@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
-Copyright (C) 2012-2017 gnosygnu@gmail.com
+Copyright (C) 2012-2020 gnosygnu@gmail.com
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
@@ -13,63 +13,89 @@ The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
GPLv3 License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-GPLv3.txt
Apache License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE2.txt
-package gplx.xowa.guis.history; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.guis.*;
-public class Xog_history_mgr {
- private final Ordered_hash hash = Ordered_hash_.New_bry(); private final Xog_history_stack stack = new Xog_history_stack();
- public int Count() {return hash.Count();}
- public Xoae_page Cur_page(Xowe_wiki wiki) {return Get_or_fetch(wiki, stack.Cur_itm());}
- public Xoae_page Go_bwd(Xowe_wiki wiki) {return Go_by_dir(wiki, Bool_.N);}
- public Xoae_page Go_fwd(Xowe_wiki wiki) {return Go_by_dir(wiki, Bool_.Y);}
- public Xoae_page Go_by_dir(Xowe_wiki wiki, boolean fwd) {
- Xog_history_itm itm = fwd ? stack.Go_fwd() : stack.Go_bwd();
- if (itm == Xog_history_itm.Null) return Xoae_page.Empty;
- Xoae_page rv = Get_or_fetch(wiki, itm);
- byte[] anch_key = itm.Anch();
- rv.Url().Anch_bry_(anch_key); // must override anchor as it may be different for cached page
- rv.Html_data().Bmk_pos_(itm.Bmk_pos());
- return rv;
- }
- public void Add(Xoae_page page) {
- Xog_history_itm new_itm = Xog_history_mgr.new_(page);
- stack.Add(new_itm);
- byte[] page_key = Build_page_key(page);
- if (!hash.Has(page_key))
- hash.Add(page_key, page);
- }
- public void Update_html_doc_pos(Xoae_page page, byte history_nav_type) {
- Xog_history_itm itm = Get_recent(page, history_nav_type);
- if (itm != null) itm.Bmk_pos_(page.Html_data().Bmk_pos());
- }
- private Xog_history_itm Get_recent(Xoae_page page, byte history_nav_type) {
- int pos = -1;
- int list_pos = stack.Cur_pos();
- switch (history_nav_type) {
- case Xog_history_stack.Nav_fwd: pos = list_pos - 1; break;
- case Xog_history_stack.Nav_bwd: pos = list_pos + 1; break;
- case Xog_history_stack.Nav_by_anchor: pos = list_pos; break;
- }
- if (pos < 0 || pos >= stack.Len()) return null;
- Xog_history_itm recent = stack.Get_at(pos);
- Xog_history_itm page_itm = Xog_history_mgr.new_(page);
- return page_itm.Eq_wo_bmk_pos(recent) ? recent : null; // check that recent page actually matches current; DATE:2014-05-10
- }
- private Xoae_page Get_or_fetch(Xowe_wiki wiki, Xog_history_itm itm) {
- byte[] page_key = Build_page_key(itm.Wiki(), itm.Page(), itm.Qarg());
- Xoae_page rv = (Xoae_page)hash.Get_by(page_key);
- if (rv != null) return rv;
- Xoa_ttl ttl = Xoa_ttl.Parse(wiki, itm.Page());
- return wiki.Data_mgr().Load_page_by_ttl(ttl);
- }
- private static byte[] Build_page_key(Xoae_page page) {return Build_page_key(page.Wiki().Domain_bry(), page.Ttl().Full_url(), page.Url().Qargs_mgr().To_bry());}
- private static byte[] Build_page_key(byte[] wiki_key, byte[] page_key, byte[] args_key) {return Bry_.Add_w_dlm(Byte_ascii.Pipe, wiki_key, page_key, args_key);}
- public static Xog_history_itm new_(Xoae_page pg) {
- byte[] wiki = pg.Wiki().Domain_bry();
- byte[] page = pg.Ttl().Full_url(); // get page_name only (no anchor; no query args)
- byte[] anch = pg.Url().Anch_bry();
- byte[] qarg = pg.Url().Qargs_mgr().To_bry();
- boolean redirect_force = pg.Url().Qargs_mgr().Match(Xoa_url_.Qarg__redirect, Xoa_url_.Qarg__redirect__no);
- String bmk_pos = pg.Html_data().Bmk_pos();
- if (bmk_pos == null) bmk_pos = Xog_history_itm.Html_doc_pos_toc; // never allow null doc_pos; set to top
- return new Xog_history_itm(wiki, page, anch, qarg, redirect_force, bmk_pos);
- }
+package gplx.xowa.guis.history;
+import gplx.Bool_;
+import gplx.Bry_;
+import gplx.Byte_ascii;
+import gplx.Ordered_hash;
+import gplx.Ordered_hash_;
+import gplx.xowa.Xoa_ttl;
+import gplx.xowa.Xoa_url;
+import gplx.xowa.Xoa_url_;
