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Wikibase: Prepend claim_type with "wikibase-" for lexeme, form, sense [#771]

gnosygnu 4 years ago

+ 3 - 3

@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ public class Wbase_claim_entity_type_ {
 	public static final Wbase_enum_itm
 	  Itm__item        = Reg.Add(Tid__item        , "item")
 	, Itm__property    = Reg.Add(Tid__property	  , "property")
-	, Itm__lexeme      = Reg.Add(Tid__lexeme      , "lexeme")
-	, Itm__sense       = Reg.Add(Tid__sense       , "sense")
-	, Itm__form        = Reg.Add(Tid__form        , "form")
+	, Itm__lexeme      = Reg.Add(Tid__lexeme      , "lexeme")             // EX:wd:Lexeme:L2
+	, Itm__sense       = Reg.Add(Tid__sense       , "sense")              // EX:wd:Lexeme:L2 P5830
+	, Itm__form        = Reg.Add(Tid__form        , "form")               // EX:wd:Lexeme:L2 P6072
 	public static Wbase_enum_itm ToTid(byte[] id) {

+ 5 - 3

@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ package;
 import gplx.Bry_;
+// NOTE: these map to "datatype", not "entity-type"; specifically `"datatype":"wikibase-lexeme"` vs `"entity-type":"lexeme"`
 public class Wbase_claim_type_ {
 	public static final byte	// SERIALIZED:wbase_prop|datatype; REF:
 	  Tid__unknown              =  0
@@ -56,10 +57,11 @@ public class Wbase_claim_type_ {
 	, Itm__math                 = New(Tid__math                  , "math")              // EX:wd:Property:P2534
 	, Itm__geo_shape            = New(Tid__geo_shape             , "geo-shape")         // EX:wd:Property:P3896
 	, Itm__tabular_data         = New(Tid__tabular_data          , "tabular-data")      // EX:wd:Property:P4179
-	, Itm__lexeme               = New(Tid__lexeme                , "lexeme")            // EX:wd:Lexeme:L2
-	, Itm__form                 = New(Tid__form                  , "form")              // EX:wd:Lexeme:L2 P5830
-	, Itm__sense                = New(Tid__sense                 , "sense")             // EX:wd:Lexeme:L2 P6072
+	, Itm__lexeme               = New(Tid__lexeme                , "wikibase-lexeme")   // EX:wd:Property:P5188
+	, Itm__form                 = New(Tid__form                  , "wikibase-form")     // EX:wd:Property:P5972
+	, Itm__sense                = New(Tid__sense                 , "wikibase-sense")    // EX:wd:Property:P5193
 	private static Wbase_enum_itm New(byte tid, String key)						{return New(tid, key, key);}
 	private static Wbase_enum_itm New(byte tid, String key, String scrib)		{return Reg.Add(new Wbase_claim_type(tid, key, scrib));}
 	public static String Get_scrib_or_unknown(byte tid)	{return ((Wbase_claim_type)Reg.Get_itm_or(tid, Itm__unknown)).Key_for_scrib();}