
From XOWA: the free, open-source, offline wiki application

For more info, see App/UI/Tabs

Position / Size

Place on top

Choose a position for the tab buttons:

  • checked: place buttons on top
  • unchecked: place buttons on bottom

NOTE: The underlying tab widget (SWT CTabFolder) does not allow buttons to be placed on the side.


Set height of tab button in pixels.

Hide if one

Choose display option for single tabs:

  • checked: hide tab button area
  • unchecked: show tab button area with one tab button



Choose whether to draw button with a curve:

  • checked: draw tab button with curve on right side
  • unchecked: draw tab button as rounded rect

NOTE: The underlying tab widget (SWT CTabFolder) does not allow other border embellishments.

Close button visible

Choose whether to show the close button

  • checked: show the close button on all tabs
  • unchecked: hide the close button on all tabs

NOTE: This setting overrides Unselected close button visible

Unselected close button visible

Choose whether to show the close button on unselected tabs

  • checked: show the close button on unselected tabs.
  • unchecked: hide the close button on unselected tabs. The close button will still show for the selected tab.

NOTE: This setting is overriden by Close button visible


Max chars

Enter a maximum number of characters for the title:

  • This setting limits the maximum width of a tab: i.e.: I don't want my tabs to be wider than this.
  • If the setting is -1 or the title has less characters than the min, the title will be unchanged
For example, a maximum of 5 and a title of "A" will show as "A"
  • Otherwise, the text is truncated to the maximum, and an ellipsis of "..." will be added
For example, a maximum of 5 and a title of "Maximum" will show as "Maxim..."
Min chars

Enter a minimum number of characters for the title:

  • This setting generate a standard minimum width: i.e.: I want my tabs to be at least this wide.
  • It works best with fixed width fonts. For other fonts, the results will be imprecise.
  • If the setting is -1 or the title has more characters than the min, the title will be unchanged
For example, a minimum of 5 and a title of "Minimum" will show as "Minimum"
  • Otherwise, spaces will be padded on to the end of the title to reach the minimum.
For example, a minimum of 5 and a title of "A" will show as "A    "



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