import math rowdivs = ["""
\n""", """
\n"""] def make_row(*divs): row = """
\n""" for i, div in enumerate(divs): row += rowdivs[i] + div + "
\n" row += """
\n""" return row if __name__ == "__main__": with open("listofdivs.template", "r") as f: list_of_divs ="==========") n_cells = len(list_of_divs) n_cols = 2 n_rows = math.ceil(n_cells / n_cols) content = "" for i in range(n_rows): cells = list_of_divs[i*n_cols:(i+1)*n_cols] content += make_row(*cells) with open("index.template", "r") as f: index_template = index = index_template.replace("__TEMPLATE_STRING__", content) with open("index.html", "w") as f: f.write(index)