From XOWA: the free, open-source, offline wiki application

SWT is a core GUI library in XOWA.


The SWT library is an open-source GUI library, used by the open-source Java IDE Eclipse.

XOWA uses SWT in its GUI application across the 3 major operating systems: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. This means that SWT handles everything visual: including buttons, text boxes, windows, and of course, the HTML browser.

SWT is not used in HTTP Server or Android

If you are running XOWA as an HTTP server or are using the Android version, then SWT is not used.

Packaging details

Platform-specific jar

SWT comes packaged in an operating system-specific jar called swt.jar. XOWA includes this at /xowa/operating_system_name/swt/swt.jar. For example, on Linux 64-bit, this file is at /xowa/linux_64/swt/swt.jar

Annual update

SWT does a major update annually in coordination with the Eclipse release. Typically, this occurs in June. There are also development snapshots that are released during the course of the year.

XOWA will always update SWT shortly after the major version release. Depending on changes, it may also update after development snapshots.

SWT version

XOWA v0.0.0 through v2.6.4 had been using SWT 4.2.

XOWA had been stalled in using SWT 4.3 and SWT 4.4 due to the following SWT bug: This bug was corrected in SWT 4.5.

As of v2.6.5, XOWA now uses SWT 4.5. As a result the following 2 bugs were also fixed:



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