@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
-Copyright (C) 2012-2017 gnosygnu@gmail.com
+Copyright (C) 2012-2020 gnosygnu@gmail.com
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
@@ -13,301 +13,347 @@ The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
GPLv3 License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-GPLv3.txt
Apache License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE2.txt
-package gplx.gfui.kits.swts; import gplx.*; import gplx.gfui.*; import gplx.gfui.kits.*;
-import gplx.core.envs.System_;
-import gplx.core.primitives.*;
-import gplx.core.threads.Thread_adp_;
-import gplx.gfui.controls.elems.GfuiElem;
-import gplx.gfui.controls.gxws.GxwCbkHost;
-import gplx.gfui.controls.gxws.GxwCore_base;
-import gplx.gfui.controls.gxws.GxwElem;
-import gplx.gfui.controls.gxws.Gxw_html;
-import gplx.gfui.controls.gxws.Gxw_html_load_tid_;
-import gplx.gfui.controls.standards.Gfui_html;
-import gplx.gfui.controls.standards.Gfui_tab_mgr;
-import gplx.gfui.draws.ColorAdp;
-import gplx.gfui.draws.ColorAdp_;
-import gplx.gfui.ipts.*;
-import gplx.gfui.kits.core.Swt_kit;
-import java.security.acl.Owner;
-import gplx.*;
-import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
-import org.eclipse.swt.browser.*;
-import org.eclipse.swt.events.*;
-import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.*;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;
-import java.security.acl.Owner;
-import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
-import org.eclipse.swt.browser.*;
-import org.eclipse.swt.events.*;
-import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.*;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;
-public class Swt_html implements Gxw_html, Swt_control, FocusListener, Gfo_evt_mgr_owner {
- private Swt_html_lnr_location lnr_location; private Swt_html_lnr_status lnr_status;
- public Swt_html(Swt_kit kit, Swt_control owner_control, Keyval_hash ctorArgs) {
- this.kit = kit;
- lnr_location = new Swt_html_lnr_location(this);
- lnr_status = new Swt_html_lnr_status(this);
- Object browser_tid_obj = ctorArgs.Get_val_or(Swt_kit.Cfg_Html_BrowserType, null);
- this.browser_tid = browser_tid_obj == null ? Browser_tid_none : Int_.Cast(browser_tid_obj);
- browser = new Browser(owner_control.Under_composite(), browser_tid);
- core = new Swt_core_cmds_html(this, browser);
- browser.addKeyListener(new Swt_lnr_key(this));
- browser.addMouseListener(new Swt_html_lnr_mouse(this, browser, kit));
- browser.addLocationListener(lnr_location);
- browser.addProgressListener(new Swt_html_lnr_progress(this));
- browser.addStatusTextListener(lnr_status);
- browser.addFocusListener(this);
- browser.addTitleListener(new Swt_html_lnr_title(this));
- browser.addMouseWheelListener(new Swt_html_lnr_wheel(this));
- // browser.addOpenWindowListener(new Swt_open_window_listener(this)); // handle target='blank'
- // browser.addTraverseListener(new Swt_html_lnr_Traverse(this));
- }
- public Swt_kit Kit() {return kit;} private Swt_kit kit;
- public Gfo_evt_mgr Evt_mgr() {return ev_mgr;} private Gfo_evt_mgr ev_mgr; public void Evt_mgr_(Gfo_evt_mgr v) {ev_mgr = v;}
- @Override public Control Under_control() {return browser;} private Browser browser;
- @Override public Composite Under_composite() {return null;}
- @Override public Control Under_menu_control() {return browser;}
- public int Browser_tid() {return browser_tid;} private final int browser_tid;
- public String Load_by_url_path() {return load_by_url_path;} private String load_by_url_path;
- public void Html_doc_html_load_by_mem(String html) {
- this.html_doc_html_load_tid = Gxw_html_load_tid_.Tid_mem;
- this.load_by_url_path = null;
- browser.setText(html); // DBG: Io_mgr.I.SaveFilStr(Io_url_.new_fil_("C:\\temp.txt"), s)
- }
- public void Html_doc_html_load_by_url(Io_url path, String html) {
- this.html_doc_html_load_tid = Gxw_html_load_tid_.Tid_url;
