>b</span>"
- , "</pre></div>"
- ));
- }
- @Test public void Start() {
- fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
- ( "<syntaxHighlight line start=3>"
- , "a"
- , "b"
- , "</syntaxHighlight>"
- ), String_.Concat_lines_nl
- ( "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
- , "<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">3 </span><span>a</span>"
- , "<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">4 </span><span>b</span>"
- , "</pre></div>"
- ));
- }
- @Test public void Highlight() {
- fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
- ( "<syntaxHighlight line highlight='1,3'>"
- , "a"
- , "b"
- , "c"
- , "</syntaxHighlight>"
- ), String_.Concat_lines_nl
- ( "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
- , "<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">1 </span><span style=\"background-color: #FFFFCC;\">a</span>"
- , "<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">2 </span><span>b</span>"
- , "<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">3 </span><span style=\"background-color: #FFFFCC;\">c</span>"
- , "</pre></div>"
- ));
- }
- @Test public void Highlight_wo_line_arg() {
- fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
- ( "<syntaxHighlight highlight='1,3'>"
- , "a"
- , "b"
- , "c"
- , "</syntaxHighlight>"
- ), String_.Concat_lines_nl
- ( "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
- , "<span style=\"background-color: #FFFFCC;\">a</span>"
- , "<span>b</span>"
- , "<span style=\"background-color: #FFFFCC;\">c</span>"
- , "</pre></div>"
- ));
- }
- @Test public void Enclose_none() {
- fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
- ( "<syntaxHighlight enclose=none style='color:red'>"
- , "a"
- , "b"
- , "c"
- , "</syntaxHighlight>"
- ), String_.Concat_lines_nl
- ( "<code class=\"mw-highlight\" style=\"color:red\">"
- , "a"
- , "b"
- , "c"
- , "</code>"
- ));
- }
- @Test public void Line_padded() {
- fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
- ( "<syntaxHighlight line start=9>"
- , "a"
- , "b"
- , "</syntaxHighlight>"
- ), String_.Concat_lines_nl
- ( "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
- , "<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\"> 9 </span><span>a</span>"
- , "<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">10 </span><span>b</span>"
- , "</pre></div>"
- ));
- }
- @Test public void EndTag_has_ws() { // PURPOSE: </syntaxhighlight > not being closed correctly; PAGE:en.w:Mergesort; updated; DATE:2014-06-24
- fxt.Init_para_y_();
- fxt.Test_parse_page_wiki_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
- ( "a"
- , "<syntaxhighlight>"
- , "b"
- , "</syntaxhighlight >"
- , "c"
- , "<syntaxhighlight>"
- , "d"
- , "</syntaxhighlight>"
- ), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
- ( "<p>a"
- , "</p>"
- , "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
- , "b"
- , "</pre></div>"
- , ""
- , "<p>c"
- , "</p>"
- , "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
- , "d"
- , "</pre></div>"
- , ""
- ));
- fxt.Init_para_n_();
- }
- @Test public void Trim_ws_from_end_tab() {// PURPOSE: trim ws between "abc" and "</syntaxhighlight"; PAGE:en.w:Comment_(computer_programming); DATE:2014-06-23
- fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
- ( "<syntaxHighlight>"
- , "abc"
- , " </syntaxHighlight>" // trim ws here
- ), String_.Concat_lines_nl
- ( "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
- , "abc"
- , "</pre></div>"
- ));
- }
- @Test public void Pre() {// PURPOSE: handle pre; PAGE:en.w:Comment_(computer_programming); DATE:2014-06-23
- fxt.Init_para_y_();
- fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
- ( "a"
- , ""
- , " <syntaxHighlight>"
- , " b"
- , " </syntaxHighlight>" // trim ws here
- , ""
- , "c"
- ), String_.Concat_lines_nl
- ( "<p>a"
- , "</p>"
- , " <div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
- , " b"
- , "</pre></div>"
- , ""
- , "<p>c"
- , "</p>"
- ));
- fxt.Init_para_n_();
- }
+package gplx.xowa.xtns.syntax_highlights;
+import gplx.String_;
+import gplx.xowa.Xop_fxt;
+import org.junit.Test;
+public class Synh_xtn_nde_tst {
+ private final Xop_fxt fxt = new Xop_fxt();
+ @Test public void Basic() {
+ fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str("<syntaxHighlight>abc</syntaxHighlight>", "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">abc</pre></div>");
+ }
+ @Test public void Text() {
+ fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str("<syntaxHighlight lang=\"text\">abc</syntaxHighlight>", "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\" class=\"prettyprint lang-text\">abc</pre></div>");
+ }
+ @Test public void Style_pre() {
+ fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str("<syntaxHighlight style=\"color:red;\">abc</syntaxHighlight>", "<div class=\"mw-highlight\" style=\"color:red;\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">abc</pre></div>");
+ }
+ @Test public void Style_code() {
+ fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str("<syntaxHighlight lang=\"text\" style=\"color:red;\">abc</syntaxHighlight>", "<div class=\"mw-highlight\" style=\"color:red;\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\" class=\"prettyprint lang-text\">abc</pre></div>");
