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ParserFunctions: Handle spaces in {{int}} keys [#817]

gnosygnu 4 years ago

+ 36 - 24

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
-Copyright (C) 2012-2017
+Copyright (C) 2012-2020
 XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
 or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
@@ -13,26 +13,38 @@ The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
 GPLv3 License:
 Apache License:
-package gplx.xowa.xtns.pfuncs.langs; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.pfuncs.*;
-import gplx.langs.phps.*;
-import gplx.xowa.langs.*; import gplx.xowa.langs.kwds.*; import gplx.xowa.langs.msgs.*;
-import gplx.xowa.parsers.*; import gplx.xowa.parsers.tmpls.*;
-public class Pfunc_int extends Pf_func_base {
-	@Override public int Id() {return Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_i18n_int;}
-	@Override public boolean Func_require_colon_arg() {return true;}
-	@Override public void Func_evaluate(Bry_bfr bfr, Xop_ctx ctx, Xot_invk caller, Xot_invk self, byte[] src) {
-		byte[] msg_key = Eval_argx(ctx, src, caller, self);
-		Xowe_wiki wiki = ctx.Wiki();
-		Xol_lang_itm page_lang = ctx.Page().Lang();
-		byte[][] args_ary = Bry_.Ary_empty;
-		int args_len = self.Args_len();
-		if (args_len > 0) {
-			args_ary = new byte[args_len][];
-			for (int i = 0; i < args_len; i++)
-				args_ary[i] = Pf_func_.Eval_arg_or_empty(ctx, src, caller, self, self.Args_len(), i);
-		}
-		byte[] msg_val = Xol_msg_mgr_.Get_msg_val(wiki, page_lang, msg_key, args_ary);
-		bfr.Add(msg_val);
-	}
-	@Override public Pf_func New(int id, byte[] name) {return new Pfunc_int().Name_(name);}
+package gplx.xowa.xtns.pfuncs.langs;
+import gplx.Bry_;
+import gplx.Bry_bfr;
+import gplx.xowa.Xoa_ttl;
+import gplx.xowa.Xowe_wiki;
+import gplx.xowa.langs.Xol_lang_itm;
+import gplx.xowa.langs.kwds.Xol_kwd_grp_;
+import gplx.xowa.langs.msgs.Xol_msg_mgr_;
+import gplx.xowa.parsers.Xop_ctx;
+import gplx.xowa.parsers.tmpls.Xot_invk;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.pfuncs.Pf_func;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.pfuncs.Pf_func_;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.pfuncs.Pf_func_base;
+public class Pfunc_int extends Pf_func_base {
+	@Override public int Id() {return Xol_kwd_grp_.Id_i18n_int;}
+	@Override public boolean Func_require_colon_arg() {return true;}
+	@Override public void Func_evaluate(Bry_bfr bfr, Xop_ctx ctx, Xot_invk caller, Xot_invk self, byte[] src) {
+		byte[] msg_key = Eval_argx(ctx, src, caller, self);
+		msg_key = Xoa_ttl.Replace_spaces(msg_key); // 2020-11-02|ISSUE#:817|handle keys with spaces
+		Xowe_wiki wiki = ctx.Wiki();
+		Xol_lang_itm page_lang = ctx.Page().Lang();
+		byte[][] args_ary = Bry_.Ary_empty;
+		int args_len = self.Args_len();
+		if (args_len > 0) {
+			args_ary = new byte[args_len][];
+			for (int i = 0; i < args_len; i++)
+				args_ary[i] = Pf_func_.Eval_arg_or_empty(ctx, src, caller, self, self.Args_len(), i);
+		}
+		byte[] msg_val = Xol_msg_mgr_.Get_msg_val(wiki, page_lang, msg_key, args_ary);
+		bfr.Add(msg_val);
+	}
+	@Override public Pf_func New(int id, byte[] name) {return new Pfunc_int().Name_(name);}

+ 109 - 98

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
-Copyright (C) 2012-2017
+Copyright (C) 2012-2020
 XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
