@@ -1,17 +1,32 @@
-#include "q_gemm.cuh"
-#include "matrix_view.cuh"
+Adapted from https://github.com/turboderp/exllamav2 and https://github.com/qwopqwop200/GPTQ-for-LLaMa
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <torch/extension.h>
+#include <c10/cuda/CUDAGuard.h>
+#include <ATen/cuda/CUDAContext.h>
+#include <cuda_runtime.h>
+#include <cuda_fp16.h>
+#include "compat.cuh"
+#include "matrix_view.cuh"
#include "qdq_4.cuh"
+namespace aphrodite {
+namespace gptq {
#define BLOCK_KN_SIZE 128
#define BLOCK_M_SIZE_MAX 8
-#define CLEAR_N_SIZE 256
#define MAX_Q_GEMM_ROWS 50
+#define MAX_ALT_GEMM_ROWS 8
+#define THREADS_X 32
+#define THREADS_Y 32
#define DIVIDE(x, size) (((x) + (size) - 1) / (size))
-#include "q_gemm_kernel_gptq.cuh"
#if defined(USE_ROCM)
__host__ __forceinline__ hipblasStatus_t __compat_hipblasHgemm(hipblasHandle_t handle,
hipblasOperation_t transA,
@@ -41,16 +56,224 @@ __host__ __forceinline__ hipblasStatus_t __compat_hipblasHgemm(hipblasHandle_t
#define rocblas_hgemm __compat_hipblasHgemm
+__forceinline__ __device__ half2 dot22_8(half2(&dq)[4], const half* a_ptr, const half2 g_result)
+ half2 result = {};
+ const half2* a2_ptr = (const half2*)a_ptr;
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) result = __hfma2(dq[i], *a2_ptr++, result);
+ return __hadd2(result, g_result);
+__forceinline__ __device__ float dot22_8_f(half2(&dq)[4], const half* a_ptr)
+ half2 result = {};
+ const half2* a2_ptr = (const half2*)a_ptr;
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) result = __hfma2(dq[i], *a2_ptr++, result);
+ return __half2float(__low2half(result)) + __half2float(__high2half(result));
+typedef void (*fp_gemm_half_q_half_gptq_kernel)
+ const half*,
+ const uint32_t*,
+ const uint32_t*,
+ const half*,
+ half*,
+ const int,
+ const int,
+ const int,
+ const int,
+ const int*
+template <bool first_block, int m_count>
+__global__ void gemm_half_q_half_gptq_kernel
+ const half* __restrict__ a,
+ const uint32_t* __restrict__ b_q_weight,
+ const uint32_t* __restrict__ b_gptq_qzeros,
+ const half* __restrict__ b_gptq_scales,
+ half* __restrict__ c,
+ const int size_m,
+ const int size_n,
+ const int size_k,
+ const int groups,
+ const int* __restrict__ b_q_perm
+ MatrixView_half a_(a, size_m, size_k);
+ MatrixView_half_rw c_(c, size_m, size_n);
+ MatrixView_q4_row b_gptq_qzeros_(b_gptq_qzeros, groups, size_n);
+ MatrixView_half b_gptq_scales_(b_gptq_scales, groups, size_n);
+ int t = threadIdx.x;
+ // Block
+ int offset_n = blockIdx.x * BLOCK_KN_SIZE * 4;
+ int offset_m = blockIdx.y * m_count;
+ int offset_k = blockIdx.z * BLOCK_KN_SIZE;
+ int end_n = min(offset_n + BLOCK_KN_SIZE * 4, size_n);
+ int end_m = min(offset_m + m_count, size_m);
+ int end_k = min(offset_k + BLOCK_KN_SIZE, size_k);
+ int n = offset_n + t * 4;
+ // Preload block_a
+ __shared__ half block_a[m_count][BLOCK_KN_SIZE];
