@@ -1,168 +1,183 @@
-XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
-Copyright (C) 2012-2017 gnosygnu@gmail.com
-XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
-or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
-You may use XOWA according to either of these licenses as is most appropriate
-for your project on a case-by-case basis.
-The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
-GPLv3 License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-GPLv3.txt
-Apache License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE2.txt
-package gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto; import gplx.*;
-import gplx.core.threads.Thread_adp;
-import gplx.core.threads.Thread_adp_;
-import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*;
-import gplx.core.brys.fmtrs.*; import gplx.core.envs.*;
-import gplx.langs.htmls.*;
-import gplx.xowa.langs.kwds.*; import gplx.xowa.langs.msgs.*;
-import gplx.xowa.wikis.nss.*;
-import gplx.xowa.htmls.*;
-import gplx.xowa.parsers.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.logs.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.tmpls.*;
-import gplx.xowa.xtns.pfuncs.*;
-import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.cfgs.ScribCfg;
-import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.cfgs.ScribCfgResolver;
-public class Scrib_invoke_func extends Pf_func_base {
- @Override public int Id() {return Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_invoke;}
- @Override public Pf_func New(int id, byte[] name) {return new Scrib_invoke_func().Name_(name);}
- @Override public void Func_evaluate(Bry_bfr bfr, Xop_ctx ctx, Xot_invk caller, Xot_invk self, byte[] src) {// {{#invoke:mod_name|prc_name|prc_args...}}
- boolean stat_enabled = ctx.Page().Stat_itm().Enabled();
- if (stat_enabled) ctx.Page().Stat_itm().Scrib().Bgn();
- Xowe_wiki wiki = ctx.Wiki();
- byte[] mod_name = Eval_argx(ctx, src, caller, self);
- if (Bry_.Len_eq_0(mod_name)) {Error(bfr, wiki.Msg_mgr(), Err_mod_missing); return;} // EX: "{{#invoke:}}"
- int args_len = self.Args_len();
- byte[] fnc_name = Pf_func_.Eval_arg_or(ctx, src, caller, self, args_len, 0, null);
- Xop_log_invoke_wkr invoke_wkr = ctx.Xtn__scribunto__invoke_wkr();
- long log_time_bgn = 0;
- if (invoke_wkr != null) {
- log_time_bgn = System_.Ticks();
- if (!invoke_wkr.Eval_bgn(ctx.Page(), mod_name, fnc_name)) return;
- }
- Scrib_core core = wiki.Parser_mgr().Scrib().Core();
- if (core == null) {
- synchronized (this) {
- core = wiki.Parser_mgr().Scrib().Core_init(ctx);
- core.Init();
- core.When_page_changed(ctx.Page());
- }
- }
- byte[] mod_raw = null;
- Scrib_lua_mod mod = core.Mods_get(mod_name);
- if (mod == null) {
- Xow_ns module_ns = wiki.Ns_mgr().Ids_get_or_null(Xow_ns_.Tid__module);
- Xoa_ttl mod_ttl = Xoa_ttl.Parse(wiki, Bry_.Add(module_ns.Name_db_w_colon(), mod_name));
- mod_raw = wiki.Cache_mgr().Page_cache().Get_src_else_load_or_null(mod_ttl);
- if (mod_raw == null) {Error(bfr, wiki.Msg_mgr(), Err_mod_missing); return;} // EX: "{{#invoke:missing_mod}}"
- }
- else
- mod_raw = mod.Text_bry();
- if (!core.Enabled()) {bfr.Add_mid(src, self.Src_bgn(), self.Src_end()); return;}
- try {
- // DBG: test code; ISSUE#:737
