ymoks_GfmlAtr_GfmlNde_mok.java 7.9 KB

  1. /*
  2. XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
  3. Copyright (C) 2012-2017 gnosygnu@gmail.com
  4. XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
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  6. You may use XOWA according to either of these licenses as is most appropriate
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  8. The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
  9. GPLv3 License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-GPLv3.txt
  10. Apache License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE2.txt
  11. */
  12. package gplx.gfml; import gplx.*;
  13. import gplx.core.strings.*;
  14. interface GfmlItm_mok {
  15. int ObjType();
  16. }
  17. class GfmlAtr_mok implements GfmlItm_mok {
  18. public int ObjType() {return GfmlObj_.Type_atr;}
  19. public String Key() {return key;} public GfmlAtr_mok Key_(String v) {key = v; return this;} private String key;
  20. public String Val() {return val;} public GfmlAtr_mok Val_(String v) {val = v; return this;} private String val;
  21. public GfmlAtr XtoGfmlItm() {
  22. GfmlAtr rv = GfmlAtr.new_(GfmlTkn_.raw_(key), GfmlTkn_.raw_(val), GfmlType_.String);
  23. return rv;
  24. }
  25. public String XtoStrStub() {
  26. String_bldr sb = String_bldr_.new_();
  27. sb.Add_kv("key=", key).Add_kv("val=", val);
  28. return sb.To_str();
  29. }
  30. public static final GfmlAtr_mok Null = new GfmlAtr_mok().Key_(String_.Null_mark).Val_(String_.Null_mark);
  31. public static GfmlAtr_mok as_(Object obj) {return obj instanceof GfmlAtr_mok ? (GfmlAtr_mok)obj : null;}
  32. public static GfmlAtr_mok new_(String key, String val) {
  33. GfmlAtr_mok rv = new GfmlAtr_mok();
  34. rv.key = key; rv.val = val;
  35. return rv;
  36. } GfmlAtr_mok() {}
  37. }
  38. class GfmlNde_mok implements GfmlItm_mok {
  39. public int ObjType() {return GfmlObj_.Type_nde;}
  40. public String Key() {return key;} public GfmlNde_mok Key_(String v) {key = v; return this;} private String key;
  41. public String Hnd() {return hnd;} public GfmlNde_mok Hnd_(String v) {hnd = v; return this;} private String hnd;
  42. public String Typ() {return typ;} public GfmlNde_mok Typ_(String v) {typ = v; return this;} private String typ;
  43. public int ChainId() {return chainId;} public GfmlNde_mok ChainId_(int v) {chainId = v; return this;} int chainId = -1;
  44. public boolean KeyedSubObj() {return keyed;}
  45. public GfmlNde_mok KeyedSubObj_() {return KeyedSubObj_(true);}
  46. public GfmlNde_mok KeyedSubObj_(boolean v) {keyed = v; return this;} private boolean keyed;
  47. public List_adp Subs() {return subs;}
  48. public String XtoStrStub() {
  49. String_bldr sb = String_bldr_.new_();
  50. sb.Add_kv("key=", key).Add_kv("hnd=", hnd).Add_kv("typ=", typ).Add_kv("subs=", Int_.To_str(subs.Count()));