+ if (offset_k + t < end_k)
+ {
+ for (int m = 0; m < m_count; ++m)
+ {
+ const half* a_ptr = a_.item_ptr(offset_m + m, 0);
+ half* block_a_ptr = block_a[m];
+ half a0;
+ if (b_q_perm) a0 = a_ptr[b_q_perm[offset_k + t]];
+ else a0 = a_ptr[offset_k + t];
+ block_a_ptr[t] = a0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Zero output
+ if (n >= size_n) return;
+ if (blockIdx.z == 0)
+ {
+ for (int m = 0; m < m_count; m++)
+ *((uint64_t*)c_.item_ptr(offset_m + m, n)) = 0;
+ }
+ __syncthreads();
+ // Find initial group
+ int groupsize = size_k / groups;
+ int group = offset_k / groupsize;
+ int nextgroup = offset_k + groupsize;
+ // a, b offset
+ int qk = offset_k / (32 / 4);
+ const uint32_t* b_ptr = b_q_weight + qk * size_n + n;
+ const half* a_ptr = &block_a[0][0];
+ int a_stride = BLOCK_KN_SIZE;
+ // Initial group
+ int zeros[4];
+ float scales[4];
+ half2 z1z16[4][2];
+ half2 y1y16[4][2];
+ b_gptq_qzeros_.item4(zeros, group, n);
+ b_gptq_scales_.item4_f(scales, group, n);
+ dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero(zeros[0] + 1, z1z16[0], y1y16[0]);
+ dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero(zeros[1] + 1, z1z16[1], y1y16[1]);
+ dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero(zeros[2] + 1, z1z16[2], y1y16[2]);
+ dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero(zeros[3] + 1, z1z16[3], y1y16[3]);
+ // Column result
+ float block_c[m_count][4] = {};
+ // Dequantize and multiply
+ int k = offset_k;
+ while (k < end_k)
+ {
+ if (k == nextgroup)
+ {
+ group++;
+ nextgroup += groupsize;
+ b_gptq_qzeros_.item4(zeros, group, n);
+ b_gptq_scales_.item4_f(scales, group, n);
+ dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero(zeros[0] + 1, z1z16[0], y1y16[0]);
+ dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero(zeros[1] + 1, z1z16[1], y1y16[1]);
+ dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero(zeros[2] + 1, z1z16[2], y1y16[2]);
+ dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero(zeros[3] + 1, z1z16[3], y1y16[3]);
+ }
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ {
+ const int4* b_ptr4 = (int4*) b_ptr;
+ int4 load_int4 = *b_ptr4;
+ half2 dq[4][4];
+ dequant_4bit_8_gptq(load_int4.x, dq[0], z1z16[0], y1y16[0], size_n, false);
+ dequant_4bit_8_gptq(load_int4.y, dq[1], z1z16[1], y1y16[1], size_n, false);
+ dequant_4bit_8_gptq(load_int4.z, dq[2], z1z16[2], y1y16[2], size_n, false);
+ dequant_4bit_8_gptq(load_int4.w, dq[3], z1z16[3], y1y16[3], size_n, false);
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int m = 0; m < m_count; m++)
+ {
+ block_c[m][0] = fma(dot22_8_f(dq[0], a_ptr + m * a_stride), scales[0], block_c[m][0]);
+ block_c[m][1] = fma(dot22_8_f(dq[1], a_ptr + m * a_stride), scales[1], block_c[m][1]);
+ block_c[m][2] = fma(dot22_8_f(dq[2], a_ptr + m * a_stride), scales[2], block_c[m][2]);
