
SyntaxHighlight: Treat syntaxHighlight inline as enclose=none [#794]

gnosygnu 4 年之前

+ 63 - 41

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
 XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
-Copyright (C) 2012-2017 gnosygnu@gmail.com
+Copyright (C) 2012-2020 gnosygnu@gmail.com
 XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
 XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
 or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
 or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
@@ -13,43 +13,65 @@ The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
 GPLv3 License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-GPLv3.txt
 GPLv3 License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-GPLv3.txt
 Apache License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE2.txt
 Apache License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE2.txt
-package gplx.xowa.xtns.syntax_highlights; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*;
-import gplx.core.primitives.*;
-import gplx.xowa.parsers.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.xndes.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.htmls.*;
-import gplx.xowa.htmls.*; import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.htmls.*;
-public class Synh_xtn_nde implements Xox_xnde, Mwh_atr_itm_owner1 {
-	private byte[] lang = Bry_.Empty; private byte[] style = null; private byte[] enclose = Bry_.Empty;
-	private boolean line_enabled = false; private int start = 1; private Int_rng_mgr highlight_idxs = Int_rng_mgr_null.Instance;
-	public Xop_xnde_tkn Xnde() {throw Err_.new_unimplemented();}
-	public void Xatr__set(Xowe_wiki wiki, byte[] src, Mwh_atr_itm xatr, Object xatr_id_obj) {
-		if (xatr_id_obj == null) return;
-		Byte_obj_val xatr_id = (Byte_obj_val)xatr_id_obj;
-		switch (xatr_id.Val()) {
-			case Xatr_line:			line_enabled	= true; break;
-			case Xatr_enclose:		enclose			= xatr.Val_as_bry(); break;
-			case Xatr_lang:			lang			= xatr.Val_as_bry(); break;
-			case Xatr_style:		style			= xatr.Val_as_bry(); break;
-			case Xatr_start:		start			= xatr.Val_as_int_or(1); break;
-			case Xatr_highlight:	highlight_idxs	= new Int_rng_mgr_base(); highlight_idxs.Parse(xatr.Val_as_bry()); break;
-		}
-	}
-	public void Xtn_parse(Xowe_wiki wiki, Xop_ctx ctx, Xop_root_tkn root, byte[] src, Xop_xnde_tkn xnde) {
-		Xop_xnde_tag tag = xnde.Tag();
-		ctx.Para().Process_block__xnde(tag, tag.Block_open());	// deactivate pre; pre; PAGE:en.w:Comment_(computer_programming); DATE:2014-06-24
-		Xox_xnde_.Xatr__set(wiki, this, xatrs_hash, src, xnde);
-		ctx.Para().Process_block__xnde(tag, tag.Block_close());	// deactivate pre; pre; PAGE:en.w:Comment_(computer_programming); DATE:2014-06-24
-	}
-	public void Xtn_write(Bry_bfr bfr, Xoae_app app, Xop_ctx ctx, Xoh_html_wtr html_wtr, Xoh_wtr_ctx hctx, Xoae_page wpg, Xop_xnde_tkn xnde, byte[] src) {
-		Synh_xtn_nde_.Make(bfr, app, src, xnde.Tag_open_end(), xnde.Tag_close_bgn(), lang, enclose, style, line_enabled, start, highlight_idxs);
-	}
-	private static final byte Xatr_enclose = 1, Xatr_lang = 2, Xatr_style = 3, Xatr_line = 4, Xatr_start = 5, Xatr_highlight = 6;
-	private static final    Hash_adp_bry xatrs_hash = Hash_adp_bry.ci_a7()
-	.Add_str_byte("enclose"		, Xatr_enclose)
-	.Add_str_byte("inline"		, Xatr_enclose)
-	.Add_str_byte("lang"		, Xatr_lang)
-	.Add_str_byte("style"		, Xatr_style)
-	.Add_str_byte("line"		, Xatr_line)
-	.Add_str_byte("start"		, Xatr_start)
-	.Add_str_byte("highlight"	, Xatr_highlight)
-	;
+package gplx.xowa.xtns.syntax_highlights;
+import gplx.Bry_;
+import gplx.Bry_bfr;
+import gplx.Err_;
+import gplx.Hash_adp_bry;
+import gplx.core.primitives.Byte_obj_val;
+import gplx.xowa.Xoae_app;
+import gplx.xowa.Xoae_page;
+import gplx.xowa.Xowe_wiki;
+import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.htmls.Xoh_html_wtr;
+import gplx.xowa.htmls.core.htmls.Xoh_wtr_ctx;
+import gplx.xowa.parsers.Xop_ctx;
+import gplx.xowa.parsers.Xop_root_tkn;
+import gplx.xowa.parsers.htmls.Mwh_atr_itm;