  51. return sb.To_str();
  52. }
  53. public GfmlNde_mok Subs_(GfmlItm_mok... ary) {
  54. for (GfmlItm_mok itm : ary)
  55. subs.Add(itm);
  56. return this;
  57. } List_adp subs = List_adp_.New();
  58. public GfmlNde_mok Atrk_(String k, String v) {subs.Add(GfmlAtr_mok.new_(k, v)); return this;}
  59. public GfmlNde_mok Atru_(String v) {subs.Add(GfmlAtr_mok.new_(GfmlTkn_.NullVal, v)); return this;}
  60. public GfmlNde_mok Atrs_(String... ary) {
  61. for (String itm : ary)
  62. subs.Add(GfmlAtr_mok.new_(GfmlTkn_.NullVal, itm));
  63. return this;
  64. }
  65. public GfmlNde XtoGfmlItm(GfmlTypRegy regy) {return XtoGfmlNde(regy, this);}
  66. static GfmlNde XtoGfmlNde(GfmlTypRegy regy, GfmlNde_mok ownerMok) {
  67. String tmpTypeKey = ownerMok.typ == null ? GfmlType_.AnyKey : ownerMok.typ;
  68. String tmpHnd = ownerMok.hnd == null ? "" : ownerMok.hnd;
  69. GfmlNde rv = GfmlNde.new_(GfmlTkn_.raw_(tmpHnd), regy.FetchOrNull(tmpTypeKey), ownerMok.key != null);
  70. rv.ChainId_(ownerMok.chainId);
  71. if (ownerMok.keyed) rv.KeyedSubObj_(ownerMok.keyed);
  72. if (ownerMok.key != null) rv.KeyTkn_set(GfmlTkn_.val_(ownerMok.key));
  73. for (int i = 0; i < ownerMok.subs.Count(); i++) {
  74. GfmlItm_mok itm = (GfmlItm_mok)ownerMok.subs.Get_at(i);
  75. if (itm.ObjType() == GfmlObj_.Type_nde) {
  76. GfmlNde_mok itmMok = (GfmlNde_mok)itm;
  77. rv.SubObjs_Add(itmMok.XtoGfmlItm(regy));
  78. }
  79. else {
  80. GfmlAtr_mok atrMok = (GfmlAtr_mok)itm;
  81. rv.SubObjs_Add(atrMok.XtoGfmlItm());
  82. }
  83. }
  84. return rv;
  85. }
  86. public static GfmlNde_mok as_(Object obj) {return obj instanceof GfmlNde_mok ? (GfmlNde_mok)obj : null;}
  87. public static final GfmlNde_mok Null = new GfmlNde_mok().Hnd_(String_.Null_mark).Typ_(String_.Null_mark);
  88. public static final GfmlNde_mok ErrAtr = new GfmlNde_mok().Hnd_("<<ErrAtr>>").Typ_("<<ErrAtr>>");
  89. public static GfmlNde_mok new_() {return new GfmlNde_mok();} GfmlNde_mok() {}
  90. public static GfmlNde_mok gfmlNde_(GfmlNde nde) {return InitNde(nde);}
  91. static GfmlNde_mok InitNde(GfmlNde nde) {
  92. GfmlNde_mok rv = new GfmlNde_mok();
  93. rv.typ = nde.Type().Key();
  94. rv.hnd = nde.Hnd();
  95. rv.keyed = nde.KeyedSubObj();
  96. rv.chainId = nde.ChainId();
  97. if (nde.Key() != null) rv.key = nde.Key();
  98. for (int i = 0; i < nde.SubKeys().Count(); i++) {
  99. GfmlItm subItm = (GfmlItm)nde.SubKeys().Get_at(i);
  100. if (subItm.ObjType() == GfmlObj_.Type_atr) {
  101. GfmlAtr subAtr = (GfmlAtr)subItm;
  102. GfmlAtr_mok mokAtr = GfmlAtr_mok.new_(subAtr.Key(), subAtr.DatTkn().Val());
  103. if (!String_.Len_eq_0(subAtr.Key())) mokAtr.Key_(subAtr.Key());
  104. rv.subs.Add(mokAtr);
  105. }
  106. else {
  107. GfmlNde subNde = (GfmlNde)subItm;
  108. GfmlNde_mok mokNde = InitNde(subNde);
  109. rv.subs.Add(mokNde);
  110. }
  111. }