+ block_c[m][3] = fma(dot22_8_f(dq[3], a_ptr + m * a_stride), scales[3], block_c[m][3]);
+ }
+ b_ptr += size_n;
+ a_ptr += 8;
+ }
+ k += 32;
+ }
+ for (int m = 0; m < m_count; m++)
+ {
+ half2 *out = (half2*) c_.item_ptr(offset_m + m, n);
+ half2 result01 = __halves2half2(__float2half_rn(block_c[m][0]), __float2half_rn(block_c[m][1]));
+ half2 result23 = __halves2half2(__float2half_rn(block_c[m][2]), __float2half_rn(block_c[m][3]));
+ atomicAdd(out , result01);
+ atomicAdd(out + 1, result23);
+ }
+fp_gemm_half_q_half_gptq_kernel pick_gemm_half_q_half_gptq_kernel(bool first_block, const int m_count)
+ #if BLOCK_M_SIZE_MAX >= 1
+ if (m_count == 1) return gemm_half_q_half_gptq_kernel<true, 1>;
+ #endif
+ #if BLOCK_M_SIZE_MAX >= 2
+ if (m_count == 2) return gemm_half_q_half_gptq_kernel<true, 2>;
+ #endif
+ #if BLOCK_M_SIZE_MAX >= 3
+ if (m_count == 3) return gemm_half_q_half_gptq_kernel<true, 3>;
+ #endif
+ #if BLOCK_M_SIZE_MAX >= 4
+ if (m_count == 4) return gemm_half_q_half_gptq_kernel<true, 4>;
+ #endif
+ #if BLOCK_M_SIZE_MAX >= 5
+ if (m_count == 5) return gemm_half_q_half_gptq_kernel<true, 5>;
+ #endif
+ #if BLOCK_M_SIZE_MAX >= 6
+ if (m_count == 6) return gemm_half_q_half_gptq_kernel<true, 6>;
+ #endif
+ #if BLOCK_M_SIZE_MAX >= 7
+ if (m_count == 7) return gemm_half_q_half_gptq_kernel<true, 7>;
+ #endif
+ #if BLOCK_M_SIZE_MAX >= 8
+ if (m_count == 8) return gemm_half_q_half_gptq_kernel<true, 8>;
+ #endif
+ return NULL;
void gemm_half_q_half_cuda_part
const half* a,
- QMatrix* b,
+ const uint32_t* b_q_weight,
+ const uint32_t* b_gptq_qzeros,
+ const half* b_gptq_scales,
+ const int* b_q_perm,
half* c,
int size_m,
int size_n,
int size_k,
int m_count,
- bool clear
+ int groups
dim3 blockDim, gridDim;
@@ -66,44 +289,391 @@ void gemm_half_q_half_cuda_part
kernel<<<gridDim, blockDim>>>
- b->cuda_q_weight,
- b->cuda_gptq_qzeros,
- b->cuda_gptq_scales,
+ b_q_weight,
+ b_gptq_qzeros,
+ b_gptq_scales,
- b->groups,
- b->groupsize,
- b->cuda_q_perm,
- clear
+ groups,
+ b_q_perm
+ );
+__global__ void reconstruct_exllama_kernel
+ const uint32_t* __restrict__ b_q_weight,
+ const int* __restrict__ b_q_perm,
+ const uint32_t* __restrict__ b_gptq_qzeros,
+ const half* __restrict__ b_gptq_scales,
+ const int size_k,
+ const int size_n,
+ const int groups,
+ half* __restrict__ b
+ MatrixView_half_rw b_(b, size_k, size_n);
+ MatrixView_q4_row b_gptq_qzeros_(b_gptq_qzeros, groups, size_n);
+ MatrixView_half b_gptq_scales_(b_gptq_scales, groups, size_n);
+ int offset_k = BLOCK_KN_SIZE * blockIdx.y;
+ int offset_n = BLOCK_KN_SIZE * blockIdx.x * 4;
+ int end_k = min(offset_k + BLOCK_KN_SIZE, size_k);
+ // Preload remapping table
+ __shared__ int perm[BLOCK_KN_SIZE];
+ int t = threadIdx.x;
+ if (b_q_perm)
+ {
+ if (offset_k + t < size_k)
+ perm[t] = b_q_perm[offset_k + t];
+ }
+ // Column
