Set up Simple Wikipedia

From XOWA: a free, open-source, offline wiki application


Simple Wikipedia is a smaller wiki with 180,000+ pages and 90,000+ images. The text version can be setup in less than 5 minutes, using only 200 MB of disk space. The images version is a little larger: it needs 30 minutes of download time and 2 GB of space.

Part 1: Import the wiki

  • Launch XOWA
  • Find the link for "Set up Simple Wikipedia" near the middle of the Main Page (home/wiki/Main_Page).
  • Click on it. The import process will start and should complete within 5 minutes.
  • Visit different pages in Simple Wikipedia. Note that XOWA is showing all the articles, but without any images.

Part 2: Download the images

  • Download the zip from
  • Unzip the files in your xowa root directory. When you are done, you will have a file called D:\xowa\\ as well as many others.[1][2]
  • Enter into the address bar. All images should load.


  1. ^ This bundle also has Simple Wiktionary, Simple Wikiquote and Simple Wikibooks
  2. ^ This bundle also has Simple Wikipedia from 2015-04-06. It will overwrite the copy you imported. This ensures that all the images should match up with the pages: i.e.: a later wiki (for example, 2017-01-02) may reference new images that were not present at the time of 2015-04-06. If you want a later version of Simple Wikipedia, simply reimport it again. Note the following about updating your wiki:
    • Images will still show if the page hasn't changed the image. For example, if you are viewing a page from 2017-01-02 but no new images have been added or modified, then the page will look the same.
    • Images will not show, if the page has added new images or changed existing ones. For example, if the 2015-04-06 page had an Image called "Wiki_2015.png" but the 2017-01-02 version changed this to "Wiki_2017.png" then the "Wiki_2015.png" would not appear (since it wasn't known at the time of 2015-04-06)



Getting started



