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  13. <h1 id="firstHeading" class="firstHeading"><span>Dev/Design/Data dump format</span></h1>
  14. <div id="bodyContent" class="mw-body-content">
  15. <div id="siteSub">From XOWA: the free, open-source, offline wiki application</div>
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  18. <p>
  19. The Wikimedia data dump files are released in compressed forms: <a href="" rel="nofollow" class="external text">bzip2</a> or <a href="" rel="nofollow" class="external text">gzip</a>. Prior to v0.5.2, XOWA required that the files be uncompressed in order to read them. v0.5.2 allows the user the option to either read directly from the compressed or uncompressed file.
  20. </p>
  21. <div id="toc" class="toc">
  22. <div id="toctitle" class="toctitle">
  23. <h2>
  24. Contents
  25. </h2>
  26. </div>
  27. <ul>
  28. <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-1">
  29. <a href="#bzip2:_disk_space_vs_speed"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">bzip2: disk space vs speed</span></a>
  30. </li>
  31. <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-2">
  32. <a href="#bzip2:_Application_install_(GUI)"><span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">bzip2: Application install (GUI)</span></a>
  33. </li>
  34. <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-3">
  35. <a href="#Command-line_install"><span class="tocnumber">3</span> <span class="toctext">Command-line install</span></a>
  36. </li>
  37. <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-4">
  38. <a href="#gzip"><span class="tocnumber">4</span> <span class="toctext">gzip</span></a>
  39. </li>
  40. <li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-5">
  41. <a href="#References"><span class="tocnumber">5</span> <span class="toctext">References</span></a>
  42. </li>
  43. </ul>
  44. </div>
  45. <h2>
  46. <span class="mw-headline" id="bzip2:_disk_space_vs_speed">bzip2: disk space vs speed</span>
  47. </h2>
  48. <p>
  49. Currently, reading from a bzip2 file is much slower than unzipping and reading from the xml file.<sup id="cite_ref-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-0">[1]</a></sup>
  50. </p>
  51. <p>
  52. For example, using a 10 GB English Wikipedia dump file:
  53. </p>
  54. <ul>
  55. <li>
  56. <b>unzip</b> takes 120 minutes and +40 GB extra disk space. This process includes unzipping to .xml with 7-zip (40 min: 40 GB) and then importing the wiki (80 min)
  57. </li>
  58. <li>
  59. <b>bzip2</b> takes 330 minutes and + 0 GB extra disk space. This process includes reading directly from the .bz2 file (250 min: 0 GB) and importing the wiki (80 min)
  60. </li>
  61. </ul>
  62. <p>
  63. If you have the extra disk space, you will want to use the <b>unzip</b> route. If you are low on disk space, then you can use the <b>bzip2</b> route instead
  64. </p>
  65. <h2>
  66. <span class="mw-headline" id="bzip2:_Application_install_(GUI)">bzip2: Application install (GUI)</span>
  67. </h2>
  68. <p>
  69. By default, the application install uses the <b>unzip</b> route.
  70. </p>
  71. <p>
  72. To change it to the <b>bzip2</b> route:
  73. </p>
  74. <ul>
  75. <li>
  76. Go to <a href="/wiki/Options/Import" id="xolnki_2" title="Options/Import">Options/Import</a>
  77. </li>
  78. <li>
  79. Change <b>Custom wiki commands</b> to <code>,wiki.import</code>
  80. </li>
  81. </ul>
  82. <dl>
  83. <dd>
  84. Note: the key step is to remove <code>wiki.unzip</code> after <code></code>
  85. </dd>
  86. </dl>
  87. <h2>
  88. <span class="mw-headline" id="Command-line_install">Command-line install</span>
  89. </h2>
  90. <p>
  91. The <code>core_init</code> build step now has an extra property: <code>src_bz2_fil_</code>. A sample invocation would be
  92. </p>
  93. <pre>
  94. .add('', 'core.init').src_bz2_fil_('/home/download/simplewiki-latest-pages-articles.bz2').owner
  95. </pre>
  96. <p>
  97. Note that XOWA can also auto-detect the appropriate file. For example, using a directory of /xowa/wiki/
  98. </p>
  99. <ul>
  100. <li>
  101. If a .bz2 file is there, it will use it
  102. </li>
  103. <li>
  104. If a .xml file is there, it will use it
  105. </li>
  106. <li>
  107. If both a .bz2 file and a .xml file are there, it will use the .xml file. (since the .xml will be faster)
  108. </li>
  109. <li>
  110. If neither are there, it will fail
  111. </li>
  112. </ul>
  113. <h2>
  114. <span class="mw-headline" id="gzip">gzip</span>
  115. </h2>
  116. <p>
  117. Currently, gzip is only used for the /category2/ system.
  118. </p>
  119. <ul>
  120. <li>
  121. For application setup, .gz is always used (there is no unzipping)
  122. </li>
  123. <li>
  124. For CLI, either .gz or .sql can be used. Note that usage follows the same rules as described above for .bz2 / .xml.
  125. </li>
  126. </ul>
  127. <h2>
  128. <span class="mw-headline" id="References">References</span>
  129. </h2>
  130. <ol class="references">
  131. <li id="cite_note-0">
  132. <span class="mw-cite-backlink"><a href="#cite_ref-0">^</a></span> <span class="reference-text">This seems to be a result of Java's lack of support for an unsigned byte data-type, as well as other performance gains from a native C++/C application. (7-zip on Windows; bzip2 on Linux)</span>
  133. </li>
  134. </ol>
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