+ }
+ @Test public void Trim_ws() {
+ fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "<syntaxHighlight>"
+ , "abc"
+ , "</syntaxHighlight>"
+ ), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+ , "abc"
+ , "</pre></div>"
+ ));
+ }
+ @Test public void Line() {
+ fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "<syntaxHighlight line>"
+ , "a"
+ , "b"
+ , "</syntaxHighlight>"
+ ), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+ , "<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">1 </span><span>a</span>"
+ , "<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">2 </span><span>b</span>"
+ , "</pre></div>"
+ ));
+ }
+ @Test public void Start() {
+ fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "<syntaxHighlight line start=3>"
+ , "a"
+ , "b"
+ , "</syntaxHighlight>"
+ ), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+ , "<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">3 </span><span>a</span>"
+ , "<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">4 </span><span>b</span>"
+ , "</pre></div>"
+ ));
+ }
+ @Test public void Highlight() {
+ fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "<syntaxHighlight line highlight='1,3'>"
+ , "a"
+ , "b"
+ , "c"
+ , "</syntaxHighlight>"
+ ), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+ , "<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">1 </span><span style=\"background-color: #FFFFCC;\">a</span>"
+ , "<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">2 </span><span>b</span>"
+ , "<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">3 </span><span style=\"background-color: #FFFFCC;\">c</span>"
+ , "</pre></div>"
+ ));
+ }
+ @Test public void Highlight_wo_line_arg() {
+ fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "<syntaxHighlight highlight='1,3'>"
+ , "a"
+ , "b"
+ , "c"
+ , "</syntaxHighlight>"
+ ), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+ , "<span style=\"background-color: #FFFFCC;\">a</span>"
+ , "<span>b</span>"
+ , "<span style=\"background-color: #FFFFCC;\">c</span>"
+ , "</pre></div>"
+ ));
+ }
+ @Test public void Enclose_none() {
+ fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "<syntaxHighlight enclose=none style='color:red'>"
+ , "a"
+ , "b"
+ , "c"
+ , "</syntaxHighlight>"
+ ), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "<code class=\"mw-highlight\" style=\"color:red\">"
+ , "a"
+ , "b"
+ , "c"
+ , "</code>"
+ ));
+ }
+ @Test public void Line_padded() {
+ fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "<syntaxHighlight line start=9>"
+ , "a"
+ , "b"
+ , "</syntaxHighlight>"
+ ), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+ , "<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\"> 9 </span><span>a</span>"
+ , "<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">10 </span><span>b</span>"
+ , "</pre></div>"
+ ));
+ }
+ @Test public void EndTag_has_ws() { // PURPOSE: </syntaxhighlight > not being closed correctly; PAGE:en.w:Mergesort; updated; DATE:2014-06-24
+ fxt.Init_para_y_();
+ fxt.Test_parse_page_wiki_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
+ ( "a"
+ , "<syntaxhighlight>"
+ , "b"
+ , "</syntaxhighlight >"
+ , "c"
+ , "<syntaxhighlight>"
+ , "d"
+ , "</syntaxhighlight>"
+ ), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
+ ( "<p>a"
+ , "</p>"
+ , "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+ , "b"
+ , "</pre></div>"
+ , ""
+ , "<p>c"
+ , "</p>"
+ , "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+ , "d"
+ , "</pre></div>"
+ , ""
+ ));
+ fxt.Init_para_n_();
+ }
+ @Test public void Trim_ws_from_end_tab() {// PURPOSE: trim ws between "abc" and "</syntaxhighlight"; PAGE:en.w:Comment_(computer_programming); DATE:2014-06-23
+ fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "<syntaxHighlight>"
+ , "abc"
+ , " </syntaxHighlight>" // trim ws here
+ ), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+ , "abc"
+ , "</pre></div>"
+ ));
+ }
+ @Test public void Pre() {// PURPOSE: handle pre; PAGE:en.w:Comment_(computer_programming); DATE:2014-06-23
+ fxt.Init_para_y_();
+ fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "a"
+ , ""
+ , " <syntaxHighlight>"
+ , " b"
+ , " </syntaxHighlight>" // trim ws here
+ , ""
+ , "c"
+ ), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "<p>a"
+ , "</p>"
+ , " <div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+ , " b"
+ , "</pre></div>"
+ , ""
+ , "<p>c"
+ , "</p>"
+ ));
+ fxt.Init_para_n_();
+ }
+ @Test public void Inline() {
+ // 2020-08-27|ISSUE#:794|inline should be enclose=none
+ fxt.Init_para_y_();
+ fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "a"
+ , ""
+ , " <syntaxHighlight inline>"
+ , " b"
+ , " </syntaxHighlight>" // trim ws here
+ , ""
+ , "c"
+ ), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+ ( "<p>a"
+ , "</p>"
+ , " <code class=\"mw-highlight\">" // fails with <div class="mw-highlight"><pre style="overflow:auto">
+ , " b"
+ , "</code>"
+ , ""
+ , "<p>c"
+ , "</p>"
+ ));
+ fxt.Init_para_n_();
+ }