+import gplx.xowa.parsers.htmls.Mwh_atr_itm_owner1;
+import gplx.xowa.parsers.xndes.Xop_xnde_tag;
+import gplx.xowa.parsers.xndes.Xop_xnde_tkn;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.Xox_xnde;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.Xox_xnde_;
+public class Synh_xtn_nde implements Xox_xnde, Mwh_atr_itm_owner1 {
+	private byte[] lang = Bry_.Empty;
+	private byte[] style = null;
+	private byte[] enclose = Bry_.Empty;
+	private boolean line_enabled = false;
+	private int start = 1;
+	private Int_rng_mgr highlight_idxs = Int_rng_mgr_null.Instance;
+	public Xop_xnde_tkn Xnde() {throw Err_.new_unimplemented();}
+	public void Xatr__set(Xowe_wiki wiki, byte[] src, Mwh_atr_itm xatr, Object xatr_id_obj) {
+		if (xatr_id_obj == null) return;
+		Byte_obj_val xatr_id = (Byte_obj_val)xatr_id_obj;
+		switch (xatr_id.Val()) {
+			case Xatr_line:			line_enabled	= true; break;
+			case Xatr_enclose:		enclose			= xatr.Val_as_bry(); break;
+			case Xatr_inline:		enclose			= Bry_.new_a7("none"); break; // 2020-08-27|ISSUE#:794|inline should be enclose=none
+			case Xatr_lang:			lang			= xatr.Val_as_bry(); break;
+			case Xatr_style:		style			= xatr.Val_as_bry(); break;
+			case Xatr_start:		start			= xatr.Val_as_int_or(1); break;
+			case Xatr_highlight:	highlight_idxs	= new Int_rng_mgr_base(); highlight_idxs.Parse(xatr.Val_as_bry()); break;
+		}
+	}
+	public void Xtn_parse(Xowe_wiki wiki, Xop_ctx ctx, Xop_root_tkn root, byte[] src, Xop_xnde_tkn xnde) {
+		Xop_xnde_tag tag = xnde.Tag();
+		ctx.Para().Process_block__xnde(tag, tag.Block_open());	// deactivate pre; pre; PAGE:en.w:Comment_(computer_programming); DATE:2014-06-24
+		Xox_xnde_.Xatr__set(wiki, this, xatrs_hash, src, xnde);
+		ctx.Para().Process_block__xnde(tag, tag.Block_close());	// deactivate pre; pre; PAGE:en.w:Comment_(computer_programming); DATE:2014-06-24
+	}
+	public void Xtn_write(Bry_bfr bfr, Xoae_app app, Xop_ctx ctx, Xoh_html_wtr html_wtr, Xoh_wtr_ctx hctx, Xoae_page wpg, Xop_xnde_tkn xnde, byte[] src) {
+		Synh_xtn_nde_.Make(bfr, app, src, xnde.Tag_open_end(), xnde.Tag_close_bgn(), lang, enclose, style, line_enabled, start, highlight_idxs);
+	}
+	private static final byte Xatr_enclose = 1, Xatr_lang = 2, Xatr_style = 3, Xatr_line = 4, Xatr_start = 5, Xatr_highlight = 6, Xatr_inline = 7;
+	private static final    Hash_adp_bry xatrs_hash = Hash_adp_bry.ci_a7()
+	.Add_str_byte("enclose"		, Xatr_enclose)
+	.Add_str_byte("inline"		, Xatr_inline)
+	.Add_str_byte("lang"		, Xatr_lang)
+	.Add_str_byte("style"		, Xatr_style)
+	.Add_str_byte("line"		, Xatr_line)
+	.Add_str_byte("start"		, Xatr_start)
+	.Add_str_byte("highlight"	, Xatr_highlight)
+	;

+ 200 - 173

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
 XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
-Copyright (C) 2012-2017 gnosygnu@gmail.com
+Copyright (C) 2012-2020 gnosygnu@gmail.com
 XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
 XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
 or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
 or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
@@ -13,175 +13,202 @@ The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
 GPLv3 License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-GPLv3.txt
 GPLv3 License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-GPLv3.txt
 Apache License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE2.txt
 Apache License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE2.txt
-package gplx.xowa.xtns.syntax_highlights; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*;
-import org.junit.*;
-public class Synh_xtn_nde_tst {
-	private final    Xop_fxt fxt = new Xop_fxt();
-	@Test   public void Basic() {
-		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str("<syntaxHighlight>abc</syntaxHighlight>", "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">abc</pre></div>");
-	}
-	@Test   public void Text() {