+ int n = offset_n + t * 4;
+ if (n >= size_n) return;
+ // Find initial group
+ int groupsize = size_k / groups;
+ int group = offset_k / groupsize;
+ int nextgroup = offset_k + groupsize;
+ // b offset
+ int qk = offset_k / (32 / 4);
+ const uint32_t* b_ptr = b_q_weight + qk * size_n + n;
+ // Initial zeros/scale
+ int zeros[4];
+ half2 scales[4];
+ half2 z1z16[4][2];
+ half2 y1y16[4][2];
+ b_gptq_qzeros_.item4(zeros, group, n);
+ b_gptq_scales_.item4_h2(scales, group, n);
+ dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero(zeros[0] + 1, z1z16[0], y1y16[0]);
+ dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero(zeros[1] + 1, z1z16[1], y1y16[1]);
+ dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero(zeros[2] + 1, z1z16[2], y1y16[2]);
+ dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero(zeros[3] + 1, z1z16[3], y1y16[3]);
+ __syncthreads();
+ int k = offset_k;
+ int lk = 0;
+ while (k < end_k)
+ {
+ if (k == nextgroup)
+ {
+ group++;
+ nextgroup += groupsize;
+ b_gptq_qzeros_.item4(zeros, group, n);
+ b_gptq_scales_.item4_h2(scales, group, n);
+ dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero(zeros[0] + 1, z1z16[0], y1y16[0]);
+ dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero(zeros[1] + 1, z1z16[1], y1y16[1]);
+ dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero(zeros[2] + 1, z1z16[2], y1y16[2]);
+ dequant_4bit_8_prep_zero(zeros[3] + 1, z1z16[3], y1y16[3]);
+ }
+ for (int p = 0; p < 4; p++)
+ {
+ half2 dq[4][4];
+ const int4* b_ptr4 = (int4*) b_ptr;
+ int4 load_int4 = *b_ptr4;
+ dequant_4bit_8_gptq(load_int4.x, dq[0], z1z16[0], y1y16[0], size_n, false);
+ dequant_4bit_8_gptq(load_int4.y, dq[1], z1z16[1], y1y16[1], size_n, false);
+ dequant_4bit_8_gptq(load_int4.z, dq[2], z1z16[2], y1y16[2], size_n, false);
+ dequant_4bit_8_gptq(load_int4.w, dq[3], z1z16[3], y1y16[3], size_n, false);
+ b_ptr += size_n;
+ //half* dqh = (half*)dq;
+ if (b_q_perm)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ {
+ for (int v = 0; v < 4; v++) dq[v][j] = __hmul2(scales[v], dq[v][j]);
+ b_.set4(perm[lk++], n, __low2half(dq[0][j]), __low2half(dq[1][j]), __low2half(dq[2][j]), __low2half(dq[3][j]));
+ b_.set4(perm[lk++], n, __high2half(dq[0][j]), __high2half(dq[1][j]), __high2half(dq[2][j]), __high2half(dq[3][j]));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ {
+ for (int v = 0; v < 4; v++) dq[v][j] = __hmul2(scales[v], dq[v][j]);
+ b_.set4(offset_k + lk++, n, __low2half(dq[0][j]), __low2half(dq[1][j]), __low2half(dq[2][j]), __low2half(dq[3][j]));
+ b_.set4(offset_k + lk++, n, __high2half(dq[0][j]), __high2half(dq[1][j]), __high2half(dq[2][j]), __high2half(dq[3][j]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ k += 32;
+ }
+void reconstruct_exllama
+ const uint32_t* b_q_weight,
+ const uint32_t* b_gptq_qzeros,
+ const half* b_gptq_scales,
+ const int* b_q_perm,
