<span> inside <pre> should not be line wrapped
fails if "1" is not on same line as "number one should be on same line"
1 number one should be on same line
duplicate "style" text in anchor caption triggers null exception
fails if "style style should not fail during merge" is not visible
" style style should not fail during merge
<hr> should show
fails if "text above hr" is not above <hr/> or "text below hr" is not below
text above hr
text below hr
</br/> should not show />
fails if "before br" is on same line as "after br"
before br
after br
show surrogate characters
fails if foreign character is rendered as replacement character
following should not show as unknown replacement character: 𡼾
show surrogate characters (attribute value) (DATE: 2014-09-08)
fails if link is red
following link should be blue (not red) and clickable: Diagnostics/JTidy/𐎍𐎁_𐎜
encloseBodyText enabled ( https://hr.wiktionary.org/wiki/brod ) (DATE: 2015-11-08)
fails if "b1" is after a1