-		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str("<syntaxHighlight lang=\"text\">abc</syntaxHighlight>", "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\" class=\"prettyprint lang-text\">abc</pre></div>");
-	}
-	@Test   public void Style_pre() {
-		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str("<syntaxHighlight style=\"color:red;\">abc</syntaxHighlight>", "<div class=\"mw-highlight\" style=\"color:red;\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">abc</pre></div>");
-	}
-	@Test   public void Style_code() {
-		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str("<syntaxHighlight lang=\"text\" style=\"color:red;\">abc</syntaxHighlight>", "<div class=\"mw-highlight\" style=\"color:red;\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\" class=\"prettyprint lang-text\">abc</pre></div>");
-	}
-	@Test   public void Trim_ws() {
-		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
-		(	"<syntaxHighlight>"
-		,	"abc"
-		,	"</syntaxHighlight>"
-		), String_.Concat_lines_nl
-		(	"<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
-		,	"abc"
-		,	"</pre></div>"
-		));
-	}
-	@Test   public void Line() {
-		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
-		(	"<syntaxHighlight line>"
-		,	"a"
-		,	"b"
-		,	"</syntaxHighlight>"
-		), String_.Concat_lines_nl
-		(	"<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
-		,	"<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">1 </span><span>a</span>"
-		,	"<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">2 </span><span>b</span>"
-		,	"</pre></div>"
-		));
-	}
-	@Test   public void Start() {
-		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
-		(	"<syntaxHighlight line start=3>"
-		,	"a"
-		,	"b"
-		,	"</syntaxHighlight>"
-		), String_.Concat_lines_nl
-		(	"<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
-		,	"<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">3 </span><span>a</span>"
-		,	"<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">4 </span><span>b</span>"
-		,	"</pre></div>"
-		));
-	}
-	@Test   public void Highlight() {
-		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
-		(	"<syntaxHighlight line highlight='1,3'>"
-		,	"a"
-		,	"b"
-		,	"c"
-		,	"</syntaxHighlight>"
-		), String_.Concat_lines_nl
-		(	"<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
-		,	"<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">1 </span><span style=\"background-color: #FFFFCC;\">a</span>"
-		,	"<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">2 </span><span>b</span>"
-		,	"<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">3 </span><span style=\"background-color: #FFFFCC;\">c</span>"
-		,	"</pre></div>"
-		));
-	}
-	@Test   public void Highlight_wo_line_arg() {
-		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
-		(	"<syntaxHighlight highlight='1,3'>"
-		,	"a"
-		,	"b"
-		,	"c"
-		,	"</syntaxHighlight>"
-		), String_.Concat_lines_nl
-		(	"<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
-		,	"<span style=\"background-color: #FFFFCC;\">a</span>"
-		,	"<span>b</span>"
-		,	"<span style=\"background-color: #FFFFCC;\">c</span>"
-		,	"</pre></div>"
-		));
-	}
-	@Test   public void Enclose_none() {
-		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
-		(	"<syntaxHighlight enclose=none style='color:red'>"
-		,	"a"
-		,	"b"
-		,	"c"
-		,	"</syntaxHighlight>"
-		), String_.Concat_lines_nl
-		(	"<code class=\"mw-highlight\" style=\"color:red\">"
-		,	"a"
-		,	"b"
-		,	"c"
-		,	"</code>"
-		));
-	}
-	@Test   public void Line_padded() {
-		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
-		(	"<syntaxHighlight line start=9>"
-		,	"a"
-		,	"b"
-		,	"</syntaxHighlight>"
-		), String_.Concat_lines_nl
-		(	"<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
-		,	"<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\"> 9 </span><span>a</span>"
-		,	"<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">10 </span><span>b</span>"
-		,	"</pre></div>"
-		));
-	}
-	@Test  public void EndTag_has_ws() {	// PURPOSE: </syntaxhighlight > not being closed correctly; PAGE:en.w:Mergesort; updated; DATE:2014-06-24
