
From XOWA: the free, open-source, offline wiki application


XOWA is an offline Wikipedia application. It can run an offline copy of Wikipedia on your computer by using any of the dumps at It can run as a standalone GUI application, as a Firefox addon, or as a HTTP server.


XOWA is released under the AGPLv3 license. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

Operating Systems

XOWA runs on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. These instructions will assume the user is on a 64-bit Linux system. However, if you're on a different system, the same instructions still apply. Simply substitute "linux_64" with the appropriate XOWA operating system name from below:

  • Linux 64-bit : "linux_64"
  • Linux 32-bit : "linux"
  • Windows 64-bit : "windows_64"
  • Windows 32-bit : "windows"
  • Mac OS X 64-bit : "macosx_64"
  • Mac OS X 32-bit : "macosx"

Software Requirements

XOWA is written in Java and requires 1.6 or above. It has seven dependencies:

  1. JUnit 4.8.2 (default version with Eclipse)
  2. SWT 4.2.1: GUI library
  3. luaj_xowa.jar: Lua library
  4. jtidy_xowa.jar: HTML tidy library
  5. sqlite-jdbc-3.7.15-SNAPSHOT-2.jar: Database library
  6. mysql-connector-java-5.1.12-bin.jar: Database library
  7. postgresql-8.4-701.jdbc4.jar: Database library

Note that the last two libraries are not currently used in XOWA.

Compilation instructions (ANT command-line)

Setup the XOWA app

  • Download the latest XOWA app package for your operating system. For example, if you're on a 64-bit Linux system, "".
  • Unzip the XOWA app package to a directory. For the sake of simplicity, these instructions assume this directory is "/xowa/"
  • Review your directories. You should have the following:
    • An XOWA jar: "/xowa/xowa_linux_64.jar"
    • An XOWA "/bin/any/" directory with several jar files. For example, "/xowa/bin/any/java/apache/commons-compress-1.5.jar"
    • An XOWA "/bin/linux_64/" directory with an SWT jar: "/xowa/bin/linux_64/swt/swt.jar"

Setup the XOWA source

  • Download the latest XOWA source archive. For example: "xowa_source_v1."
  • Unzip the source to "/xowa/dev". When you're done, you'll have a file called "/xowa/dev/build.xml" as well as others
NOTE: if you're not on a Linux 64-bit system, overwrite the swt jar at "/xowa/dev/150_gfui/lib/swt.jar" with the copy from your "/bin/OS" directory. For example, if you're on a 64 bit Windows system, replace "/xowa/dev/150_gfui/lib/swt.jar" with "/bin/windows_64/swt/swt/jar"

Run the ant file

  • Open up a console, and run "ant -buildfile build.xml -Dplat_name=linux_64"

IDE instructions (Eclipse)


The xowa_source.7z was built with Eclipse Indigo. There are no OS dependencies, nor are there dependencies on Eclipse.


  • Follow the steps in these two sections from above:
    • Setup the XOWA app
    • Setup the XOWA source
  • Launch Eclipse. Choose a workbench folder of "/xowa/dev"
  • If the projects don't load, do File -> Import -> Existing Projects Into Workspace
  • Select all projects. Do File -> Refresh.
  • Right-click on 400_xowa in the Package Explorer. Select Debug As -> Java Application. Select Xowa_main. XOWA should launch.
  • Right-click on 400_xowa in the Package Explorer. Select Debug As -> JUnit Test. All tests should pass.

Eclipse-specific settings

This section documents specific project customizations that differ from the standard Eclipse defaults.

Project properties

Resource -> Text file encoding -> Other -> UTF-8


These settings are available under Window -> Preferences

  • Disable Spelling
General -> Editors -> Text Editors -> Spelling
  • Ignore Warnings
Java -> Compiler -> Errors/Warnings
Annotations -> Unhandled token in '@SuppressWarnings'
Potential programming problems -> Serializable class without serialVersionUID
Generic Types -> Unnecessary generic type operation (In Eclipse Luna: "Unchecked generic type operation")
Generic Types -> Usage of a raw type
Unnecessary Code -> Unused import

Configuration arguments

  • Configuration arguments
Run -> Debug Configurations -> Arguments
--root_dir /xowa/ --show_license n --show_args n

Coding style

For many Java programmers my style will appear idiosyncratic if not downright strange.

Some background may help explain the current condition:

  • Most of the lower libraries originated in C#. They were ported to Java about two to three years ago. As such, many of the idioms are not in Java. This includes exceptions (no checked exceptions), events (no anonymous inner classes) and properties (no getProperty/setProperty pattern).
  • As a corollary to the above, much of the code takes a language-agnostic approach. For example, during the migration, the gui library needed a way to invoke similar methods in .NET Winforms and Java Swing without directly binding to either. Event handling, IO calls, reflection and many other functions fall into this same category as there are a number of differences between the .NET and Java libraries.
  • Even with the above, the style is admittedly eccentric. For this, I will try to standardize it wherever it is inconsistent or whenever it becomes a point of contention.



Getting started