+ half* out,
+ int height,
+ int width,
+ int groups
+ dim3 blockDim, gridDim;
+ blockDim.x = BLOCK_KN_SIZE;
+ blockDim.y = 1;
+ gridDim.y = DIVIDE(height, BLOCK_KN_SIZE);
+ gridDim.x = DIVIDE(width, BLOCK_KN_SIZE);
+ reconstruct_exllama_kernel<<<gridDim, blockDim>>>
+ (
+ b_q_weight,
+ b_q_perm,
+ b_gptq_qzeros,
+ b_gptq_scales,
+ height,
+ width,
+ groups,
+ out
+ );
+__global__ void gemm_half_q_half_alt_kernel(
+ const half2* __restrict__ vec,
+ const uint32_t* __restrict__ mat,
+ half* __restrict__ mul,
+ const half* __restrict__ scales,
+ const uint32_t* __restrict__ zeros,
+ const int* __restrict__ g_idx,
+ int batch,
+ int height,
+ int width
+ int zero_width = width / 8;
+ int vec_height = height * 4;
+ const int blockwidth2 = BLOCK_KN_SIZE / 2;
+ int b = blockIdx.y * BLOCK_M_SIZE_MAX;
+ int b_end = min(BLOCK_M_SIZE_MAX, batch - b);
+ int h = BLOCK_KN_SIZE * blockIdx.z / 8;
+ int h_end = min(BLOCK_KN_SIZE / 8, height - h) * 4;
+ int w = BLOCK_KN_SIZE * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
+ __shared__ half2 blockvec[BLOCK_M_SIZE_MAX][blockwidth2];
+ if (threadIdx.x < h_end) {
+ for (int m = 0; m < b_end; ++m) {
+ blockvec[m][threadIdx.x] =
+ vec[(m + b) * vec_height + blockIdx.z * BLOCK_KN_SIZE / 2 +
+ threadIdx.x];
+ }
+ }
+ __shared__ half2 deq2[256][8];
+ int val = threadIdx.x / 8;
+ int off = threadIdx.x % 8;
+ for (; val < 256; val += BLOCK_KN_SIZE / 8) {
+ deq2[val][off] = __halves2half2(
+ __int2half_rn(val & 0xF), __int2half_rn(val >> 4)
+ );
+ }
+ if (blockIdx.z == 0)
+ {
+ for (int m = 0; m < b_end; m++)
+ mul[(b + m) * width + w] = __int2half_rn(0);
+ }
+ __syncthreads();
+ int i = width * h + w;
+ int g_h = h * 8;
+ int k = 0;
+ int z_w = w / 8;
+ int z_mod = (w % 8) * 4;
+ half2 res2;
+ half res[BLOCK_M_SIZE_MAX] = {};
+ unsigned int tmp;
+ while (k < h_end) {
+ tmp = mat[i];
+ half2 scales_tmp[4];
+ half2 zeros_tmp[4];
+ for (int tmp_k = 0; tmp_k < 4; tmp_k++) {
+ int g = g_idx[g_h + (k + tmp_k) * 2];
+ int g2 = g_idx[g_h + (k + tmp_k) * 2 + 1];
+ half scale_f = scales[g * width + w];
+ half scale_f2 = scales[g2 * width + w];
+ half2 scale = __halves2half2(scale_f, scale_f2);
+ half2 zero = __halves2half2(
+ __hmul(scale_f, __int2half_rn(-((zeros[g * zero_width + z_w] >> z_mod) & 0xF) - 1)),
+ __hmul(scale_f2, __int2half_rn(-((zeros[g2 * zero_width + z_w] >> z_mod) & 0xF) - 1))
+ );
+ scales_tmp[tmp_k] = scale;
+ zeros_tmp[tmp_k] = zero;
+ }
+ for (int m = 0; m < b_end; m++) {
+ res2 = {};
+ res2 = __hfma2(__hfma2(deq2[(tmp >> 0) & 0xff][off], scales_tmp[0], zeros_tmp[0]), blockvec[m][k + 0], res2);
+ res2 = __hfma2(__hfma2(deq2[(tmp >> 8) & 0xff][off], scales_tmp[1], zeros_tmp[1]), blockvec[m][k + 1], res2);
+ res2 = __hfma2(__hfma2(deq2[(tmp >> 16) & 0xff][off], scales_tmp[2], zeros_tmp[2]), blockvec[m][k + 2], res2);