- // if (String_.Eq(String_.new_u8(mod_name), "Authority control")) {
- // Tfds.Write(String_.new_u8(ctx.Page().Ttl().Page_db()), String_.new_u8(mod_name), String_.new_u8(fnc_name));
- // }
- // check if configured for threaded execution
- boolean exec = true;
- ScribCfgResolver resolver = wiki.Parser_mgr().Scrib().CfgResolver();
- if (resolver != null) {
- ScribCfg cfg = resolver.Resolve(ctx.Page().Ttl().Page_db(), Xoa_ttl.Replace_spaces(mod_name), fnc_name);
- if (cfg != null) {
- if (cfg.TimeoutInMs() != 0) {
- exec = false;
- int timeoutInMs = cfg.TimeoutInMs();
- long timeBgn = System_.Ticks();
- InvokeInvoker invoker = new InvokeInvoker(core, wiki, ctx, src, caller, self, bfr, mod_name, mod_raw, fnc_name);
- Thread_adp thread = Thread_adp_.Start_by_key("scribunto", invoker, "default");
- while (thread.Thread__is_alive()) {
- Thread_adp_.Sleep(cfg.SleepInMs());
- if (System_.Ticks__elapsed_in_frac(timeBgn) > timeoutInMs) {
- thread.Thread__stop();
- invoker.Exc = Err_.new_wo_type(String_.Format("scribunto timeout: page={0} mod={1} func={2} time={3}", ctx.Page_url_str(), mod_name, fnc_name, timeoutInMs));
- }
- }
- if (invoker.Exc != null) {
- throw invoker.Exc;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // no threaded execution; run sequentially
- if (exec) {
- core.Invoke(wiki, ctx, src, caller, self, bfr, mod_name, mod_raw, fnc_name);
- }
- if (invoke_wkr != null)
- invoke_wkr.Eval_end(ctx.Page(), mod_name, fnc_name, log_time_bgn);
- }
- catch (Throwable e) {
- Err err = Err_.Cast_or_make(e);
- Error(bfr, wiki.Msg_mgr(), err);
- Scrib_err_filter_mgr err_filter_mgr = invoke_wkr == null ? null : invoke_wkr.Err_filter_mgr();
- if ( err_filter_mgr == null // no err_filter_mgr defined;
- || err_filter_mgr.Count_eq_0() // err_filter_mgr exists, but no definitions
- || !err_filter_mgr.Match(String_.new_u8(mod_name), String_.new_u8(fnc_name), err.To_str__msg_only())) // NOTE: must be To_str__msg_only; err_filter_mgr has defintion and it doesn't match current; print warn; DATE:2015-07-24
- ctx.App().Usr_dlg().Warn_many("", "", "invoke failed: ~{0} ~{1} ~{2}", ctx.Page().Ttl().Raw(), Bry_.Replace_nl_w_tab(src, self.Src_bgn(), self.Src_end()), err.To_str__log());
- wiki.Parser_mgr().Scrib().Terminate_when_page_changes_y_(); // NOTE: terminate core when page changes; not terminating now, else page with many errors will be very slow due to multiple remakes of core; PAGE:th.d:all; DATE:2014-10-03
- }
- if (stat_enabled) ctx.Page().Stat_itm().Scrib().End();
- }
- public static void Error(Bry_bfr bfr, Xow_msg_mgr msg_mgr, Err err) {Error(bfr, msg_mgr, Err_.Cast_or_make(err).To_str__top_wo_args());}// NOTE: must use "short" error message to show in wikitext; DATE:2015-07-27
- public static void Error(Bry_bfr bfr, Xow_msg_mgr msg_mgr, String error) {
- // for Luaj, msg combines both err; split out traceback else error message will be very long; note that Warn_many will still log traceback; DATE:2016-09-09
- String error_visible = error;
- int traceback_pos = String_.FindFwd(error, "\nstack traceback:\n"); // NOTE: produced by LuaError.getMessage()
- if (traceback_pos != String_.Find_none)
- error_visible = String_.Mid(error_visible, 0, traceback_pos);
- // write "Script error: some error"