-		fxt.Init_para_y_();
-		fxt.Test_parse_page_wiki_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
-		(	"a"
-		,	"<syntaxhighlight>"
-		,	"b"
-		,	"</syntaxhighlight >"
-		,	"c"
-		,	"<syntaxhighlight>"
-		,	"d"
-		,	"</syntaxhighlight>"
-		), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
-		(	"<p>a"
-		,	"</p>"
-		,	"<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
-		,	"b"
-		,	"</pre></div>"
-		,	""
-		,	"<p>c"
-		,	"</p>"
-		,	"<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
-		,	"d"
-		,	"</pre></div>"
-		,	""
-		));
-		fxt.Init_para_n_();
-	}
-	@Test   public void Trim_ws_from_end_tab() {// PURPOSE: trim ws between "abc" and "</syntaxhighlight"; PAGE:en.w:Comment_(computer_programming); DATE:2014-06-23
-		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
-		(	"<syntaxHighlight>"
-		,	"abc"
-		,	"  </syntaxHighlight>"	// trim ws here
-		), String_.Concat_lines_nl
-		(	"<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
-		,	"abc"
-		,	"</pre></div>"
-		));
-	}
- 		@Test   public void Pre() {// PURPOSE: handle pre; PAGE:en.w:Comment_(computer_programming); DATE:2014-06-23
-		fxt.Init_para_y_();
-		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
-		(	"a"
-		,   ""
-		,	" <syntaxHighlight>"
-		,	" b"
-		,	" </syntaxHighlight>"	// trim ws here
-		,   ""
-		,	"c"
-		), String_.Concat_lines_nl
-		(	"<p>a"
-		,	"</p>"
-		,	" <div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
-		,	" b"
-		,	"</pre></div>"
-		,	""
-		,	"<p>c"
-		,	"</p>"
-		));
-		fxt.Init_para_n_();
-	}
+package gplx.xowa.xtns.syntax_highlights;
+import gplx.String_;
+import gplx.xowa.Xop_fxt;
+import org.junit.Test;
+public class Synh_xtn_nde_tst {
+	private final    Xop_fxt fxt = new Xop_fxt();
+	@Test   public void Basic() {
+		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str("<syntaxHighlight>abc</syntaxHighlight>", "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">abc</pre></div>");
+	}
+	@Test   public void Text() {
+		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str("<syntaxHighlight lang=\"text\">abc</syntaxHighlight>", "<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\" class=\"prettyprint lang-text\">abc</pre></div>");
+	}
+	@Test   public void Style_pre() {
+		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str("<syntaxHighlight style=\"color:red;\">abc</syntaxHighlight>", "<div class=\"mw-highlight\" style=\"color:red;\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">abc</pre></div>");
+	}
+	@Test   public void Style_code() {
+		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str("<syntaxHighlight lang=\"text\" style=\"color:red;\">abc</syntaxHighlight>", "<div class=\"mw-highlight\" style=\"color:red;\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\" class=\"prettyprint lang-text\">abc</pre></div>");
+	}
+	@Test   public void Trim_ws() {
+		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"<syntaxHighlight>"
+		,	"abc"
+		,	"</syntaxHighlight>"
+		), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+		,	"abc"
+		,	"</pre></div>"
+		));
+	}
+	@Test   public void Line() {
+		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"<syntaxHighlight line>"
+		,	"a"
+		,	"b"
+		,	"</syntaxHighlight>"
+		), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+		,	"<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">1 </span><span>a</span>"
+		,	"<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">2 </span><span>b</span>"
+		,	"</pre></div>"
+		));
+	}
+	@Test   public void Start() {
+		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"<syntaxHighlight line start=3>"
+		,	"a"
+		,	"b"
+		,	"</syntaxHighlight>"
+		), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+		,	"<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">3 </span><span>a</span>"
+		,	"<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">4 </span><span>b</span>"
+		,	"</pre></div>"
+		));
+	}
+	@Test   public void Highlight() {