+ res2 = __hfma2(__hfma2(deq2[(tmp >> 24) & 0xff][off], scales_tmp[3], zeros_tmp[3]), blockvec[m][k + 3], res2);
+ res[m] = __hadd(res[m], __hadd(res2.x, res2.y));
+ }
+ i += width;
+ k += 4;
+ }
+ for (int m = 0; m < b_end; m++) {
+ atomicAdd(&mul[(b + m) * width + w], res[m]);
+ }
+void gemm_half_q_half_alt
+ const half* a,
+ const uint32_t* b_q_weight,
+ const uint32_t* b_gptq_qzeros,
+ const half* b_gptq_scales,
+ const int* b_g_idx,
+ half* c,
+ int size_m,
+ int size_n,
+ int size_k
+ dim3 blockDim, gridDim;
+ blockDim.x = BLOCK_KN_SIZE;
+ blockDim.y = 1;
+ blockDim.z = 1;
+ gridDim.x = DIVIDE(size_n, BLOCK_KN_SIZE);
+ gridDim.y = DIVIDE(size_m, BLOCK_M_SIZE_MAX);
+ gridDim.z = DIVIDE(size_k, BLOCK_KN_SIZE);
+ gemm_half_q_half_alt_kernel<<<gridDim, blockDim>>>
+ (
+ (const half2*) a,
+ b_q_weight,
+ c,
+ b_gptq_scales,
+ b_gptq_qzeros,
+ b_g_idx,
+ size_m,
+ size_k / 8,
+ size_n
+ );
+__global__ void reconstruct_gptq_kernel
+ const uint32_t* __restrict__ w,
+ const half* __restrict__ w_scales,
+ const uint32_t* __restrict__ w_zeros,
+ const int* __restrict__ g_idx,
+ const int height,
+ const int width,
+ const int group,
+ half* __restrict__ out
+ // Start of block
+ int column = BLOCK_KN_SIZE * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
+ int row = blockIdx.y * 8;
+ if (column >= width) return;
+ // Views
+ MatrixView_q4_column w_(w, height, width);
+ MatrixView_half_rw out_(out, height, width);
+ MatrixView_half w_scales_(w_scales, group, width);
+ MatrixView_q4_row w_zeros_(w_zeros, group, width);
+ uint32_t w_read = w_.item_uint32_t(row, column);
+ half* out_ptr = out_.item_ptr(row, column);
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int s = 0; s < 32; s += 4)
+ {
+ int group = g_idx[row + s / 4];
+ half w_scale = w_scales_.item(group, column);
+ uint32_t w_zero = w_zeros_.item(group, column) + 1;
+ half w_item = __hmul(__int2half_rn((int)((w_read >> s) & 0x0f) - w_zero), w_scale);
+ *out_ptr = w_item; out_ptr += out_.width;
+ }
+void reconstruct_gptq
+ const uint32_t* b_q_weight,
+ const uint32_t* b_gptq_qzeros,
+ const half* b_gptq_scales,
+ const int* b_g_idx,
+ half* out,
+ int height,
+ int width,
+ int groups
+ dim3 blockDim, gridDim;
+ blockDim.x = BLOCK_KN_SIZE;
+ blockDim.y = 1;
+ gridDim.y = DIVIDE(height, 8);
+ gridDim.x = DIVIDE(width, BLOCK_KN_SIZE);
+ reconstruct_gptq_kernel<<<gridDim, blockDim>>>
+ (
+ b_q_weight,
+ b_gptq_scales,
+ b_gptq_qzeros,
+ b_g_idx,
+ height,
+ width,
+ groups,
+ out
void gemm_half_q_half_cuda
cublasHandle_t cublas_handle,
const half* a,
- QMatrix* b,
+ const uint32_t* b_q_weight,
+ const uint32_t* b_gptq_qzeros,
+ const half* b_gptq_scales,
+ const int* b_g_idx,
half* c,
+ half* temp_dq,
int size_m,
int size_n,
int size_k,
- bool clear,
- half* temp_dq,
- bool force_cuda
+ int groups,
+ bool use_exllama
- if (size_m > MAX_Q_GEMM_ROWS && !force_cuda)
