Archive/App/UI/Main window layout

From XOWA: the free, open-source, offline wiki application

This section is obsolete. Future versions will change the layout mechanism considerably.

All sections are designed to be copied and pasted directly to xowa.gfs.

Increase font size to 10

This section increases the font size to 10 and adjusts the sizes/positions accordingly

The notes below provide rationale for the numbers if you want to increase to another size

// each "btn" gets +1 width and +1 height
.go_bwd_btn .size_rel_('    +1,     +1').font_name_('Arial').font_size_(10).text_('<').owner
.go_fwd_btn .size_rel_('    +1,     +1').font_name_('Arial').font_size_(10).text_('>').owner
// the url_box loses -2 width because both buttons gained +1 width; it still gets +1 height for the increased font size
.url_box    .size_rel_('    -2,     +1').font_name_('Arial').font_size_(10).owner
// start with -22 for Windows XP Classic; decrease height by 2 to handle the +1 height to the top row and the +1 height to the bottom row
.html_box   .size_rel_('    -8,    -24').pos_rel_(' 0,  0').owner
// the heights are increased by +1
.find_box   .size_rel_('     0,     +1').pos_rel_(' 0,  0').font_name_('Arial').font_size_(10).owner
.prog_box   .size_rel_('     0,     +1').pos_rel_(' 0,  0').font_name_('Arial').font_size_(10).owner
.note_box   .size_rel_('     0,     +1').pos_rel_(' 0,  0').font_name_('Arial').font_size_(10).owner

Increase font size to 30

A more extreme example: font gets changed to 30, so

  • height must go to +26
  • the buttons widths must go to +26
.go_bwd_btn .size_rel_('   +26,    +26').font_name_('Arial').font_size_(30).text_('<').owner
.go_fwd_btn .size_rel_('   +26,    +26').font_name_('Arial').font_size_(30).text_('>').owner
.url_box    .size_rel_('    -2,    +26').font_name_('Arial').font_size_(30).owner
.html_box   .size_rel_('    -8,    -76').owner
.find_box   .size_rel_('     0,    +26').font_name_('Arial').font_size_(30).owner
.prog_box   .size_rel_('     0,    +26').font_name_('Arial').font_size_(30).owner
.note_box   .size_rel_('     0,    +26').font_name_('Arial').font_size_(30).owner

Use absolute positions

Note that this will cause window resizing to have no effect (EX: shrink the window to 800, but the html_box will remain 1000)

.html_box   .mode_('abs').rect_abs_('  1000,   1000,    0,    0').owner
.go_bwd_btn .mode_('abs').rect_abs_('    20,     20,    0, 1000').owner
.go_fwd_btn .mode_('abs').rect_abs_('    20,     20,   20, 1000').owner
.url_box    .mode_('abs').rect_abs_('    20,    960,   40, 1000').owner
.find_box   .mode_('abs').rect_abs_('   200,     20,    0, 1020').owner
.prog_box   .mode_('abs').rect_abs_('   600,     20,  200, 1020').owner
.note_box   .mode_('abs').rect_abs_('   200,     20,  800, 1020').owner



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