const fs = require("fs"); const { resolve } = require("path"); const { displayError, displayMessage } = require("./displayMessage.js"); const { processExit } = require("./processExit.js"); const { menu } = require("./menu.js"); const { $, $$, $sh } = require("./shell.js"); const { applyDatabaseConfig } = require("./applyDatabaseConfig.js"); const DEBUG_DRY_RUN = false; const torchVersion = "2.3.1"; // 2.4.1+cu118 const cudaVersion = "11.8"; const pythonVersion = `3.10.11`; const pythonPackage = `python=${pythonVersion}`; const ffmpegPackage = `conda-forge::ffmpeg=4.4.2[build=lgpl*]`; const nodePackage = `conda-forge::nodejs=22.9.0`; const anacondaPostgresqlPackage = `conda-forge::postgresql=16.4`; // const terraformPackage = `conda-forge::terraform=1.8.2`; const terraformPackage = ``; const cudaChannels = [ "", "pytorch", `nvidia/label/cuda-${cudaVersion}.0`, "nvidia", ].join(" -c "); const cpuChannels = ["", "pytorch"].join(" -c "); const windowsOnlyPackages = process.platform === "win32" ? ["conda-forge::vswhere"] : []; const commonPackages = [ "conda-forge::uv=0.4.17", ...windowsOnlyPackages, terraformPackage, anacondaPostgresqlPackage, nodePackage, ffmpegPackage, ]; const cudaPackages = `pytorch[version=${torchVersion},build=py3.10_cuda${cudaVersion}.*] pytorch-cuda=${cudaVersion} torchvision torchaudio cuda-toolkit ninja`; const cudaPytorchInstall$ = [ "conda install -y -k", ...commonPackages, cudaPackages, cudaChannels, ].join(" "); const cpuPackages = `pytorch=${torchVersion} torchvision torchaudio cpuonly`; const pytorchCPUInstall$ = [ "conda install -y -k", ...commonPackages, cpuPackages, cpuChannels, ].join(" "); const baseOnlyInstall$ = ["conda install -y -k", ...commonPackages].join(" "); const ensurePythonVersion = async () => { try { displayMessage("Checking python version..."); const version = await getPythonVersion(); if (version !== `Python ${pythonVersion}`) { displayMessage(`Current python version is """${version}"""`); displayMessage(`Python version is not ${pythonVersion}. Reinstalling...`); await $(`conda install -y -k -c conda-forge ${pythonPackage}`); await $(`conda install -y -k -c conda-forge pip==23.3.2`); } } catch (error) { displayError("Failed to check/install python version"); } async function getPythonVersion() { await $sh(`python --version > installer_scripts/.python_version`); return fs.readFileSync("installer_scripts/.python_version", "utf8").trim(); } }; const installDependencies = async (gpuchoice) => { try { if (gpuchoice === "NVIDIA GPU") { await $(cudaPytorchInstall$); } else if (gpuchoice === "Apple M Series Chip" || gpuchoice === "CPU") { await $(pytorchCPUInstall$); } else if (gpuchoice === "AMD GPU (ROCM, Linux only, potentially broken)") { displayMessage( "ROCM is experimental and not well supported yet, installing..." ); displayMessage("Linux only!"); await $(baseOnlyInstall$); await $( `pip install torch==${torchVersion} torchvision torchaudio --index-url` ); } else if (gpuchoice === "pip torch cpu (experimental, faster install)") { await $(baseOnlyInstall$); await $(`pip install torch==${torchVersion} torchvision torchaudio`); // uv pip install torch==2.5.0+cu118 torchvision torchaudio --index-url } else { displayMessage("Unsupported or cancelled. Exiting..."); removeGPUChoice(); processExit(1); } saveMajorVersion(majorVersion); displayMessage(" Successfully installed torch"); await pip_install_all(true); // approximate first install } catch (error) { displayError(`Error during installation: ${error.message}`); throw error; } }; const askForGPUChoice = () => menu( [ "NVIDIA GPU", "Apple M Series Chip", "CPU", "Cancel", "AMD GPU (ROCM, Linux only, potentially broken)", "Intel GPU (unsupported)", "Integrated GPU (unsupported)", "pip torch cpu (experimental, faster install)", ], ` These are not yet automatically supported: AMD GPU, Intel GPU, Integrated GPU. Select the device (GPU/CPU) you are using to run the application: (use arrow keys to move, enter to select) ` ); const getInstallerFilesPath = (...files) => resolve(__dirname, "..", ...files); const gpuFile = getInstallerFilesPath(".gpu"); const majorVersionFile = getInstallerFilesPath(".major_version"); const pipPackagesFile = getInstallerFilesPath(".pip_packages"); const majorVersion = "4"; const versions = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(getInstallerFilesPath("versions.json")) ); const newPipPackagesVersion = String(versions.pip_packages); const readGeneric = (file) => { if (fs.existsSync(file)) { return fs.readFileSync(file, "utf8"); } return -1; }; const saveGeneric = (file, data) => fs.writeFileSync(file, data.toString()); const readMajorVersion = () => readGeneric(majorVersionFile); const saveMajorVersion = (data) => saveGeneric(majorVersionFile, data); const readPipPackagesVersion = () => readGeneric(pipPackagesFile); const savePipPackagesVersion = (data) => saveGeneric(pipPackagesFile, data); const readGPUChoice = () => readGeneric(gpuFile); const saveGPUChoice = (data) => saveGeneric(gpuFile, data); const removeGPUChoice = () => { if (fs.existsSync(gpuFile)) fs.unlinkSync(gpuFile); }; const dry_run_flag = DEBUG_DRY_RUN ? "--dry-run " : ""; function pip_install(requirements, name = "", pipFallback = false) { try { displayMessage(`Installing ${name || requirements} dependencies...`); $sh( `${ pipFallback ? "pip" : "uv pip" } install ${dry_run_flag}${requirements} torch==${torchVersion}` ); displayMessage( `Successfully installed ${name || requirements} dependencies\n` ); } catch (error) { displayMessage(`Failed to install ${name || requirements} dependencies\n`); } } // The first install is a temporary safeguard due to mysterious issues with uv async function pip_install_all(first_install = false) { if (readPipPackagesVersion() === newPipPackagesVersion) return displayMessage( "Dependencies are already up to date, skipping pip installs..." ); const pip_install_all_choice = await menu( ["Yes", "No"], `Attempt single pip install of all dependencies (potentially faster)? (use arrow keys to move, enter to select)` ); if (pip_install_all_choice === "Yes") { try { displayMessage("Attempting single pip install of all dependencies..."); pip_install( "xformers==0.0.27+cu118 --index-url", "xformers" ); pip_install( "-r requirements.txt -r requirements_bark_hubert_quantizer.txt -r requirements_rvc.txt -r requirements_audiocraft.txt -r requirements_styletts2.txt -r requirements_vall_e.txt -r requirements_maha_tts.txt -r requirements_stable_audio.txt hydra-core==1.3.2 nvidia-ml-py", "All dependencies", first_install ); savePipPackagesVersion(newPipPackagesVersion); displayMessage(""); return; } catch (error) { displayMessage( "Failed to install all dependencies, falling back to individual installs..." ); } } displayMessage("Updating dependencies..."); // pip_install_all(false); // potential speed optimization pip_install( "-r requirements.txt", "Core Packages, Bark, Tortoise", first_install ); pip_install( "xformers==0.0.27+cu118 --index-url", "xformers" ); pip_install( "-r requirements_bark_hubert_quantizer.txt", "Bark Voice Clone", first_install ); pip_install("-r requirements_rvc.txt", "RVC", first_install); pip_install("-r requirements_audiocraft.txt", "Audiocraft", first_install); pip_install("-r requirements_styletts2.txt", "StyleTTS", first_install); pip_install("-r requirements_vall_e.txt", "Vall-E-X", first_install); pip_install("-r