- {
+ if ((use_exllama && size_m > MAX_Q_GEMM_ROWS) || (!use_exllama && size_m > MAX_ALT_GEMM_ROWS)) {
// Reconstruct FP16 matrix, then cuBLAS
- b->reconstruct(temp_dq);
- //cublasSetMathMode(cublas_handle, CUBLAS_TENSOR_OP_MATH);
+ if (use_exllama) {
+ reconstruct_exllama(b_q_weight, b_gptq_qzeros, b_gptq_scales, b_g_idx, temp_dq,
+ size_k, size_n, groups);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ reconstruct_gptq(b_q_weight, b_gptq_qzeros, b_gptq_scales, b_g_idx,
+ temp_dq, size_k, size_n, groups);
+ }
const half alpha = __float2half(1.0f);
- const half beta = clear ? __float2half(0.0f) : __float2half(1.0f);
+ const half beta = __float2half(0.0f);
@@ -111,56 +681,179 @@ void gemm_half_q_half_cuda
&alpha, temp_dq, size_n,
a, size_k,
&beta, c, size_n);
- else
+ else if (use_exllama)
// Quantized matmul
- //if (clear) clear_tensor_cuda(c, size_m, size_n);
int max_chunks = size_m / BLOCK_M_SIZE_MAX;
int last_chunk = max_chunks * BLOCK_M_SIZE_MAX;
int last_chunk_size = size_m - last_chunk;
if (max_chunks)
- gemm_half_q_half_cuda_part(a, b, c, last_chunk, size_n, size_k, BLOCK_M_SIZE_MAX, clear);
+ gemm_half_q_half_cuda_part(a, b_q_weight, b_gptq_qzeros, b_gptq_scales, b_g_idx,
+ c, last_chunk, size_n, size_k, BLOCK_M_SIZE_MAX,
+ groups);
if (last_chunk_size)
- gemm_half_q_half_cuda_part(a + last_chunk * size_k, b, c + last_chunk * size_n, last_chunk_size, size_n, size_k, last_chunk_size, clear);
+ gemm_half_q_half_cuda_part(a + last_chunk * size_k, b_q_weight, b_gptq_qzeros,
+ b_gptq_scales, b_g_idx, c + last_chunk * size_n,
+ last_chunk_size, size_n, size_k, last_chunk_size,
+ groups);
+ else
+ {
+ gemm_half_q_half_alt(a, b_q_weight, b_gptq_qzeros, b_gptq_scales, b_g_idx,
+ c, size_m, size_n, size_k);
+ }
-__global__ void clear_kernel
+__global__ void shuffle_kernel
- half* __restrict__ c,
- const int size_m,
+ uint32_t* __restrict__ b_q_weight,
+ const int size_k,
const int size_n
- int m = blockIdx.y;
- int n = (blockIdx.x * CLEAR_N_SIZE + threadIdx.x) * 8;
+ int n = blockIdx.x * THREADS_X + threadIdx.x;
if (n >= size_n) return;
- int4* c_ptr = (int4*)(c + m * size_n + n);
- *c_ptr = {};
+ int k = 0;
+ uint32_t* b_ptr = b_q_weight + n;
+ while (k < size_k) { shuffle_4bit_8 (b_ptr, size_n); b_ptr += 1 * size_n; k += 8; }
-void clear_tensor_cuda
+__global__ void make_sequential_kernel
- half* c,
- int size_m,
- int size_n
+ const uint32_t* __restrict__ w,
+ uint32_t* __restrict__ w_new,
+ const int* __restrict__ q_perm,
+ const int w_height,
+ const int w_width
- return;
+ const uint64_t* w2 = (uint64_t*) w;
+ uint64_t* w_new2 = (uint64_t*) w_new;
+ int w2_stride = w_width >> 1;
+ int w2_column = THREADS_X * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
+ if (w2_column >= w2_stride) return;
+ int w_new2_row = blockIdx.y;
+ int q_perm_idx = w_new2_row << 3;
+ uint64_t dst = 0;