+import gplx.xowa.Xoae_page;
+import gplx.xowa.Xowe_wiki;
+public class Xog_history_mgr {
+ private final Ordered_hash hash = Ordered_hash_.New_bry(); private final Xog_history_stack stack = new Xog_history_stack();
+ public int Count() {return hash.Count();}
+ public Xoae_page Cur_page(Xowe_wiki wiki) {return Get_or_fetch(wiki, stack.Cur_itm());}
+ public Xoae_page Go_bwd(Xowe_wiki wiki) {return Go_by_dir(wiki, Bool_.N);}
+ public Xoae_page Go_fwd(Xowe_wiki wiki) {return Go_by_dir(wiki, Bool_.Y);}
+ public Xoae_page Go_by_dir(Xowe_wiki wiki, boolean fwd) {
+ Xog_history_itm itm = fwd ? stack.Go_fwd() : stack.Go_bwd();
+ if (itm == Xog_history_itm.Null) return Xoae_page.Empty;
+ Xoae_page rv = Get_or_fetch(wiki, itm);
+ byte[] anch_key = itm.Anch();
+ rv.Url().Anch_bry_(anch_key); // must override anchor as it may be different for cached page
+ rv.Html_data().Bmk_pos_(itm.Bmk_pos());
+ return rv;
+ }
+ public void Add(Xoae_page page) {
+ this.Add(page, Xog_history_mgr.new_(page));
+ }
+ public void Add(Xoae_page page, Xoa_url url) {
+ this.Add(page, Xog_history_mgr.new_(url, page.Html_data().Bmk_pos()));
+ }
+ private void Add(Xoae_page page, Xog_history_itm new_itm) {
+ stack.Add(new_itm);
+ byte[] page_key = Build_page_key(page);
+ if (!hash.Has(page_key))
+ hash.Add(page_key, page);
+ }
+ public void Update_html_doc_pos(Xoae_page page, byte history_nav_type) {
+ Xog_history_itm itm = Get_recent(page, history_nav_type);
+ if (itm != null) itm.Bmk_pos_(page.Html_data().Bmk_pos());
+ }
+ private Xog_history_itm Get_recent(Xoae_page page, byte history_nav_type) {
+ int pos = -1;
+ int list_pos = stack.Cur_pos();
+ switch (history_nav_type) {
+ case Xog_history_stack.Nav_fwd: pos = list_pos - 1; break;
+ case Xog_history_stack.Nav_bwd: pos = list_pos + 1; break;
+ case Xog_history_stack.Nav_by_anchor: pos = list_pos; break;
+ }
+ if (pos < 0 || pos >= stack.Len()) return null;
+ Xog_history_itm recent = stack.Get_at(pos);
+ Xog_history_itm page_itm = Xog_history_mgr.new_(page);
+ return page_itm.Eq_wo_bmk_pos(recent) ? recent : null; // check that recent page actually matches current; DATE:2014-05-10
+ }
+ private Xoae_page Get_or_fetch(Xowe_wiki wiki, Xog_history_itm itm) {
+ byte[] page_key = Build_page_key(itm.Wiki(), itm.Page(), itm.Qarg());
+ Xoae_page rv = (Xoae_page)hash.Get_by(page_key);
+ if (rv != null) return rv;
+ Xoa_ttl ttl = Xoa_ttl.Parse(wiki, itm.Page());
+ return wiki.Data_mgr().Load_page_by_ttl(ttl);
+ }
+ private static byte[] Build_page_key(Xoae_page page) {return Build_page_key(page.Wiki().Domain_bry(), page.Ttl().Full_url(), page.Url().Qargs_mgr().To_bry());}
+ private static byte[] Build_page_key(byte[] wiki_key, byte[] page_key, byte[] args_key) {return Bry_.Add_w_dlm(Byte_ascii.Pipe, wiki_key, page_key, args_key);}
+ public static Xog_history_itm new_(Xoae_page pg) {
+ byte[] wiki = pg.Wiki().Domain_bry();
+ byte[] page = pg.Ttl().Full_url(); // get page_name only (no anchor; no query args)
+ byte[] anch = pg.Url().Anch_bry();
+ byte[] qarg = pg.Url().Qargs_mgr().To_bry();
+ boolean redirect_force = pg.Url().Qargs_mgr().Match(Xoa_url_.Qarg__redirect, Xoa_url_.Qarg__redirect__no);
+ String bmk_pos = pg.Html_data().Bmk_pos();
+ if (bmk_pos == null) bmk_pos = Xog_history_itm.Html_doc_pos_toc; // never allow null doc_pos; set to top
+ return new Xog_history_itm(wiki, page, anch, qarg, redirect_force, bmk_pos);
+ }
+ public static Xog_history_itm new_(Xoa_url url, String bmk_pos) {
+ byte[] wiki = url.Wiki_bry();
+ byte[] page = url.Page_bry();
+ byte[] anch = url.Anch_bry();
+ byte[] qarg = url.Qargs_mgr().To_bry();
+ boolean redirect_force = url.Qargs_mgr().Match(Xoa_url_.Qarg__redirect, Xoa_url_.Qarg__redirect__no);
+ if (bmk_pos == null) bmk_pos = Xog_history_itm.Html_doc_pos_toc; // never allow null doc_pos; set to top
+ return new Xog_history_itm(wiki, page, anch, qarg, redirect_force, bmk_pos);
+ }