- byte[] script_error_msg = msg_mgr.Val_by_id(Xol_msg_itm_.Id_scribunto_parser_error);
- error_fmtr.Bld_bfr_many(bfr, script_error_msg, error_visible);
- }
- private static final Bry_fmtr error_fmtr = Bry_fmtr.new_("<strong class=\"error\"><span class=\"scribunto-error\" id=\"mw-scribunto-error-0\">~{0}: ~{1}</span></strong>"); // NOTE: must be "error" not 'error'; iferror checks for quote not apos; DATE:2015-09-17
- public static final String Err_mod_missing = "No such module";
- class InvokeInvoker implements Gfo_invk {
- private final Scrib_core core;
- private final Xowe_wiki wiki;
- private final Xop_ctx ctx;
- private final byte[] src;
- private final Xot_invk caller;
- private final Xot_invk self;
- private final Bry_bfr bfr;
- private final byte[] mod_name;
- private final byte[] mod_raw;
- private final byte[] fnc_name;
- public InvokeInvoker(Scrib_core core, Xowe_wiki wiki, Xop_ctx ctx, byte[] src, Xot_invk caller, Xot_invk self, Bry_bfr bfr, byte[] mod_name, byte[] mod_raw, byte[] fnc_name) {
- this.core = core;
- this.wiki = wiki;
- this.ctx = ctx;
- this.src = src;
- this.caller = caller;
- this.self = self;
- this.bfr = bfr;
- this.mod_name = mod_name;
- this.mod_raw = mod_raw;
- this.fnc_name = fnc_name;
- }
- public Exception Exc;
- public Object Invk(GfsCtx gctx, int ikey, String k, GfoMsg m) {
- try {
- core.Invoke(wiki, ctx, src, caller, self, bfr, mod_name, mod_raw, fnc_name);
- }
- catch (Exception exc) {
- this.Exc = exc;
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
+XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
+Copyright (C) 2012-2020 gnosygnu@gmail.com
+XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
+or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
+You may use XOWA according to either of these licenses as is most appropriate
+for your project on a case-by-case basis.
+The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
+GPLv3 License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-GPLv3.txt
+Apache License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE2.txt
+package gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto;
+import gplx.Bry_;
+import gplx.Bry_bfr;
+import gplx.Err;
+import gplx.Err_;
+import gplx.GfoMsg;
+import gplx.Gfo_invk;
+import gplx.GfsCtx;
+import gplx.String_;
+import gplx.core.brys.fmtrs.Bry_fmtr;
+import gplx.core.envs.System_;
+import gplx.core.threads.Thread_adp;
+import gplx.core.threads.Thread_adp_;
+import gplx.xowa.Xoa_ttl;
+import gplx.xowa.Xowe_wiki;
+import gplx.xowa.langs.kwds.Xol_kwd_grp_;
+import gplx.xowa.langs.msgs.Xol_msg_itm_;
+import gplx.xowa.langs.msgs.Xow_msg_mgr;
+import gplx.xowa.parsers.Xop_ctx;
+import gplx.xowa.parsers.logs.Xop_log_invoke_wkr;
+import gplx.xowa.parsers.tmpls.Xot_invk;
+import gplx.xowa.wikis.nss.Xow_ns;
+import gplx.xowa.wikis.nss.Xow_ns_;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.pfuncs.Pf_func;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.pfuncs.Pf_func_;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.pfuncs.Pf_func_base;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.cfgs.ScribCfg;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.cfgs.ScribCfgResolver;
+public class Scrib_invoke_func extends Pf_func_base {