  112. for (int i = 0; i < nde.SubHnds().Count(); i++) {
  113. GfmlNde subNde = (GfmlNde)nde.SubHnds().Get_at(i);
  114. GfmlNde_mok mokNde = InitNde(subNde);
  115. rv.subs.Add(mokNde);
  116. }
  117. return rv;
  118. }
  119. }
  120. class GfmlTypeResolver_fxt {
  121. public GfmlType ini_MakeType(GfmlTyp_mok mok) {
  122. type = mok.XtoGfmlType();
  123. regy.Add(type);
  124. return type;
  125. }
  126. GfmlType type;
  127. public static void tst_Nde(TfdsTstr_fxt tstr, GfmlNde_mok expd, GfmlNde_mok actl) {
  128. expd = NullObj(expd); actl = NullObj(actl);
  129. if (expd.Typ() != null) tstr.Eq_str(expd.Typ(), actl.Typ(), "typ");
  130. if (expd.KeyedSubObj()) tstr.Eq_str(expd.KeyedSubObj(), actl.KeyedSubObj(), "keyed");
  131. if (expd.Key() != null) tstr.Eq_str(expd.Key(), actl.Key(), "key");
  132. if (expd.Hnd() != null) tstr.Eq_str(expd.Hnd(), actl.Hnd(), "hnd");
  133. if (expd.ChainId() != -1) tstr.Eq_str(expd.ChainId(), actl.ChainId(), "chainId");
  134. int max = tstr.List_Max(expd.Subs(), actl.Subs());
  135. for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
  136. GfmlItm_mok expdSub = (GfmlItm_mok)tstr.List_FetchAtOrNull(expd.Subs(), i);
  137. GfmlItm_mok actlSub = (GfmlItm_mok)tstr.List_FetchAtOrNull(actl.Subs(), i);
  138. tstr.SubName_push(Int_.To_str(i));
  139. if (expdSub == null) {
  140. GfmlNde_mok mm = GfmlNde_mok.as_(actlSub);
  141. String actlSubStr = mm == null ? "sub:null" : mm.XtoStrStub();
  142. tstr.Eq_str("nde:" + "sub:null", actlSubStr, "expdSub null");
  143. tstr.Fail();
  144. break;
  145. }
  146. else if (expdSub.ObjType() == GfmlObj_.Type_atr) {
  147. GfmlAtr_mok actlAtrMok = GfmlAtr_mok.as_(actlSub);
  148. tst_Nde(tstr, (GfmlAtr_mok)expdSub, actlAtrMok);
  149. }
  150. else {
  151. GfmlNde_mok actlMok = GfmlNde_mok.as_(actlSub);
  152. if (actlMok == null) {
  153. String actlSubStr = actlSub == null ? "sub:null" : "atr:" + ((GfmlAtr_mok)actlSub).XtoStrStub();
  154. tstr.Eq_str("nde:" + ((GfmlNde_mok)expdSub).XtoStrStub(), actlSubStr, "actlSub null");
  155. tstr.Fail();
  156. break;
  157. }
  158. tst_Nde(tstr, (GfmlNde_mok)expdSub, actlMok);
  159. }
  160. tstr.SubName_pop();
  161. }
  162. }
  163. static GfmlNde_mok NullObj(GfmlNde_mok v) {return v == null ? GfmlNde_mok.Null : v;}
  164. static GfmlAtr_mok NullObj(GfmlAtr_mok v) {return v == null ? GfmlAtr_mok.Null : v;}
  165. static void tst_Nde(TfdsTstr_fxt tstr, GfmlAtr_mok expd, GfmlAtr_mok actl) {
  166. expd = NullObj(expd); actl = NullObj(actl);
  167. if (expd.Key() != null) tstr.Eq_str(expd.Key(), actl.Key(), "key");
  168. if (expd.Val() != null) tstr.Eq_str(expd.Val(), actl.Val(), "val");
  169. }
  170. GfmlTypRegy regy = GfmlTypRegy.new_();
  171. public static GfmlTypeResolver_fxt new_() {
  172. GfmlTypeResolver_fxt rv = new GfmlTypeResolver_fxt();
  173. return rv;
  174. } GfmlTypeResolver_fxt() {}
  175. }