requirements_maha_tts.txt", "Maha TTS", first_install); pip_install("-r requirements_stable_audio.txt", "Stable Audio", true); // reinstall hydra-core==1.3.2 because of fairseq pip_install( "hydra-core==1.3.2", "hydra-core fix due to fairseq", first_install ); pip_install("nvidia-ml-py", "nvidia-ml-py", first_install); savePipPackagesVersion(newPipPackagesVersion); displayMessage(""); } const checkIfTorchInstalled = async () => { try { await $$([ "python", "-c", 'import importlib.util; import sys; package_name = "torch"; spec = importlib.util.find_spec(package_name); sys.exit(0) if spec else sys.exit(1)', ]); return true; } catch (error) { return false; } }; const FORCE_REINSTALL = process.env.FORCE_REINSTALL ? true : false; async function applyCondaConfig() { displayMessage("Applying conda config..."); displayMessage(" Checking if Torch is installed..."); if (readMajorVersion() === majorVersion && !FORCE_REINSTALL) { if (await checkIfTorchInstalled()) { displayMessage(" Torch is already installed. Skipping installation..."); await pip_install_all(); return; } else { displayMessage(" Torch is not installed. Starting installation...\n"); } } else { displayMessage( " Major version update detected. Upgrading base environment" ); } if (fs.existsSync(gpuFile)) { const gpuchoice = readGPUChoice(); displayMessage(` Using saved GPU choice: ${gpuchoice}`); await installDependencies(gpuchoice); return; } else { const gpuchoice = await askForGPUChoice(); displayMessage(` You selected: ${gpuchoice}`); saveGPUChoice(gpuchoice); await installDependencies(gpuchoice); } } exports.initializeApp = async () => { displayMessage("Ensuring that python has the correct version..."); await ensurePythonVersion(); displayMessage(""); await applyCondaConfig(); displayMessage(""); try { await applyDatabaseConfig(); displayMessage(""); } catch (error) { displayError("Failed to apply database config"); } }; const checkIfTorchHasCuda = async () => { try { displayMessage("Checking if torch has CUDA..."); await $$([ "python", "-c", "import torch; exit(0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else 1)", ]); return true; } catch (error) { return false; } }; exports.repairTorch = async () => { const gpuChoice = readGPUChoice(); if (!checkIfTorchHasCuda() && gpuChoice === "NVIDIA GPU") { displayMessage("Backend is NVIDIA GPU, fixing PyTorch"); try { await $(`conda install -y -k --force-reinstall ${cudaPackages}`); } catch (error) { displayError("Failed to fix torch"); } } else if (gpuChoice === "CPU" || gpuChoice === "Apple M Series Chip") { displayMessage("Backend is CPU/Apple M Series Chip, fixing PyTorch"); try { await $(`conda install -y -k --force-reinstall ${cpuPackages}`); } catch (error) { displayError("Failed to fix torch"); } displayMessage("Torch has CUDA, skipping reinstall"); } }; function setupReactUIExtensions() { try { displayMessage("Initializing extensions..."); const packageJSONpath = getInstallerFilesPath( "..", "react-ui", "src", "extensions", "package.json" ); if (!fs.existsSync(packageJSONpath)) { fs.writeFileSync(packageJSONpath, "{}"); } // $sh("cd react-ui/src/extensions && npm install"); // displayMessage("Successfully installed extensions"); } catch (error) { displayMessage("Failed to install extensions"); throw error; } } exports.setupReactUI = () => { try { setupReactUIExtensions(); displayMessage("Installing node_modules..."); $sh("cd react-ui && npm install"); displayMessage("Successfully installed node_modules"); displayMessage("Building react-ui..."); $sh("cd react-ui && npm run build"); displayMessage("Successfully built react-ui"); } catch (error) { displayMessage("Failed to install node_modules or build react-ui"); throw error; } };