Options/Import Dansguardian

From XOWA: the free, open-source, offline wiki application

For more information, see App/Xtn/Import/Dansguardian



Choose one of the following:

  • checked: Import filter system is enabled
  • unchecked: Import filter system is disabled
Root directory

Enter the root directory where the filters are located.

Note that dansguardian files must be placed within a folder named after wiki. For example, on a Windows system, a phraselist file for simple.wikipedia.org can be placed at C:\xowa\bin\any\xowa\cfg\bldr\filter\simple.wikipedia.org\dansguardian\phraselist1.txt

Initial page score

Enter the initial score of a page.

  • For building a wiki where pages matching the filter are removed, choose a score of 0.
  • For building a wiki where pages matching the filter are kept, choose a positive score like 100.
Filtered page score

Enter the score which causes the page to be removed from the database.

  • Any page which has a score higher than the fail score will be removed from the database.
Case sensitive

Choose if case sensitivity is enabled.

  • If checked, words are matched by case-sensitivity. For example, "< earth >" will match "earth", but not "Earth".
  • If unchecked, words are matched regardless of case. For example, "< earth >" will match "earth" and "Earth". Note that this will slow the import process down by 5% - 10%
Log enabled

Choose if a log is enabled.

  • If checked, a database called dansguardian_log.sqlite3 will be created at /xowa/wiki/wiki_name/
  • If unchecked, no database will be created



Getting started