+ #pragma unroll
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ {
+ int source_row = q_perm[q_perm_idx++];
+ int w2_row = source_row >> 3;
+ int w2_subrow = source_row & 0x07;
+ int w2_row_shift = w2_subrow << 2;
+ int wnew2_row_shift = i << 2;
+ uint64_t src = w2[w2_row * w2_stride + w2_column];
+ src >>= w2_row_shift;
+ src &= 0x0000000f0000000f;
+ src <<= wnew2_row_shift;
+ dst |= src;
+ }
+ w_new2[w_new2_row * w2_stride + w2_column] = dst;
+void shuffle_exllama_weight
+ uint32_t* q_weight,
+ int* q_perm,
+ int height,
+ int width
+ if (q_perm)
+ {
+ uint32_t* new_qweight = NULL;
+ cudaMalloc(&new_qweight, height / 8 * width * sizeof(uint32_t));
+ dim3 blockDim, gridDim;
+ blockDim.x = THREADS_X;
+ blockDim.y = 1;
+ gridDim.x = DIVIDE(width, THREADS_X);
+ gridDim.y = height / 8;
+ make_sequential_kernel<<<gridDim, blockDim>>>
+ (
+ q_weight,
+ new_qweight,
+ q_perm,
+ height / 8,
+ width
+ );
+ // Replace qweights
+ cudaMemcpyAsync(q_weight, new_qweight, height / 8 * width * sizeof(uint32_t), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);
+ // Cleanup
+ cudaDeviceSynchronize();
+ cudaFree(new_qweight);
+ }
dim3 blockDim, gridDim;
- blockDim.x = CLEAR_N_SIZE;
+ blockDim.x = THREADS_X;
blockDim.y = 1;
- gridDim.x = DIVIDE(size_n / 8, CLEAR_N_SIZE);
- gridDim.y = size_m;
- clear_kernel<<<gridDim, blockDim>>>(c, size_m, size_n);
+ gridDim.x = DIVIDE(width, THREADS_X);
+ gridDim.y = 1;
+ shuffle_kernel<<<gridDim, blockDim>>>(q_weight, height, width);
+} // namespace gptq
+} // namespace aphrodite
+torch::Tensor gptq_gemm
+ torch::Tensor a,
+ torch::Tensor b_q_weight,
+ torch::Tensor b_gptq_qzeros,
+ torch::Tensor b_gptq_scales,
+ torch::Tensor b_g_idx,
+ bool use_exllama
+ const at::cuda::OptionalCUDAGuard device_guard(device_of(a));
+ auto options = torch::TensorOptions().dtype(a.dtype()).device(a.device());
+ at::Tensor c = torch::empty({a.size(0), b_q_weight.size(1)}, options);
+ at::Tensor temp_dq = torch::empty({b_q_weight.size(0) * 8, b_q_weight.size(1)}, options);
+ aphrodite::gptq::gemm_half_q_half_cuda
+ (
+ at::cuda::getCurrentCUDABlasHandle(),
+ (const half*) a.data_ptr(),
+ (const uint32_t*) b_q_weight.data_ptr(),
+ (const uint32_t*)b_gptq_qzeros.data_ptr(),
+ (const half*) b_gptq_scales.data_ptr(),
+ b_g_idx.device().is_meta() ? NULL : (const int*) b_g_idx.data_ptr(),
+ (half*) c.data_ptr(),
+ (half*) temp_dq.data_ptr(),
+ c.size(0), // m
+ c.size(1), // n
+ a.size(1), // k
+ b_gptq_qzeros.size(0), // group number
+ use_exllama
+ );
+ return c;
+void gptq_shuffle
+ torch::Tensor q_weight,
+ torch::Tensor q_perm
+ const at::cuda::OptionalCUDAGuard device_guard(device_of(q_weight));
+ aphrodite::gptq::shuffle_exllama_weight(
+ (uint32_t*) q_weight.data_ptr(),
+ q_perm.device().is_meta() ? NULL : (int*) q_perm.data_ptr(),
+ q_weight.size(0) * 8,
+ q_weight.size(1)
+ );