+		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"<syntaxHighlight line highlight='1,3'>"
+		,	"a"
+		,	"b"
+		,	"c"
+		,	"</syntaxHighlight>"
+		), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+		,	"<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">1 </span><span style=\"background-color: #FFFFCC;\">a</span>"
+		,	"<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">2 </span><span>b</span>"
+		,	"<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">3 </span><span style=\"background-color: #FFFFCC;\">c</span>"
+		,	"</pre></div>"
+		));
+	}
+	@Test   public void Highlight_wo_line_arg() {
+		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"<syntaxHighlight highlight='1,3'>"
+		,	"a"
+		,	"b"
+		,	"c"
+		,	"</syntaxHighlight>"
+		), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+		,	"<span style=\"background-color: #FFFFCC;\">a</span>"
+		,	"<span>b</span>"
+		,	"<span style=\"background-color: #FFFFCC;\">c</span>"
+		,	"</pre></div>"
+		));
+	}
+	@Test   public void Enclose_none() {
+		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"<syntaxHighlight enclose=none style='color:red'>"
+		,	"a"
+		,	"b"
+		,	"c"
+		,	"</syntaxHighlight>"
+		), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"<code class=\"mw-highlight\" style=\"color:red\">"
+		,	"a"
+		,	"b"
+		,	"c"
+		,	"</code>"
+		));
+	}
+	@Test   public void Line_padded() {
+		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"<syntaxHighlight line start=9>"
+		,	"a"
+		,	"b"
+		,	"</syntaxHighlight>"
+		), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+		,	"<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\"> 9 </span><span>a</span>"
+		,	"<span style=\"-moz-user-select:none;\">10 </span><span>b</span>"
+		,	"</pre></div>"
+		));
+	}
+	@Test  public void EndTag_has_ws() {	// PURPOSE: </syntaxhighlight > not being closed correctly; PAGE:en.w:Mergesort; updated; DATE:2014-06-24
+		fxt.Init_para_y_();
+		fxt.Test_parse_page_wiki_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
+		(	"a"
+		,	"<syntaxhighlight>"
+		,	"b"
+		,	"</syntaxhighlight >"
+		,	"c"
+		,	"<syntaxhighlight>"
+		,	"d"
+		,	"</syntaxhighlight>"
+		), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
+		(	"<p>a"
+		,	"</p>"
+		,	"<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+		,	"b"
+		,	"</pre></div>"
+		,	""
+		,	"<p>c"
+		,	"</p>"
+		,	"<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+		,	"d"
+		,	"</pre></div>"
+		,	""
+		));
+		fxt.Init_para_n_();
+	}
+	@Test   public void Trim_ws_from_end_tab() {// PURPOSE: trim ws between "abc" and "</syntaxhighlight"; PAGE:en.w:Comment_(computer_programming); DATE:2014-06-23
+		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"<syntaxHighlight>"
+		,	"abc"
+		,	"  </syntaxHighlight>"	// trim ws here
+		), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"<div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+		,	"abc"
+		,	"</pre></div>"
+		));
+	}
+	@Test   public void Pre() {// PURPOSE: handle pre; PAGE:en.w:Comment_(computer_programming); DATE:2014-06-23
+		fxt.Init_para_y_();
+		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"a"
+		,   ""
+		,	" <syntaxHighlight>"
+		,	" b"
+		,	" </syntaxHighlight>"	// trim ws here
+		,   ""
+		,	"c"
+		), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"<p>a"
+		,	"</p>"
+		,	" <div class=\"mw-highlight\"><pre style=\"overflow:auto\">"
+		,	" b"
+		,	"</pre></div>"
+		,	""
+		,	"<p>c"
+		,	"</p>"
+		));
+		fxt.Init_para_n_();
+	}
+	@Test public void Inline() {
+		// 2020-08-27|ISSUE#:794|inline should be enclose=none
+		fxt.Init_para_y_();
+		fxt.Test_parse_page_all_str(String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"a"
+		,   ""
+		,	" <syntaxHighlight inline>"
+		,	" b"
+		,	" </syntaxHighlight>"	// trim ws here
+		,   ""
+		,	"c"
+		), String_.Concat_lines_nl
+		(	"<p>a"
+		,	"</p>"
+		,	" <code class=\"mw-highlight\">" // fails with <div class="mw-highlight"><pre style="overflow:auto">
+		,	" b"
+		,	"</code>"
+		,	""
+		,	"<p>c"
+		,	"</p>"
+		));
+		fxt.Init_para_n_();
+	}