5.3 KB

  1. /*
  2. XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
  3. Copyright (C) 2012-2017
  4. XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
  5. or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
  6. You may use XOWA according to either of these licenses as is most appropriate
  7. for your project on a case-by-case basis.
  8. The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
  9. GPLv3 License:
  10. Apache License:
  11. */
  12. package gplx.gfml; import gplx.*;
  13. public class GfmlNde implements GfmlItm {
  14. public static final int OBJ_TYPE = GfmlObj_.Type_nde;
  15. public int ObjType() {return objType;} int objType = GfmlObj_.Type_nde;
  16. public GfmlTkn KeyTkn() {return keyTkn;} public String Key() {return keyTkn.Val();} GfmlTkn keyTkn = GfmlTkn_.Null;
  17. public GfmlType Type() {return type;} GfmlType type;
  18. public boolean KeyedSubObj() {return keyedSubObj;} public GfmlNde KeyedSubObj_(boolean v) {keyedSubObj = v; return this;} private boolean keyedSubObj;
  19. public int ChainId() {return chainId;} public GfmlNde ChainId_(int v) {chainId = v; return this;} int chainId; // can use boolean chainHead, but this is easier for debugging
  20. public int SubObjs_Count() {return subObjs.Count();} GfmlObjList subObjs = GfmlObjList.new_();
  21. public GfmlObj SubObjs_GetAt(int i) {return (GfmlObj)subObjs.Get_at(i);}
  22. public void SubObjs_Add(GfmlObj gobj) {
  23. subObjs.Add(gobj);
  24. GfmlItm subItm = GfmlItm_.as_(gobj);
  25. if ( subItm == null // gobj is tkn: symbol, whitespace, comment
  26. || subItm.ObjType() == GfmlObj_.Type_prg) // gobj is pragma
  27. return;
  28. if (subItm.KeyedSubObj())
  29. subKeys.Add(subItm);
  30. else
  31. subHnds.Add(GfmlNde.as_(subItm));
  32. }
  33. public String Hnd() {return hndTkn.Val();} GfmlTkn hndTkn = GfmlTkn_.Null;
  34. public GfmlDocPos DocPos() {return docPos;} GfmlDocPos docPos = GfmlDocPos_.Null;
  35. public GfmlItmKeys SubKeys() {return subKeys;} GfmlItmKeys subKeys = GfmlItmKeys.new_();
  36. public GfmlItmHnds SubHnds() {return subHnds;} GfmlItmHnds subHnds = GfmlItmHnds.new_();
  37. public String To_str() {return GfmlDocWtr_.xtoStr_(this);}
  38. public void UpdateNde(String hnd) {
  39. for (int i = 0; i < subHnds.Count(); i++) {
  40. GfmlNde nde = (GfmlNde)subHnds.Get_at(i);
  41. if (String_.Eq(nde.hndTkn.Raw(), hnd)) return;
  42. }
  43. int endAtrPos = PosOf(false, ";", "}");
  44. GfmlTkn bgnParen = GfmlTkn_.new_("(", "");
  45. GfmlTkn endParen = GfmlTkn_.new_(")", "");
  46. GfmlTkn bgnBrace = GfmlTkn_.new_("{", "");
  47. GfmlTkn endBrace = GfmlTkn_.new_("}", "");
  48. GfmlTkn hndTkn = GfmlTkn_.new_(hnd, hnd);
  49. GfmlNde subNde = GfmlNde.new_(hndTkn, GfmlType_.new_any_(), false);
  50. subNde.SubObjs_Add(hndTkn);
  51. subNde.SubObjs_Add(bgnParen);
  52. subNde.SubObjs_Add(endParen);
  53. subNde.SubObjs_Add(bgnBrace);
  54. subNde.SubObjs_Add(endBrace);
  55. subObjs.Add_at(subNde, endAtrPos);
  56. // a(){b(){}}
  57. // a:{} -> a:{b:{}}
  58. }
  59. int PosOf(boolean fwd, String... find) {
  60. int bgn = fwd ? 0 : subObjs.Count() - 1;
  61. int end = fwd ? subObjs.Count() : 0;
  62. int dif = fwd ? 1 : -1;
  63. for (int i = bgn; i != end; i+=dif) {
  64. GfmlObj subObj = (GfmlObj)subObjs.Get_at(i);
  65. GfmlTkn subTkn = GfmlTkn_.as_(subObj);
  66. if (subTkn == null) continue;
  67. if (String_.In(subTkn.Raw(), find)) {
  68. return i;
  69. }
  70. }
  71. return -1;
  72. }
  73. public void UpdateAtr(String key, String val) {
  74. GfmlAtr atr = (GfmlAtr)subKeys.Get_by(key);
  75. if (atr != null) {atr.UpdateAtr(key, val); return;}
  76. val = String_.Replace(val, "'", "''");
  77. GfmlTkn quote = GfmlTkn_.new_("'", "");
  78. GfmlTkn keyTkn = GfmlTkn_.raw_(key);
  79. GfmlTkn valTkn = GfmlTkn_.composite_("composite", GfmlTknAry_.ary_(quote, GfmlTkn_.raw_(val), quote));
  80. GfmlTkn eqTkn = GfmlTkn_.new_("=", "");
  81. atr = GfmlAtr.string_(keyTkn, valTkn);
  82. atr.SubObjs_Add(keyTkn);
  83. atr.SubObjs_Add(eqTkn);
  84. atr.SubObjs_Add(valTkn);
  85. int endAtrPos = PosOf(true, ";", "{");
  86. if (subKeys.Count() != 0) {
  87. subObjs.Add_at(GfmlTkn_.new_(" ", ""), endAtrPos);
  88. endAtrPos++;
  89. }
  90. subObjs.Add_at(atr, endAtrPos);
  91. }
  92. @gplx.Internal protected void ObjType_set_pragma() {objType = GfmlObj_.Type_prg;}
  93. @gplx.Internal protected void KeyTkn_set(GfmlTkn gobj) {keyTkn = gobj;}
  94. @gplx.Internal protected void Type_set(GfmlType val) {type = val;}
  95. @gplx.Internal protected void SubObjs_Clear() {subObjs.Clear();}
  96. @gplx.Internal protected GfmlTkn HndTkn() {return hndTkn;}
  97. @gplx.Internal protected void HndTkn_set(GfmlTkn tkn) {hndTkn = tkn;}
  98. @gplx.Internal protected void Hnd_set(String v) {hndTkn = String_.Len_eq_0(v) ? GfmlTkn_.Null : GfmlTkn_.val_(v);} // NOTE: v is empty for types with empty fldNames
  99. @gplx.Internal protected GfmlNde DocPos_(GfmlDocPos val) {docPos = val; return this;}
  100. public static GfmlNde as_(Object obj) {return obj instanceof GfmlNde ? (GfmlNde)obj : null;}
  101. @gplx.Internal protected static GfmlNde named_(GfmlTkn hndTkn, GfmlType type) {return new GfmlNde(hndTkn, type, false);}
  102. @gplx.Internal protected static GfmlNde new_(GfmlTkn hndTkn, GfmlType type, boolean keyedSubObj) {return new GfmlNde(hndTkn, type, keyedSubObj);}
  103. GfmlNde(GfmlTkn hndTkn, GfmlType type, boolean keyedSubObj) {
  104. this.hndTkn = hndTkn; this.type = type; this.keyedSubObj = keyedSubObj;}
  105. }