+ @Override public int Id() {return Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_invoke;}
+ @Override public Pf_func New(int id, byte[] name) {return new Scrib_invoke_func().Name_(name);}
+ @Override public void Func_evaluate(Bry_bfr bfr, Xop_ctx ctx, Xot_invk caller, Xot_invk self, byte[] src) {// {{#invoke:mod_name|prc_name|prc_args...}}
+ boolean stat_enabled = ctx.Page().Stat_itm().Enabled();
+ if (stat_enabled) ctx.Page().Stat_itm().Scrib().Bgn();
+ Xowe_wiki wiki = ctx.Wiki();
+ byte[] mod_name = Eval_argx(ctx, src, caller, self);
+ if (Bry_.Len_eq_0(mod_name)) {Error(bfr, wiki.Msg_mgr(), Err_mod_missing); return;} // EX: "{{#invoke:}}"
+ int args_len = self.Args_len();
+ byte[] fnc_name = Pf_func_.Eval_arg_or(ctx, src, caller, self, args_len, 0, null);
+ Xop_log_invoke_wkr invoke_wkr = ctx.Xtn__scribunto__invoke_wkr();
+ long log_time_bgn = 0;
+ if (invoke_wkr != null) {
+ log_time_bgn = System_.Ticks();
+ if (!invoke_wkr.Eval_bgn(ctx.Page(), mod_name, fnc_name)) return;
+ }
+ Scrib_core core = wiki.Parser_mgr().Scrib().Core();
+ if (core == null) {
+ synchronized (this) {
+ core = wiki.Parser_mgr().Scrib().Core_init(ctx);
+ core.Init();
+ core.When_page_changed(ctx.Page());
+ }
+ }
+ byte[] mod_raw = null;
+ Scrib_lua_mod mod = core.Mods_get(mod_name);
+ if (mod == null) {
+ Xow_ns module_ns = wiki.Ns_mgr().Ids_get_or_null(Xow_ns_.Tid__module);
+ Xoa_ttl mod_ttl = Xoa_ttl.Parse(wiki, Bry_.Add(module_ns.Name_db_w_colon(), mod_name));
+ mod_raw = wiki.Cache_mgr().Page_cache().Get_src_else_load_or_null(mod_ttl);
+ if (mod_raw == null) {Error(bfr, wiki.Msg_mgr(), Err_mod_missing); return;} // EX: "{{#invoke:missing_mod}}"
+ }
+ else
+ mod_raw = mod.Text_bry();
+ if (!core.Enabled()) {bfr.Add_mid(src, self.Src_bgn(), self.Src_end()); return;}
+ try {
+ // DBG: test code; ISSUE#:737
+ // if (String_.Eq(String_.new_u8(mod_name), "Authority control")) {
+ // Tfds.Write(String_.new_u8(ctx.Page().Ttl().Page_db()), String_.new_u8(mod_name), String_.new_u8(fnc_name));
+ // }
+ // check if configured for threaded execution
+ boolean exec = true;
+ ScribCfgResolver resolver = wiki.Parser_mgr().Scrib().CfgResolver();
+ if (resolver != null) {
+ ScribCfg cfg = resolver.Resolve(ctx.Page().Ttl().Page_db(), Xoa_ttl.Replace_spaces(mod_name), fnc_name);
+ if (cfg != null) {
+ if (cfg.TimeoutInMs() != 0) {
+ exec = false;
+ int timeoutInMs = cfg.TimeoutInMs();
+ long timeBgn = System_.Ticks();
+ InvokeInvoker invoker = new InvokeInvoker(core, wiki, ctx, src, caller, self, bfr, mod_name, mod_raw, fnc_name);
+ Thread_adp thread = Thread_adp_.Start_by_key("scribunto", invoker, "default");
+ while (thread.Thread__is_alive()) {
+ Thread_adp_.Sleep(cfg.SleepInMs());
+ if (System_.Ticks__elapsed_in_frac(timeBgn) > timeoutInMs) {
+ thread.Thread__stop();
+ invoker.Exc = Err_.new_wo_type(String_.Format("scribunto timeout: page={0} mod={1} func={2} time={3}", ctx.Page_url_str(), mod_name, fnc_name, timeoutInMs));
+ }
+ }
+ if (invoker.Exc != null) {
+ throw invoker.Exc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // no threaded execution; run sequentially
+ if (exec) {
+ core.Invoke(wiki, ctx, src, caller, self, bfr, mod_name, mod_raw, fnc_name);
+ }
+ if (invoke_wkr != null)
+ invoke_wkr.Eval_end(ctx.Page(), mod_name, fnc_name, log_time_bgn);