- this.load_by_url_path = path.To_http_file_str();
- Io_mgr.Instance.SaveFilStr(path, html);
- browser.setUrl(path.Xto_api());
- }
- public byte Html_doc_html_load_tid() {return html_doc_html_load_tid;} private byte html_doc_html_load_tid;
- public void Html_doc_html_load_tid_(byte v) {html_doc_html_load_tid = v;}
- public void Html_js_enabled_(boolean v) {browser.setJavascriptEnabled(v);}
- public void Html_js_cbks_add(String func_name, Gfo_invk invk) {new Swt_html_func(browser, func_name, invk);}
- public String Html_js_eval_script(String script) {return Eval_script_as_str(script);}
- public Object Html_js_eval_script_as_obj(String script) {return Eval_script(script);}
- public boolean Html_js_eval_proc_as_bool(String proc, Object... args) {return Bool_.Cast(Html_js_eval_proc_as_obj(proc, args));}
- public String Html_js_eval_proc_as_str(String proc, Object... args) {return Object_.Xto_str_strict_or_null(Html_js_eval_proc_as_obj(proc, args));}
- public String Html_js_send_json(String name, String data) {
- String script = String_.Format("return {0}('{1}');", name, String_.Replace(data, "\n", "") );
- return (String)Eval_script(script);
- }
- private Object Html_js_eval_proc_as_obj(String proc, Object... args) {
- Bry_bfr bfr = Bry_bfr_.New();
- bfr.Add_str_a7("return ").Add_str_u8(proc).Add_byte(Byte_ascii.Paren_bgn);
- int args_len = args.length;
- for (int i = 0; i < args_len; ++i) {
- Object arg = args[i];
- if (i != 0) bfr.Add_byte(Byte_ascii.Comma);
- boolean quote_val = true;
- if ( Type_.Eq_by_obj(arg, Bool_.Cls_ref_type)
- || Type_.Eq_by_obj(arg, Int_.Cls_ref_type)
- || Type_.Eq_by_obj(arg, Long_.Cls_ref_type)
- ) {
- quote_val = false;
- }
- if (quote_val) bfr.Add_byte(Byte_ascii.Apos);
- if (quote_val)
- bfr.Add_str_u8(Escape_quote(Object_.Xto_str_strict_or_null_mark(arg)));
- else
- bfr.Add_obj_strict(arg);
- if (quote_val) bfr.Add_byte(Byte_ascii.Apos);
- }
- bfr.Add_byte(Byte_ascii.Paren_end).Add_byte(Byte_ascii.Semic);
- return Eval_script(bfr.To_str_and_clear());
- }
- public static String Escape_quote(String v) {
- String rv = v;
- rv = String_.Replace(rv, "'", "\\'");
- rv = String_.Replace(rv, "\"", "\\\"");
- rv = String_.Replace(rv, "\n", "\\n");
- return rv;
- }
- public void Html_invk_src_(Gfo_evt_itm invk) {lnr_location.Host_set(invk); lnr_status.Host_set(invk);}
- public void Html_dispose() {
- browser.dispose();
- delete_owner.SubElems().DelOrFail(delete_cur); // NOTE: must delete cur from owner, else new tab will fail after closing one; DATE:2014-07-09
- System_.Garbage_collect();
- }
- private GfuiElem delete_owner, delete_cur;
- public void Delete_elems_(GfuiElem delete_owner, GfuiElem delete_cur) {this.delete_owner = delete_owner; this.delete_cur = delete_cur;} // HACK: set owner / cur so delete can work;
- @Override public GxwCore_base Core() {return core;} private GxwCore_base core;
- @Override public GxwCbkHost Host() {return host;} @Override public void Host_set(GxwCbkHost host) {this.host = host;} GxwCbkHost host;
- @Override public String TextVal() {return browser.getText();}
- @Override public void TextVal_set(String v) {browser.setText(v);}
- @Override public void EnableDoubleBuffering() {}
- @Override public Object Invk(GfsCtx ctx, int ikey, String k, GfoMsg m) {return Gfo_invk_.Rv_unhandled;}
- private String Eval_script_as_str(String script) {return (String)Eval_script(script);}
- public Object Eval_script(String script) {
- eval_rslt.Clear();
- try {
- eval_rslt.Result_set(browser.evaluate(script));
- return eval_rslt.Result();
- }
- catch (Exception e) {eval_rslt.Error_set(e.getMessage()); return eval_rslt.Error();}
- } private Swt_html_eval_rslt eval_rslt = new Swt_html_eval_rslt();
- @Override public void focusGained(FocusEvent arg0) {}
- @Override public void focusLost(FocusEvent arg0) {}
- public static final int
- Browser_tid_none = SWT.NONE
- , Browser_tid_mozilla = SWT.MOZILLA
- , Browser_tid_webkit = SWT.WEBKIT
- ;
-class Swt_core_cmds_html extends Swt_core__basic {
- public Swt_core_cmds_html(Swt_html html_box, Control control) {super(control);}
- @Override public void Focus() {
- if (Focus_able())
- control.forceFocus();
- }
- @Override public void Select_exec() {
- this.Focus();
- }
-class Swt_html_lnr_traverse implements TraverseListener {
- public Swt_html_lnr_traverse(Swt_html html_box) {}
- @Override public void keyTraversed(TraverseEvent arg0) {}
-class Swt_html_lnr_title implements TitleListener {
- private Swt_html html_box;
- public Swt_html_lnr_title(Swt_html html_box) {this.html_box = html_box;}
- @Override public void changed(TitleEvent ev) {
- try {UsrDlg_.Instance.Note(ev.title);}
- catch (Exception e) {html_box.Kit().Ask_ok("xowa.swt.html_box", "title.fail", Err_.Message_gplx_full(e));} // NOTE: must catch error or will cause app to lock; currently called inside displaySync
- }
-class Swt_html_func extends BrowserFunction {
- private final Gfo_invk invk;
- private final Browser browser;
- public Swt_html_func(Browser browser, String name, Gfo_invk invk) {
- super (browser, name);
- this.browser = browser;
- this.invk = invk;
- }
- public Object function (Object[] args) {
- try {
- return gplx.gfui.controls.standards.Gfui_html.Js_args_exec(invk, args);
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- String rv = Err_.Message_gplx_full(e);
- browser.execute("alert('" + Swt_html.Escape_quote(rv) + "')");
- return rv;
- }
- }
-class Swt_html_lnr_status implements StatusTextListener {
- public Swt_html_lnr_status(Swt_html html_box) {this.html_box = html_box;} private Swt_html html_box;
- public void Host_set(Gfo_evt_itm host) {this.host = host;} Gfo_evt_itm host;
- @Override public void changed(StatusTextEvent ev) {
- if (html_box.Kit().Kit_mode__term()) return; // shutting down raises status changed events; ignore, else SWT exception thrown; DATE:2014-05-29
- String ev_text = ev.text;
- String load_by_url_path = html_box.Load_by_url_path();
- if (load_by_url_path != null) ev_text = String_.Replace(ev_text, load_by_url_path, ""); // remove "C:/xowa/tab_1.html"
-// if (String_.Has(ev_text, "Loading [MathJax]")) return; // suppress MathJax messages; // NOTE: disabled for 2.1 (which no longer outputs messages to status); DATE:2013-05-03
- try {if (host != null) Gfo_evt_mgr_.Pub_obj(host, Gfui_html.Evt_link_hover, "v", ev_text);}
- catch (Exception e) {html_box.Kit().Ask_ok("xowa.gui.html_box", "status.fail", Err_.Message_gplx_full(e));} // NOTE: must catch error or will cause app to lock; currently called inside displaySync
- }
-class Swt_html_lnr_progress implements ProgressListener {
- public Swt_html_lnr_progress(Swt_html html_box) {}
- @Override public void changed(ProgressEvent arg0) {}
- @Override public void completed(ProgressEvent arg0) {
-// UsrDlg_._.Note("done");
- }
-class Swt_html_lnr_location implements LocationListener {
- public Swt_html_lnr_location(Swt_html html_box) {this.html_box = html_box;} private Swt_html html_box;
- public void Host_set(Gfo_evt_itm host) {this.host = host;} private Gfo_evt_itm host;
- @Override public void changed(LocationEvent arg) {Pub_evt(arg, Gfui_html.Evt_location_changed);}
- @Override public void changing(LocationEvent arg) {Pub_evt(arg, Gfui_html.Evt_location_changing);}
- private void Pub_evt(LocationEvent arg, String evt) {
- String location = arg.location;
- if (String_.Eq(location, "about:blank")) return; // location changing event fires once when page is loaded; ignore
- if ( html_box.Browser_tid() == Swt_html.Browser_tid_webkit // webkit prefixes "about:blank" to anchors; causes TOC to fail when clicking on links; EX:about:blank#TOC1; DATE:2015-06-09
- && String_.Has_at_bgn(location, "about:blank")) {
- location = String_.Mid(location, 11); // 11 = "about:blank".length
- }
- if ( html_box.Html_doc_html_load_tid() == Gxw_html_load_tid_.Tid_url // navigating to file://page.html will fire location event; ignore if url mode
- && String_.Has_at_bgn(location, "file:")
- && String_.Has_at_end(location, ".html")
- )
- return;
- try {
- Gfo_evt_mgr_.Pub_obj(host, evt, "v", location);
- arg.doit = false; // cancel navigation event, else there will be an error when trying to go to invalid location
- }
- catch (Exception e) {html_box.Kit().Ask_ok("xowa.gui.html_box", evt, Err_.Message_gplx_full(e));} // NOTE: must catch error or will cause app to lock; currently called inside displaySync
- }
-class Swt_html_lnr_mouse implements MouseListener {
- private GxwElem elem; private Browser browser; private Swt_kit kit;
- public Swt_html_lnr_mouse(GxwElem elem, Browser browser, Swt_kit kit) {this.elem = elem; this.browser = browser; this.kit = kit;}
- @Override public void mouseDown(MouseEvent ev) {
- if (Is_at_scrollbar_area()) return;
- elem.Host().MouseDownCbk(XtoMouseData(ev));
- }
- @Override public void mouseUp(MouseEvent ev) {
- if (Is_at_scrollbar_area()) return;
- elem.Host().MouseUpCbk(XtoMouseData(ev));
- }
- private boolean Is_at_scrollbar_area() {
- // WORKAROUND.SWT: SEE:NOTE_1:browser scrollbar and click
- Point browser_size = browser.getSize();
- Point click_pos = kit.Swt_display().getCursorLocation();
- return click_pos.x >= browser_size.x - 12;
- }
- @Override public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent ev) {}
- IptEvtDataMouse XtoMouseData(MouseEvent ev) {
- IptMouseBtn btn = null;
- switch (ev.button) {
- case 1: btn = IptMouseBtn_.Left; break;
- case 2: btn = IptMouseBtn_.Middle; break;
- case 3: btn = IptMouseBtn_.Right; break;
- case 4: btn = IptMouseBtn_.X1; break;
- case 5: btn = IptMouseBtn_.X2; break;
- }
- return IptEvtDataMouse.new_(btn, IptMouseWheel_.None, ev.x, ev.y);
- }
-class Swt_html_lnr_wheel implements MouseWheelListener {
- private final Swt_html html_box;
- public Swt_html_lnr_wheel(Swt_html html_box) {
- this.html_box = html_box;
- }
- @Override public void mouseScrolled(MouseEvent evt) {
- if (evt.stateMask == SWT.CTRL) { // ctrl held;
- Gfo_evt_mgr_.Pub_obj(html_box, Gfui_html.Evt_zoom_changed, "clicks_is_positive", evt.count > 0);
- }
- }
-//class Swt_open_window_listener implements OpenWindowListener {
-// private final Swt_html html_box;
-// public Swt_open_window_listener(Swt_html html_box) {this.html_box = html_box;}
-// @Override public void open(WindowEvent arg0) {
-// Tfds.Write();
-// }
-NOTE_1:browser scrollbar and click
-a click in the scrollbar area will raise a mouse-down/mouse-up event in content-editable mode
-. a click should be consumed by the scrollbar and not have any effect elsewhere on the window
-. instead, a click event is raised, and counted twice
- 1) for the scroll bar this will scroll the area.
- 2) for the window. if keyboard-focus is set on a link, then it will activate the link.
-swt does not expose any scrollbar information (visible, width), b/c the scrollbar is controlled by the underlying browser
-so, assume:
-. scrollbar is always present
-. scrollbar has arbitrary width (currently 12)
-. and discard if click is in this scrollbar area
-two issues still occur with the workaround
-1) even if the scrollbar is not present, any click on the right-hand edge of the screen will be ignored
-2) click -> hold -> move mouse over to left -> release; the mouse up should be absorbed, but it is not due to position of release
+package gplx.gfui.kits.swts;
+import gplx.Bool_;
+import gplx.Bry_bfr;
+import gplx.Bry_bfr_;
+import gplx.Byte_ascii;
+import gplx.Err_;
+import gplx.GfoMsg;
+import gplx.Gfo_evt_itm;
+import gplx.Gfo_evt_mgr;
+import gplx.Gfo_evt_mgr_;
+import gplx.Gfo_evt_mgr_owner;
+import gplx.Gfo_invk;
+import gplx.Gfo_invk_;
+import gplx.GfsCtx;
+import gplx.Int_;
+import gplx.Io_mgr;
+import gplx.Io_url;
+import gplx.Keyval_hash;
+import gplx.Long_;
+import gplx.Object_;
+import gplx.String_;
+import gplx.Type_;
+import gplx.UsrDlg_;
+import gplx.core.envs.System_;
+import gplx.gfui.controls.elems.GfuiElem;
+import gplx.gfui.controls.gxws.GxwCbkHost;
+import gplx.gfui.controls.gxws.GxwCore_base;
+import gplx.gfui.controls.gxws.GxwElem;
+import gplx.gfui.controls.gxws.Gxw_html;
+import gplx.gfui.controls.gxws.Gxw_html_load_tid_;
+import gplx.gfui.controls.standards.Gfui_html;
+import gplx.gfui.ipts.IptEvtDataMouse;
+import gplx.gfui.ipts.IptMouseBtn;
+import gplx.gfui.ipts.IptMouseBtn_;
+import gplx.gfui.ipts.IptMouseWheel_;
+import gplx.gfui.kits.core.Swt_kit;
+import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
+import org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser;
+import org.eclipse.swt.browser.BrowserFunction;
+import org.eclipse.swt.browser.LocationEvent;
+import org.eclipse.swt.browser.LocationListener;
+import org.eclipse.swt.browser.ProgressEvent;
+import org.eclipse.swt.browser.ProgressListener;
+import org.eclipse.swt.browser.StatusTextEvent;
+import org.eclipse.swt.browser.StatusTextListener;
+import org.eclipse.swt.browser.TitleEvent;
+import org.eclipse.swt.browser.TitleListener;
+import org.eclipse.swt.events.FocusEvent;
+import org.eclipse.swt.events.FocusListener;
+import org.eclipse.swt.events.MouseEvent;
+import org.eclipse.swt.events.MouseListener;
+import org.eclipse.swt.events.MouseWheelListener;
+import org.eclipse.swt.events.TraverseEvent;
+import org.eclipse.swt.events.TraverseListener;
+import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
+public class Swt_html implements Gxw_html, Swt_control, FocusListener, Gfo_evt_mgr_owner {
+ private Swt_html_lnr_location lnr_location; private Swt_html_lnr_status lnr_status;
+ public Swt_html(Swt_kit kit, Swt_control owner_control, Keyval_hash ctorArgs) {
+ this.kit = kit;
+ lnr_location = new Swt_html_lnr_location(this);
+ lnr_status = new Swt_html_lnr_status(this);
+ Object browser_tid_obj = ctorArgs.Get_val_or(Swt_kit.Cfg_Html_BrowserType, null);
+ this.browser_tid = browser_tid_obj == null ? Browser_tid_none : Int_.Cast(browser_tid_obj);
+ browser = new Browser(owner_control.Under_composite(), browser_tid);
+ core = new Swt_core_cmds_html(this, browser);
+ browser.addKeyListener(new Swt_lnr_key(this));
+ browser.addMouseListener(new Swt_html_lnr_mouse(this, browser, kit));
+ browser.addLocationListener(lnr_location);
+ browser.addProgressListener(new Swt_html_lnr_progress(this));
+ browser.addStatusTextListener(lnr_status);
+ browser.addFocusListener(this);
+ browser.addTitleListener(new Swt_html_lnr_title(this));
+ browser.addMouseWheelListener(new Swt_html_lnr_wheel(this));
+ // browser.addOpenWindowListener(new Swt_open_window_listener(this)); // handle target='blank'
+ // browser.addTraverseListener(new Swt_html_lnr_Traverse(this));
+ }
+ public Swt_kit Kit() {return kit;} private Swt_kit kit;
+ public Gfo_evt_mgr Evt_mgr() {return ev_mgr;} private Gfo_evt_mgr ev_mgr; public void Evt_mgr_(Gfo_evt_mgr v) {ev_mgr = v;}
+ @Override public Control Under_control() {return browser;} private Browser browser;
+ @Override public Composite Under_composite() {return null;}
+ @Override public Control Under_menu_control() {return browser;}
+ public int Browser_tid() {return browser_tid;} private final int browser_tid;
+ public String Load_by_url_path() {return load_by_url_path;} private String load_by_url_path;
+ public void Html_doc_html_load_by_mem(String html) {
+ this.html_doc_html_load_tid = Gxw_html_load_tid_.Tid_mem;
+ this.load_by_url_path = null;
+ browser.setText(html); // DBG: Io_mgr.I.SaveFilStr(Io_url_.new_fil_("C:\\temp.txt"), s)
+ }
+ public void Html_doc_html_load_by_url(Io_url path, String html) {
+ this.html_doc_html_load_tid = Gxw_html_load_tid_.Tid_url;
+ this.load_by_url_path = path.To_http_file_str();
+ Io_mgr.Instance.SaveFilStr(path, html);
+ browser.setUrl(path.Xto_api());
+ }
+ public byte Html_doc_html_load_tid() {return html_doc_html_load_tid;} private byte html_doc_html_load_tid;
+ public void Html_doc_html_load_tid_(byte v) {html_doc_html_load_tid = v;}
+ public void Html_js_enabled_(boolean v) {browser.setJavascriptEnabled(v);}
+ public void Html_js_cbks_add(String func_name, Gfo_invk invk) {new Swt_html_func(browser, func_name, invk);}
+ public String Html_js_eval_script(String script) {return Eval_script_as_str(script);}
+ public Object Html_js_eval_script_as_obj(String script) {return Eval_script(script);}
+ public boolean Html_js_eval_proc_as_bool(String proc, Object... args) {return Bool_.Cast(Html_js_eval_proc_as_obj(proc, args));}
+ public String Html_js_eval_proc_as_str(String proc, Object... args) {return Object_.Xto_str_strict_or_null(Html_js_eval_proc_as_obj(proc, args));}
+ public String Html_js_send_json(String name, String data) {
+ String script = String_.Format("return {0}('{1}');", name, String_.Replace(data, "\n", "") );
+ return (String)Eval_script(script);
+ }
+ private Object Html_js_eval_proc_as_obj(String proc, Object... args) {
+ Bry_bfr bfr = Bry_bfr_.New();
+ bfr.Add_str_a7("return ").Add_str_u8(proc).Add_byte(Byte_ascii.Paren_bgn);
+ int args_len = args.length;
+ for (int i = 0; i < args_len; ++i) {
+ Object arg = args[i];
+ if (i != 0) bfr.Add_byte(Byte_ascii.Comma);
+ boolean quote_val = true;
+ if ( Type_.Eq_by_obj(arg, Bool_.Cls_ref_type)
+ || Type_.Eq_by_obj(arg, Int_.Cls_ref_type)
+ || Type_.Eq_by_obj(arg, Long_.Cls_ref_type)
+ ) {
+ quote_val = false;
+ }
+ if (quote_val) bfr.Add_byte(Byte_ascii.Apos);
+ if (quote_val)
+ bfr.Add_str_u8(Escape_quote(Object_.Xto_str_strict_or_null_mark(arg)));
+ else
+ bfr.Add_obj_strict(arg);
+ if (quote_val) bfr.Add_byte(Byte_ascii.Apos);
+ }
+ bfr.Add_byte(Byte_ascii.Paren_end).Add_byte(Byte_ascii.Semic);
+ return Eval_script(bfr.To_str_and_clear());
+ }
+ public static String Escape_quote(String v) {
+ String rv = v;
+ rv = String_.Replace(rv, "'", "\\'");
+ rv = String_.Replace(rv, "\"", "\\\"");
+ rv = String_.Replace(rv, "\n", "\\n");
+ return rv;
+ }
+ public void Html_invk_src_(Gfo_evt_itm invk) {lnr_location.Host_set(invk); lnr_status.Host_set(invk);}
+ public void Html_dispose() {
+ browser.dispose();
+ delete_owner.SubElems().DelOrFail(delete_cur); // NOTE: must delete cur from owner, else new tab will fail after closing one; DATE:2014-07-09
+ System_.Garbage_collect();
+ }
+ private GfuiElem delete_owner, delete_cur;
+ public void Delete_elems_(GfuiElem delete_owner, GfuiElem delete_cur) {this.delete_owner = delete_owner; this.delete_cur = delete_cur;} // HACK: set owner / cur so delete can work;
+ @Override public GxwCore_base Core() {return core;} private GxwCore_base core;
+ @Override public GxwCbkHost Host() {return host;} @Override public void Host_set(GxwCbkHost host) {this.host = host;} GxwCbkHost host;
+ @Override public String TextVal() {return browser.getText();}
+ @Override public void TextVal_set(String v) {browser.setText(v);}
+ @Override public void EnableDoubleBuffering() {}
+ @Override public Object Invk(GfsCtx ctx, int ikey, String k, GfoMsg m) {return Gfo_invk_.Rv_unhandled;}
+ private String Eval_script_as_str(String script) {return (String)Eval_script(script);}
+ public Object Eval_script(String script) {
+ eval_rslt.Clear();
+ try {
+ eval_rslt.Result_set(browser.evaluate(script));
+ return eval_rslt.Result();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) {eval_rslt.Error_set(e.getMessage()); return eval_rslt.Error();}
+ } private Swt_html_eval_rslt eval_rslt = new Swt_html_eval_rslt();
+ @Override public void focusGained(FocusEvent arg0) {}
+ @Override public void focusLost(FocusEvent arg0) {}
+ public static final int
+ Browser_tid_none = SWT.NONE
+ , Browser_tid_mozilla = SWT.MOZILLA
+ , Browser_tid_webkit = SWT.WEBKIT
+ ;
+ private static final String URL_ABOUT_PREFIX = "about:";
+ public static String StripAboutFromUrl(String url) {
+ return String_.Has_at_bgn(url, URL_ABOUT_PREFIX)
+ ? String_.Mid(url, URL_ABOUT_PREFIX.length())
+ : url;
+ }
+class Swt_core_cmds_html extends Swt_core__basic {
+ public Swt_core_cmds_html(Swt_html html_box, Control control) {super(control);}
+ @Override public void Focus() {
+ if (Focus_able())
+ control.forceFocus();
+ }
+ @Override public void Select_exec() {
+ this.Focus();
+ }
+class Swt_html_lnr_traverse implements TraverseListener {
+ public Swt_html_lnr_traverse(Swt_html html_box) {}
+ @Override public void keyTraversed(TraverseEvent arg0) {}
+class Swt_html_lnr_title implements TitleListener {
+ private Swt_html html_box;
+ public Swt_html_lnr_title(Swt_html html_box) {this.html_box = html_box;}
+ @Override public void changed(TitleEvent ev) {
+ try {UsrDlg_.Instance.Note(ev.title);}
+ catch (Exception e) {html_box.Kit().Ask_ok("xowa.swt.html_box", "title.fail", Err_.Message_gplx_full(e));} // NOTE: must catch error or will cause app to lock; currently called inside displaySync
+ }
+class Swt_html_func extends BrowserFunction {
+ private final Gfo_invk invk;
+ private final Browser browser;
+ public Swt_html_func(Browser browser, String name, Gfo_invk invk) {
+ super (browser, name);
+ this.browser = browser;
+ this.invk = invk;
+ }
+ public Object function (Object[] args) {
+ try {
+ return gplx.gfui.controls.standards.Gfui_html.Js_args_exec(invk, args);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) {
+ String rv = Err_.Message_gplx_full(e);
+ browser.execute("alert('" + Swt_html.Escape_quote(rv) + "')");
+ return rv;
+ }
+ }
+class Swt_html_lnr_status implements StatusTextListener {
+ public Swt_html_lnr_status(Swt_html html_box) {this.html_box = html_box;} private Swt_html html_box;
+ public void Host_set(Gfo_evt_itm host) {this.host = host;} Gfo_evt_itm host;
+ @Override public void changed(StatusTextEvent ev) {
+ if (html_box.Kit().Kit_mode__term()) return; // shutting down raises status changed events; ignore, else SWT exception thrown; DATE:2014-05-29
+ String ev_text = ev.text;
+ ev_text = Swt_html.StripAboutFromUrl(ev_text); // 2020-09-19|ISSUE#:799|strip "about:/" from url due to SWT 4.16
+ String load_by_url_path = html_box.Load_by_url_path();
+ if (load_by_url_path != null) ev_text = String_.Replace(ev_text, load_by_url_path, ""); // remove "C:/xowa/tab_1.html"
+// if (String_.Has(ev_text, "Loading [MathJax]")) return; // suppress MathJax messages; // NOTE: disabled for 2.1 (which no longer outputs messages to status); DATE:2013-05-03
+ try {if (host != null) Gfo_evt_mgr_.Pub_obj(host, Gfui_html.Evt_link_hover, "v", ev_text);}
+ catch (Exception e) {html_box.Kit().Ask_ok("xowa.gui.html_box", "status.fail", Err_.Message_gplx_full(e));} // NOTE: must catch error or will cause app to lock; currently called inside displaySync
+ }
+class Swt_html_lnr_progress implements ProgressListener {
+ public Swt_html_lnr_progress(Swt_html html_box) {}
+ @Override public void changed(ProgressEvent arg0) {}
+ @Override public void completed(ProgressEvent arg0) {
+// UsrDlg_._.Note("done");
+ }
+class Swt_html_lnr_location implements LocationListener {
+ public Swt_html_lnr_location(Swt_html html_box) {this.html_box = html_box;} private Swt_html html_box;
+ public void Host_set(Gfo_evt_itm host) {this.host = host;} private Gfo_evt_itm host;
+ @Override public void changed(LocationEvent arg) {Pub_evt(arg, Gfui_html.Evt_location_changed);}
+ @Override public void changing(LocationEvent arg) {Pub_evt(arg, Gfui_html.Evt_location_changing);}
+ private void Pub_evt(LocationEvent arg, String evt) {
+ String location = arg.location;
+ // location_changing fires once when page is loaded; ignore
+ if (String_.Eq(location, "about:blank")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // webkit prefixes "about:blank" to anchors; causes TOC to fail when clicking on links; EX:about:blank#TOC1; DATE:2015-06-09
+ if (html_box.Browser_tid() == Swt_html.Browser_tid_webkit
+ && String_.Has_at_bgn(location, "about:blank")) {
+ location = String_.Mid(location, 11); // 11 = "about:blank".length
+ }
+ // 2020-09-19|ISSUE#:799|strip "about:/" from url due to SWT 4.16
+ location = Swt_html.StripAboutFromUrl(location);
+ // navigating to file://page.html will fire location event; ignore if url mode
+ if (html_box.Html_doc_html_load_tid() == Gxw_html_load_tid_.Tid_url
+ && String_.Has_at_bgn(location, "file:")
+ && String_.Has_at_end(location, ".html")
+ ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ Gfo_evt_mgr_.Pub_obj(host, evt, "v", location);
+ arg.doit = false; // cancel navigation event, else there will be an error when trying to go to invalid location
+ }
+ catch (Exception e) {html_box.Kit().Ask_ok("xowa.gui.html_box", evt, Err_.Message_gplx_full(e));} // NOTE: must catch error or will cause app to lock; currently called inside displaySync
+ }
+class Swt_html_lnr_mouse implements MouseListener {
+ private GxwElem elem; private Browser browser; private Swt_kit kit;
+ public Swt_html_lnr_mouse(GxwElem elem, Browser browser, Swt_kit kit) {this.elem = elem; this.browser = browser; this.kit = kit;}
+ @Override public void mouseDown(MouseEvent ev) {
+ if (Is_at_scrollbar_area()) return;
+ elem.Host().MouseDownCbk(XtoMouseData(ev));
+ }
+ @Override public void mouseUp(MouseEvent ev) {
+ if (Is_at_scrollbar_area()) return;
+ elem.Host().MouseUpCbk(XtoMouseData(ev));
+ }
+ private boolean Is_at_scrollbar_area() {
+ // WORKAROUND.SWT: SEE:NOTE_1:browser scrollbar and click
+ Point browser_size = browser.getSize();
+ Point click_pos = kit.Swt_display().getCursorLocation();
+ return click_pos.x >= browser_size.x - 12;
+ }
+ @Override public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent ev) {}
+ IptEvtDataMouse XtoMouseData(MouseEvent ev) {
+ IptMouseBtn btn = null;
+ switch (ev.button) {
+ case 1: btn = IptMouseBtn_.Left; break;
+ case 2: btn = IptMouseBtn_.Middle; break;
+ case 3: btn = IptMouseBtn_.Right; break;
+ case 4: btn = IptMouseBtn_.X1; break;
+ case 5: btn = IptMouseBtn_.X2; break;
+ }
+ return IptEvtDataMouse.new_(btn, IptMouseWheel_.None, ev.x, ev.y);
+ }
+class Swt_html_lnr_wheel implements MouseWheelListener {
+ private final Swt_html html_box;
+ public Swt_html_lnr_wheel(Swt_html html_box) {
+ this.html_box = html_box;
+ }
+ @Override public void mouseScrolled(MouseEvent evt) {
+ if (evt.stateMask == SWT.CTRL) { // ctrl held;
+ Gfo_evt_mgr_.Pub_obj(html_box, Gfui_html.Evt_zoom_changed, "clicks_is_positive", evt.count > 0);
+ }
+ }
+//class Swt_open_window_listener implements OpenWindowListener {
+// private final Swt_html html_box;
+// public Swt_open_window_listener(Swt_html html_box) {this.html_box = html_box;}
+// @Override public void open(WindowEvent arg0) {
+// Tfds.Write();
+// }
+NOTE_1:browser scrollbar and click
+a click in the scrollbar area will raise a mouse-down/mouse-up event in content-editable mode
+. a click should be consumed by the scrollbar and not have any effect elsewhere on the window
+. instead, a click event is raised, and counted twice
+ 1) for the scroll bar this will scroll the area.
+ 2) for the window. if keyboard-focus is set on a link, then it will activate the link.
+swt does not expose any scrollbar information (visible, width), b/c the scrollbar is controlled by the underlying browser
+so, assume:
+. scrollbar is always present
+. scrollbar has arbitrary width (currently 12)
+. and discard if click is in this scrollbar area
+two issues still occur with the workaround
+1) even if the scrollbar is not present, any click on the right-hand edge of the screen will be ignored
+2) click -> hold -> move mouse over to left -> release; the mouse up should be absorbed, but it is not due to position of release