 or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
@@ -13,100 +13,111 @@ The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
 GPLv3 License:
 Apache License:
-package gplx.xowa.xtns.pfuncs.langs; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.pfuncs.*;
-import org.junit.*; import gplx.xowa.langs.*; import gplx.xowa.langs.msgs.*;
-public class Pfunc_int_tst {
-	@Before public void init() {fxt.Reset();} private Pf_msg_mgr_fxt fxt = new Pf_msg_mgr_fxt();
-	@Test  public void Basic()					{fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:january}}"								, "January");}
-	@Test  public void Upper()					{fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:JANUARY}}"								, "January");}
-	@Test  public void Unknown()				{fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:unknown_msg}}"							, "<unknown_msg>");}
-	@Test  public void Fmt()					{fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:pfunc_expr_unrecognised_word|1a}}"		, "Expression error: Unrecognised word \"1a\"");}
-	@Test  public void Tmpl_txt() {
-		fxt.Init_msg_gfs("tst_msg", "{{#expr:1}}", false, true);
-		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:tst_msg}}", "1");
-	}
-	@Test  public void Tmpl_html_entity() {	// PURPOSE: check that &nbsp; is swapped out correctly for (194,160); PAGE:fr.s:Main_Page DATE:2014-08-17
-		fxt.Init_msg_gfs("tst_msg", "A&nbsp;B", false, true);
-		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:tst_msg}}", "A B");	// NOTE: &nbsp;
-	}
-	@Test  public void Lang_current_defaults_to_en() {	// PURPOSE: specifying same language as current returns same; ie: int:january/en -> int:january
-		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:january/en}}", "January");
-	}
-	@Test  public void Lang_specified_by_page() {
-		fxt.Test_parse_lang("fr", "{{int:Lang}}", "fr");	// NOTE: "Lang" msg is added by Xol_lang_itm; message_mgr.Itm_by_key_or_new(Bry_.new_a7("Lang")).Atrs_set(key_bry, false, false);
-	}
-	@Test  public void Lang_missing_msg_return_en() {	// PURPOSE: if key does not exist in non-english language, use English; EX: la.w:Fasciculus:HannibalFrescoCapitolinec1510.jpg; DATE:2013-09-10
-		fxt.Init_msg_gfs("en_only_key", "en_only_val", false, false);
-		fxt.Test_parse_lang("fr", "{{int:en_only_key}}", "en_only_val");
-	}
-	@Test  public void Err_fmt_failed() {	// PURPOSE: if no args passed to msg, return "$1", not "~{0}"
-		fxt.Init_msg_gfs("tst_msg", "a~{0}b", true, false);
-		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:tst_msg}}"							, "a$1b");
-	}
-	@Test  public void Mediawiki_overrides_gfs() {
-		fxt.Init_msg_gfs("mw_overrides", "gfs", false, false);
-		fxt.Init_msg_db("mw_overrides", "mw");
-		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:mw_overrides}}", "mw");
-	}
-	@Test  public void Convert_php() {
-		fxt.Init_msg_db("convert_php", "a\\\\b\\$c$1e");
-		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:convert_php|d}}", "a\\b$cde");
-	}
-	@Test  public void Convert_php_tilde() {	// PURPOSE: tildes should be escaped, else will fail inside ByteAryBfrFmtr; DATE:2013-11-11
-		fxt.Init_msg_db("convert_php_tilde", "$1~u");
-		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:convert_php_tilde|a}}", "a~u");
-	}
-	@Test  public void Unknown_val_returns_en() {	// PURPOSE: if no "january" in "fr.gfs" and no "january/fr" in mw, use january in "en.gfs"; EX:none