+ }
+ catch (Throwable e) {
+ Err err = Err_.Cast_or_make(e);
+ Error(bfr, wiki.Msg_mgr(), err);
+ Scrib_err_filter_mgr err_filter_mgr = Scrib_err_filter_mgr.INSTANCE;
+ if ( err_filter_mgr.Empty() // err_filter_mgr exists, but no definitions
+ || !err_filter_mgr.Match(String_.new_u8(mod_name), String_.new_u8(fnc_name), err.To_str__msg_only())) // NOTE: must be To_str__msg_only; err_filter_mgr has defintion and it doesn't match current; print warn; DATE:2015-07-24
+ ctx.App().Usr_dlg().Warn_many("", "", "invoke failed: ~{0} ~{1} ~{2}", ctx.Page().Ttl().Raw(), Bry_.Replace_nl_w_tab(src, self.Src_bgn(), self.Src_end()), err.To_str__log());
+ wiki.Parser_mgr().Scrib().Terminate_when_page_changes_y_(); // NOTE: terminate core when page changes; not terminating now, else page with many errors will be very slow due to multiple remakes of core; PAGE:th.d:all; DATE:2014-10-03
+ }
+ if (stat_enabled) ctx.Page().Stat_itm().Scrib().End();
+ }
+ public static void Error(Bry_bfr bfr, Xow_msg_mgr msg_mgr, Err err) {Error(bfr, msg_mgr, Err_.Cast_or_make(err).To_str__top_wo_args());}// NOTE: must use "short" error message to show in wikitext; DATE:2015-07-27
+ public static void Error(Bry_bfr bfr, Xow_msg_mgr msg_mgr, String error) {
+ // for Luaj, msg combines both err; split out traceback else error message will be very long; note that Warn_many will still log traceback; DATE:2016-09-09
+ String error_visible = error;
+ int traceback_pos = String_.FindFwd(error, "\nstack traceback:\n"); // NOTE: produced by LuaError.getMessage()
+ if (traceback_pos != String_.Find_none)
+ error_visible = String_.Mid(error_visible, 0, traceback_pos);
+ // write "Script error: some error"
+ byte[] script_error_msg = msg_mgr.Val_by_id(Xol_msg_itm_.Id_scribunto_parser_error);
+ error_fmtr.Bld_bfr_many(bfr, script_error_msg, error_visible);
+ }
+ private static final Bry_fmtr error_fmtr = Bry_fmtr.new_("<strong class=\"error\"><span class=\"scribunto-error\" id=\"mw-scribunto-error-0\">~{0}: ~{1}</span></strong>"); // NOTE: must be "error" not 'error'; iferror checks for quote not apos; DATE:2015-09-17
+ public static final String Err_mod_missing = "No such module";
+ class InvokeInvoker implements Gfo_invk {
+ private final Scrib_core core;
+ private final Xowe_wiki wiki;
+ private final Xop_ctx ctx;
+ private final byte[] src;
+ private final Xot_invk caller;
+ private final Xot_invk self;
+ private final Bry_bfr bfr;
+ private final byte[] mod_name;
+ private final byte[] mod_raw;
+ private final byte[] fnc_name;
+ public InvokeInvoker(Scrib_core core, Xowe_wiki wiki, Xop_ctx ctx, byte[] src, Xot_invk caller, Xot_invk self, Bry_bfr bfr, byte[] mod_name, byte[] mod_raw, byte[] fnc_name) {
+ this.core = core;
+ this.wiki = wiki;
+ this.ctx = ctx;
+ this.src = src;
+ this.caller = caller;
+ this.self = self;
+ this.bfr = bfr;
+ this.mod_name = mod_name;
+ this.mod_raw = mod_raw;
+ this.fnc_name = fnc_name;
+ }
+ public Exception Exc;
+ public Object Invk(GfsCtx gctx, int ikey, String k, GfoMsg m) {
+ try {
+ core.Invoke(wiki, ctx, src, caller, self, bfr, mod_name, mod_raw, fnc_name);
+ }
+ catch (Exception exc) {
+ this.Exc = exc;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ }