123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246 |
- /*
- XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
- Copyright (C) 2012-2017 gnosygnu@gmail.com
- XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
- or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
- You may use XOWA according to either of these licenses as is most appropriate
- for your project on a case-by-case basis.
- The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
- GPLv3 License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-GPLv3.txt
- Apache License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE2.txt
- */
- package gplx;
- import gplx.objects.lists.CompareAbleUtl;
- import gplx.objects.primitives.BoolUtl;
- import gplx.objects.strings.AsciiByte;
- public class Int_ {
- // -------- BASELIB_COPY --------
- public static final String Cls_val_name = "int";
- public static final Class<?> Cls_ref_type = Integer.class;
- public static final int
- Min_value = Integer.MIN_VALUE
- , Max_value = Integer.MAX_VALUE
- , Max_value__31 = 2147483647
- , Neg1 = -1
- , Null = Int_.Min_value
- , Base1 = 1 // for super 1 lists / arrays; EX: PHP; [a, b, c]; [1] => a
- , Offset_1 = 1 // common symbol for + 1 after current pos; EX: String_.Mid(lhs + Offset_1, rhs)
- , Zero = 0
- ;
- public static int Cast(Object obj) {
- try {
- return (Integer)obj;
- }
- catch(Exception exc) {
- throw Err_.new_type_mismatch_w_exc(exc, int.class, obj);
- }
- }
- public static String To_str(int v) {return new Integer(v).toString();}
- public static int Parse_or(String raw, int or) {
- // process args
- if (raw == null) return or;
- int raw_len = String_.Len(raw);
- if (raw_len == 0) return or;
- // loop backwards from nth to 0th char
- int rv = 0, power_of_10 = 1;
- for (int idx = raw_len - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) {
- char cur = String_.CharAt(raw, idx);
- int digit = -1;
- switch (cur) {
- // numbers -> assign digit
- case '0': digit = 0; break; case '1': digit = 1; break; case '2': digit = 2; break; case '3': digit = 3; break; case '4': digit = 4; break;
- case '5': digit = 5; break; case '6': digit = 6; break; case '7': digit = 7; break; case '8': digit = 8; break; case '9': digit = 9; break;
- // negative sign
- case '-':
- if (idx != 0) { // invalid if not 1st
- return or;
- }
- else { // is first; multiply by -1
- rv *= -1;
- continue;
- }
- // anything else
- default:
- return or;
- }
- rv += (digit * power_of_10);
- power_of_10 *= 10;
- }
- return rv;
- }
- public static int[] Log10Ary = new int[] {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000, Int_.Max_value};
- public static int Log10AryLen = 11;
- public static int Log10(int v) {
- if (v == 0) return 0;
- int sign = 1;
- if (v < 0) {
- if (v == Int_.Min_value) return -9; // NOTE: Int_.Min_value * -1 = Int_.Min_value
- v *= -1;
- sign = -1;
- }
- int rv = Log10AryLen - 2; // rv will only happen when v == Int_.Max_value
- int bgn = 0;
- if (v > 1000) { // optimization to reduce number of ops to < 5
- bgn = 3;
- if (v > 1000000) bgn = 6;
- }
- for (int i = bgn; i < Log10AryLen; i++) {
- if (v < Log10Ary[i]) {rv = i - 1; break;}
- }
- return rv * sign;
- }
- public static int DigitCount(int v) {
- int log10 = Log10(v);
- return v > -1 ? log10 + 1 : log10 * -1 + 2;
- }
- // -------- TO_MIGRATE --------
- public static int Cast_or(Object obj, int or) {
- try {
- return (Integer)obj;
- }
- catch(Exception e) {
- Err_.Noop(e);
- return or;
- }
- }
- public static int Coerce(Object v) {
- try {
- String s = String_.as_(v);
- return s == null ? Int_.Cast(v) : Int_.Parse(s);
- }
- catch (Exception e) {throw Err_.new_cast(e, int.class, v);}
- }
- public static int Parse(String raw) {try {return Integer.parseInt(raw);} catch(Exception e) {throw Err_.new_parse_exc(e, int.class, raw);}}
- public static int By_double(double v) {return (int)v;}
- public static int By_hex_bry(byte[] src) {return By_hex_bry(src, 0, src.length);}
- public static int By_hex_bry(byte[] src, int bgn, int end) {
- int rv = 0; int factor = 1;
- for (int i = end - 1; i >= bgn; i--) {
- int val = By_hex_byte(src[i]);
- rv += (val * factor);
- factor *= 16;
- }
- return rv;
- }
- public static int By_hex_byte(byte b) {
- switch (b) {
- case AsciiByte.Num0: case AsciiByte.Num1: case AsciiByte.Num2: case AsciiByte.Num3: case AsciiByte.Num4:
- case AsciiByte.Num5: case AsciiByte.Num6: case AsciiByte.Num7: case AsciiByte.Num8: case AsciiByte.Num9:
- return b - AsciiByte.Num0;
- case AsciiByte.Ltr_A: case AsciiByte.Ltr_B: case AsciiByte.Ltr_C: case AsciiByte.Ltr_D: case AsciiByte.Ltr_E: case AsciiByte.Ltr_F:
- return b - AsciiByte.Ltr_A + 10;
- case AsciiByte.Ltr_a: case AsciiByte.Ltr_b: case AsciiByte.Ltr_c: case AsciiByte.Ltr_d: case AsciiByte.Ltr_e: case AsciiByte.Ltr_f:
- return b - AsciiByte.Ltr_a + 10;
- default:
- return -1;
- }
- }
- public static byte[] To_bry(int v) {return Bry_.new_a7(To_str(v));}
- public static String To_str_fmt(int v, String fmt) {return new java.text.DecimalFormat(fmt).format(v);}
- public static String To_str_pad_bgn_space(int val, int reqd_len) {return To_str_pad(val, reqd_len, BoolUtl.Y, AsciiByte.Space);} // EX: 1, 3 returns " 1"
- public static String To_str_pad_bgn_zero (int val, int reqd_len) {return To_str_pad(val, reqd_len, BoolUtl.Y, AsciiByte.Num0);} // EX: 1, 3 returns "001"
- private static String To_str_pad(int val, int reqd_len, boolean bgn, byte pad_chr) {
- // get val_len and pad_len; exit early, if no padding needed
- int val_len = DigitCount(val);
- int pad_len = reqd_len - val_len;
- if (pad_len < 0)
- return Int_.To_str(val);
- // padding needed
- Bry_bfr bfr = Bry_bfr_.New();
- // handle negative numbers; EX: -1 -> "-001", not "00-1"
- if (val < 0) {
- bfr.Add_byte(AsciiByte.Dash);
- val *= -1;
- --val_len;
- }
- // build outpt
- if (!bgn)
- bfr.Add_int_fixed(val, val_len);
- bfr.Add_byte_repeat(pad_chr, pad_len);
- if (bgn)
- bfr.Add_int_fixed(val, val_len);
- return bfr.To_str();
- }
- public static String To_str_hex(int v) {return To_str_hex(BoolUtl.Y, BoolUtl.Y, v);}
- public static String To_str_hex(boolean zero_pad, boolean upper, int v) {
- String rv = Integer.toHexString(v);
- int rv_len = String_.Len(rv);
- if (zero_pad && rv_len < 8) rv = String_.Repeat("0", 8 - rv_len) + rv;
- return upper ? String_.Upper(rv) : rv;
- }
- public static int Compare(int lhs, int rhs) {
- if (lhs == rhs) return CompareAbleUtl.Same;
- else if (lhs < rhs) return CompareAbleUtl.Less;
- else return CompareAbleUtl.More;
- }
- public static boolean In(int v, int comp0, int comp1) {return v == comp0 || v == comp1;}
- public static boolean In(int v, int... ary) {
- for (int itm : ary)
- if (v == itm) return true;
- return false;
- }
- public static boolean Between(int v, int lhs, int rhs) {
- int lhsCompare = v == lhs ? 0 : (v < lhs ? -1 : 1);
- int rhsCompare = v == rhs ? 0 : (v < rhs ? -1 : 1);
- return (lhsCompare * rhsCompare) != 1; // 1 when v is (a) greater than both or (b) less than both
- }
- public static boolean RangeCheck(int v, int max) {return v >= 0 && v < max;}
- public static void RangeCheckOrFail_list(int v, int max, String s) {if (v < 0 || v >= max) throw Err_.new_wo_type("bounds check failed", "msg", s, "v", v, "min", 0, "max", max - 1);}
- public static boolean Bounds_chk(int bgn, int end, int len) {return bgn > -1 && end < len;}
- public static int BoundEnd(int v, int end) {return v >= end ? end - 1 : v;}
- public static int EnsureLessThan(int v, int max) {return v >= max ? max : v;}
- public static int Min(int lhs, int rhs) {return lhs < rhs ? lhs : rhs;}
- public static int Max(int lhs, int rhs) {return lhs > rhs ? lhs : rhs;}
- public static int Min_many(int... ary) {
- int len = ary.length; if (len == 0) throw Err_.new_wo_type("Min_many requires at least 1 value");
- boolean init = true;
- int min = Int_.Min_value;
- for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
- int val = ary[i];
- if (init) {
- min = val;
- init = false;
- }
- else {
- if (val < min)
- min = val;
- }
- }
- return min;
- }
- public static int Subtract_long(long lhs, long rhs) {return (int)(lhs - rhs);}
- public static int Div(int v, float divisor) {return (int)((float)v / divisor);}
- public static int DivAndRoundUp(int v, int divisor) {
- int whole = v / divisor;
- int partial = v % divisor == 0 ? 0 : 1;
- return whole + partial;
- }
- public static int Mult(int v, float multiplier) {
- float product = ((float)v * multiplier); // WORKAROUND (DotNet): (int)((float)v * multiplier) returns 0 for 100 and .01f
- return (int)product;
- }
- }