Wikidata wiki
Enter multiple language codes separated by a semi-colon. See Options/Language for a full list of valid language codes.
The text languages are used for the following:
- The overview for the article's label, description and alias. For example, a value of "en" on Earth's Wikidata page will generate an article title of "Earth" and corresponding English text for everything before the Table of Contents.
- The entity name for claims and properties. For example, a language of "en" will generate "astronomical body" and "Sun" for claim P397
Note that multiple languages allow searching for a preferred language first. For example, a value of "de;en" will search for the German text first. If one is not found, it will then use the English text.
Enter multiple language codes separated by a semi-colon.
The sort languages are used to sort the Link, Label, Description and Alias list. For example, sort languages of "en;de;fr" will place the English, German and French entries at the top of the list, and then sort everything else afterwards alphabetically.
Enter a wiki code.
The wiki code is used to create a hyperlink for the article title. For example, a wiki code of "enwiki" on Earth's Wikidata page creates a hyperlink to English Wikipedia's Earth article.
Special:Item by title
The name of the default site when using www.wikidata.org:Special:ItemByTitle.