-		fxt.Test_parse_lang("fr", "{{int:january/fr}}", "January");
-	}
-	@Test  public void Unknown_lang_returns_en() {	// PURPOSE: unknown lang default to english; EX:none; DATE:2014-05-09
-		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:january/unknown}}", "January");
-	}
-	@Test  public void Transclude_mw_do_not_strip_lang() {	// PURPOSE: if /lang matches wiki.lang, do not strip it, else stack overflow; EX:pl.d:Wikislownik:Bar/Archiwum_6; newarticletext/pl; DATE:2014-05-13
-		fxt.Init_msg_db("january/en", "January_en");
-		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{MediaWiki:january/en}}", "January_en");
-	}
-	@Test  public void Transclude_gfs() {	// PURPOSE: transclusion of {{MediaWiki}} pages should call {{int}} instead; EX:zh.w:Main_Page; DATE:2014-05-09
-		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{MediaWiki:january/en}}", "January");	// NOTE: no page exists called "MediaWiki:january/en", but returns "{{int:january/en}}" value
-	}
-	@Test  public void Create_msg_in_wiki_not_lang() {	// PURPOSE: if two wikis share same language and msg is missing from one, do not mark it missing in the other; EX: home/wiki/Main_Page and en.w:Main_Page; DATE:2014-05-13
-		Xowe_wiki enwiktionary = fxt.Make_wiki("");
-		fxt.Init_msg_db(enwiktionary, "wiki_only_msg", "enwiktionary_msg");
-		fxt.Init_msg_gfs("wiki_only_msg", "en_gfs_msg", false, false);
-		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:wiki_only_msg}}", "en_gfs_msg");
-		fxt.Test_parse_wiki(enwiktionary, "{{int:wiki_only_msg}}", "enwiktionary_msg");
-	}
-class Pf_msg_mgr_fxt {
-	private Xop_fxt fxt;
-	private Xol_lang_itm en_lang;
-	private Xowe_wiki en_wiki;
-	public void Reset() {
-		fxt = new Xop_fxt();	// new fxt, else transclude tests will fail
-		en_wiki = fxt.Wiki();
-		en_lang = en_wiki.Lang();
-	}
-	public void Init_msg_gfs(String key, String val, boolean fmt, boolean tmpl) {Init_msg_gfs(en_lang, key, val, fmt, tmpl);}
-	public void Init_msg_gfs(Xol_lang_itm lang, String key, String val, boolean fmt, boolean tmpl) {
-		Xol_msg_itm msg_itm = lang.Msg_mgr().Itm_by_key_or_new(Bry_.new_u8(key));
-		msg_itm.Atrs_set(Bry_.new_u8(val), fmt, tmpl);
-	}
-	public void Init_msg_db(String ttl, String val) {Init_msg_db(en_wiki, ttl, val);}
-	public void Init_msg_db(Xowe_wiki wiki, String ttl, String val) {
-		fxt.Init_page_create(wiki, "MediaWiki:" + ttl, val);
-	}
-	public Xowe_wiki Make_wiki(String domain) {return fxt.App().Wiki_mgr().Get_by_or_make(Bry_.new_u8(domain));}
-	public void Test_parse_en(String raw, String expd) {
-		fxt.Test_parse_tmpl_str_test(raw, "{{test}}"	, expd);
-	}
-	public void Test_parse_wiki(Xowe_wiki alt_wiki, String raw, String expd) {
-		fxt.Test_parse_tmpl_str_test(alt_wiki, raw, "{{test}}"	, expd);
-	}
-	public void Test_parse_lang(String other_lang_id, String raw, String expd) {
-		Xol_lang_itm other_lang = fxt.App().Lang_mgr().Get_by_or_load(Bry_.new_a7(other_lang_id));
-		fxt.Page().Lang_(other_lang); 
-		fxt.Test_parse_tmpl_str_test(raw, "{{test}}", expd);
-		fxt.Page().Lang_(en_lang);	// NOTE: must reset back to en_lang, else rest of tests will look up under fr
-	}
+package gplx.xowa.xtns.pfuncs.langs;
+import gplx.Bry_;
+import gplx.xowa.Xop_fxt;
+import gplx.xowa.Xowe_wiki;
+import gplx.xowa.langs.Xol_lang_itm;
+import gplx.xowa.langs.msgs.Xol_msg_itm;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+public class Pfunc_int_tst {
+	@Before public void init() {fxt.Reset();} private Pf_msg_mgr_fxt fxt = new Pf_msg_mgr_fxt();
+	@Test public void Basic()      {fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:january}}"                             , "January");}
+	@Test public void Upper()      {fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:JANUARY}}"                             , "January");}
+	@Test public void Unknown()    {fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:unknown_msg}}"                         , "<unknown_msg>");}
+	@Test public void Fmt()        {fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:pfunc_expr_unrecognised_word|1a}}"     , "Expression error: Unrecognised word \"1a\"");}
+	@Test public void Tmpl_txt() {
+		fxt.Init_msg_gfs("tst_msg", "{{#expr:1}}", false, true);
+		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:tst_msg}}", "1");
+	}
+	@Test public void Tmpl_html_entity() {	// PURPOSE: check that &nbsp; is swapped out correctly for (194,160); PAGE:fr.s:Main_Page DATE:2014-08-17
+		fxt.Init_msg_gfs("tst_msg", "A&nbsp;B", false, true);
+		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:tst_msg}}", "A B");	// NOTE: &nbsp;
+	}
+	@Test public void Lang_current_defaults_to_en() {	// PURPOSE: specifying same language as current returns same; ie: int:january/en -> int:january
+		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:january/en}}", "January");
+	}
+	@Test public void Lang_specified_by_page() {
+		fxt.Test_parse_lang("fr", "{{int:Lang}}", "fr");	// NOTE: "Lang" msg is added by Xol_lang_itm; message_mgr.Itm_by_key_or_new(Bry_.new_a7("Lang")).Atrs_set(key_bry, false, false);
+	}
+	@Test public void Lang_missing_msg_return_en() {	// PURPOSE: if key does not exist in non-english language, use English; EX: la.w:Fasciculus:HannibalFrescoCapitolinec1510.jpg; DATE:2013-09-10
+		fxt.Init_msg_gfs("en_only_key", "en_only_val", false, false);
+		fxt.Test_parse_lang("fr", "{{int:en_only_key}}", "en_only_val");
+	}
+	@Test public void Err_fmt_failed() {	// PURPOSE: if no args passed to msg, return "$1", not "~{0}"
+		fxt.Init_msg_gfs("tst_msg", "a~{0}b", true, false);
+		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:tst_msg}}"							, "a$1b");
+	}
+	@Test public void Mediawiki_overrides_gfs() {
+		fxt.Init_msg_gfs("mw_overrides", "gfs", false, false);
+		fxt.Init_msg_db("mw_overrides", "mw");
+		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:mw_overrides}}", "mw");
+	}
+	@Test public void Convert_php() {
+		fxt.Init_msg_db("convert_php", "a\\\\b\\$c$1e");
+		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:convert_php|d}}", "a\\b$cde");
+	}
+	@Test public void Convert_php_tilde() {	// PURPOSE: tildes should be escaped, else will fail inside ByteAryBfrFmtr; DATE:2013-11-11
+		fxt.Init_msg_db("convert_php_tilde", "$1~u");
+		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:convert_php_tilde|a}}", "a~u");
+	}
+	@Test public void Unknown_val_returns_en() {	// PURPOSE: if no "january" in "fr.gfs" and no "january/fr" in mw, use january in "en.gfs"; EX:none
+		fxt.Test_parse_lang("fr", "{{int:january/fr}}", "January");
+	}
+	@Test public void Unknown_lang_returns_en() {	// PURPOSE: unknown lang default to english; EX:none; DATE:2014-05-09
+		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:january/unknown}}", "January");
+	}
+	@Test public void Transclude_mw_do_not_strip_lang() {	// PURPOSE: if /lang matches wiki.lang, do not strip it, else stack overflow; EX:pl.d:Wikislownik:Bar/Archiwum_6; newarticletext/pl; DATE:2014-05-13
+		fxt.Init_msg_db("january/en", "January_en");
+		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{MediaWiki:january/en}}", "January_en");
+	}
+	@Test public void Transclude_gfs() {	// PURPOSE: transclusion of {{MediaWiki}} pages should call {{int}} instead; EX:zh.w:Main_Page; DATE:2014-05-09
+		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{MediaWiki:january/en}}", "January");	// NOTE: no page exists called "MediaWiki:january/en", but returns "{{int:january/en}}" value
+	}
+	@Test public void Create_msg_in_wiki_not_lang() {	// PURPOSE: if two wikis share same language and msg is missing from one, do not mark it missing in the other; EX: home/wiki/Main_Page and en.w:Main_Page; DATE:2014-05-13
+		Xowe_wiki enwiktionary = fxt.Make_wiki("");
+		fxt.Init_msg_db(enwiktionary, "wiki_only_msg", "enwiktionary_msg");
+		fxt.Init_msg_gfs("wiki_only_msg", "en_gfs_msg", false, false);
+		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:wiki_only_msg}}", "en_gfs_msg");
+		fxt.Test_parse_wiki(enwiktionary, "{{int:wiki_only_msg}}", "enwiktionary_msg");
+	}
+	@Test public void KeyHasSpace() {// 2020-11-02|ISSUE#:817|handle keys with spaces
+		fxt.Init_msg_gfs("tst_msg", "{{#expr:1}}", false, true);
+		fxt.Test_parse_en("{{int:tst msg}}", "1");
+	}
+class Pf_msg_mgr_fxt {
+	private Xop_fxt fxt;
+	private Xol_lang_itm en_lang;
+	private Xowe_wiki en_wiki;
+	public void Reset() {
+		fxt = new Xop_fxt();	// new fxt, else transclude tests will fail
+		en_wiki = fxt.Wiki();
+		en_lang = en_wiki.Lang();
+	}
+	public void Init_msg_gfs(String key, String val, boolean fmt, boolean tmpl) {Init_msg_gfs(en_lang, key, val, fmt, tmpl);}
+	public void Init_msg_gfs(Xol_lang_itm lang, String key, String val, boolean fmt, boolean tmpl) {
+		Xol_msg_itm msg_itm = lang.Msg_mgr().Itm_by_key_or_new(Bry_.new_u8(key));
+		msg_itm.Atrs_set(Bry_.new_u8(val), fmt, tmpl);
+	}
+	public void Init_msg_db(String ttl, String val) {Init_msg_db(en_wiki, ttl, val);}
+	public void Init_msg_db(Xowe_wiki wiki, String ttl, String val) {
+		fxt.Init_page_create(wiki, "MediaWiki:" + ttl, val);
+	}
+	public Xowe_wiki Make_wiki(String domain) {return fxt.App().Wiki_mgr().Get_by_or_make(Bry_.new_u8(domain));}
+	public void Test_parse_en(String raw, String expd) {
+		fxt.Test_parse_tmpl_str_test(raw, "{{test}}"	, expd);
+	}
+	public void Test_parse_wiki(Xowe_wiki alt_wiki, String raw, String expd) {
+		fxt.Test_parse_tmpl_str_test(alt_wiki, raw, "{{test}}"	, expd);
+	}
+	public void Test_parse_lang(String other_lang_id, String raw, String expd) {
+		Xol_lang_itm other_lang = fxt.App().Lang_mgr().Get_by_or_load(Bry_.new_a7(other_lang_id));
+		fxt.Page().Lang_(other_lang); 
+		fxt.Test_parse_tmpl_str_test(raw, "{{test}}", expd);
+		fxt.Page().Lang_(en_lang);	// NOTE: must reset back to en_lang, else rest of tests will look up under fr
+	}

+ 1 - 0

@@ -4869,6 +4869,7 @@ apihelp-wbsetdescription-param-language|Lingua della descrizione
 apihelp-wbsetdescription-param-value|Il valore da impostare per la descrizione
 apihelp-wbsetlabel-param-language|Lingua dell'etichetta
 apihelp-wbsetlabel-param-value|Il valore dell'etichetta