@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
XOWA: the XOWA Offline Wiki Application
-Copyright (C) 2012-2017 gnosygnu@gmail.com
+Copyright (C) 2012-2021 gnosygnu@gmail.com
XOWA is licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL) Version 3,
or alternatively under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
@@ -13,338 +13,357 @@ The terms of each license can be found in the source code repository:
GPLv3 License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-GPLv3.txt
Apache License: https://github.com/gnosygnu/xowa/blob/master/LICENSE-APACHE2.txt
-package gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.libs.wikibases; import gplx.*; import gplx.xowa.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.libs.*;
-import org.junit.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.core.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.claims.*; import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.claims.itms.*;
-import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.claims.enums.*;
-public class Basic__tst {
- private final Scrib_invoke_func_fxt fxt = new Scrib_invoke_func_fxt(); private Scrib_lib lib;
- private final Wdata_wiki_mgr_fxt wdata_fxt = new Wdata_wiki_mgr_fxt();
- @Before public void init() {
- fxt.Clear_for_lib("en.wikipedia.org", "zh-hans");
- lib = fxt.Core().Lib_wikibase().Init();
- wdata_fxt.Init(fxt.Parser_fxt(), false);
- wdata_fxt.Init_lang_fallbacks("zh-hant", "zh-hk");
- }
- @Test public void IsValidEntityId() {
- IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.Y, "P1");
- IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.Y, "P123");
- IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.Y, "Q1");
- IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.Y, "Q123");
- IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.Y, "A:B:Q123");
- IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.N, "p1");
- IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.N, "q1");
- IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.N, "P");
- IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.N, "P1A");
- IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.N, "P01");
- }
- private void IsValidEntityIdCheck(boolean expd, String val) {
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_bool(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_isValidEntityId, Object_.Ary(val), expd);
- }
- @Test public void EntityExists() {
- wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_label("en", "b").Xto_wdoc());
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_bool(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_entityExists, Object_.Ary("q2" ), true);
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_bool(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_entityExists, Object_.Ary("Q1" ), false);
- }
- @Test public void GetEntityId() {
- wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc("Q2")
- .Add_sitelink("enwiki", "Earth")
- );
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntityId, Object_.Ary("Earth" ), "Q2");
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntityId, Object_.Ary("missing_page" ), null);
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntityId, Object_.Ary("" ), null); // PAGE:en.w:Water_treader DATE:2018-07-01
- }
- @Test public void GetReferencedEntityId() {
- wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("Q1").Xto_wdoc());
- wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("Q2").Add_claims(wdata_fxt.Make_claim_entity_qid(1, 1)).Xto_wdoc());
- wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("Q3").Add_claims(wdata_fxt.Make_claim_entity_qid(1, 2)).Xto_wdoc());
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getReferencedEntityId, Object_.Ary("Q3", "P1", NewToIds("Q1")), "Q1");
- }
- private static Keyval[] NewToIds(String... toIds) {
- int len = toIds.length;
- Keyval[] rv = new Keyval[len];
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
- rv[i] = Keyval_.int_(i, toIds[i]);
- return rv;
- }
- @Test public void GetLabel__cur() {// do not get fallback
- wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_label("zh-hans", "s").Add_label("zh-hant", "t").Xto_wdoc());
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getLabel, Object_.Ary("q2"), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last("1=s", "2=zh-hans"));
- }
- @Test public void GetLabel__fallback_1() { // get 1st fallback
- wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_label("zh-hant", "t").Add_label("zh-hk", "h").Xto_wdoc());
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getLabel, Object_.Ary("q2"), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last("1=t", "2=zh-hant"));
- }
- @Test public void GetLabel__fallback_2() {// get 2nd fallback
- wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_label("zh-hk", "hk").Xto_wdoc());
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getLabel, Object_.Ary("q2"), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last("1=hk", "2=zh-hk"));
- }
- @Test public void GetLabel__fallback_en() {// get en
- wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_label("en", "lbl_en").Xto_wdoc());
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getLabel, Object_.Ary("q2"), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last("1=lbl_en", "2=en"));
- }
- @Test public void GetDescr() {
- wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_description("zh-hans", "s").Add_description("zh-hant", "t").Xto_wdoc());
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getDescription, Object_.Ary("q2"), "s");
- }
- @Test public void GetSlink() {
- wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_sitelink("enwiki", "a").Xto_wdoc());
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getSiteLinkPageName, Object_.Ary("q2"), "a");
- }
- @Test public void GetEntity() {
- wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_label("en", "b").Xto_wdoc());
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntity, Object_.Ary("q2", false), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
- ( "1="
- , " id=q2"
- , " type=item"
- , " schemaVersion=2"
- , " labels="
- , " en="
- , " language=en"
- , " value=b"
- ));
- }
- @Test public void GetEntity_property() { // PURPOSE: getEntity should be able to convert "p2" to "Property:P2"; EX:es.w:Arnold_Gesell; DATE:2014-02-18
- wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("Property:p2").Add_label("en", "b").Xto_wdoc());
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntity, Object_.Ary("p2", false), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
- ( "1="
- , " id=Property:p2" // only difference from above
- , " type=property" // also, type should be "property"; PAGE:ru.w:Викитека:Проект:Викиданные DATE:2016-11-23
- , " schemaVersion=2"
- , " datatype=<<NULL>>"
- , " labels="
- , " en="
- , " language=en"
- , " value=b"
- ));
- }
- @Test public void GetEntity_ws() { // PURPOSE: trim, b/c some pages will literally pass in "Property:P5\n"; PAGE:de.w:Mailand–Sanremo_2016 ISSUE#:363; DATE:2019-02-12
- wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_label("en", "b").Xto_wdoc());
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntity, Object_.Ary(" q2\n\t", false), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
- ( "1="
- , " id=q2"
- , " type=item"
- , " schemaVersion=2"
- , " labels="
- , " en="
- , " language=en"
- , " value=b"
- ));
- }
-// @Test public void GetEntity__missing() { // PURPOSE: missing entity should return empty kv array; PAGE:de.w:Critérium_International_2016 DATE:2017-12-30
-// fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntity, Object_.Ary("q2", false), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
-// ( "1=" // not ""
-// ));
-// }
- @Test public void RenderSnaks() {
- Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snaks_as_ary(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_monolingual(3, "en", "P3_en"), wdata_fxt.Make_claim_monolingual(3, "de", "P3_de"));
- fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnaks, args, "P3_en, P3_de");
- }
- @Test public void RenderSnaks_pid() { // PURPOSE: handle RenderSnaks like {"P10":[{"property":"P20"}]}; ISSUE#:666; DATE:2020-03-01
- Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snaks_as_nde(wdata_fxt, "P123", wdata_fxt.Make_claim_monolingual(3, "en", "P3_en"), wdata_fxt.Make_claim_monolingual(3, "de", "P3_de"));
- fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnaks, args, "P3_en, P3_de");
- }
- @Test public void RenderSnak__entity() {
- wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("Q3").Add_label("en", "test_label").Xto_wdoc());
- Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_entity_qid(2, 3));
- fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "test_label");
- }
- @Test public void RenderSnak__str() {
- Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_string(3, "test_str"));
- fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "test_str");
- }
- @Test public void RenderSnak__quantity() {
- Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_quantity(3, "123", "1", "125", "121")); // NOTE: entity-less units output "1"; EX:wd:Q493409 DATE:2016-11-08
- fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "123±2");
- }
- @Test public void RenderSnak__quantity__null_bounds() { // PURPOSE: handle null lbound / ubound; PAGE:wd.q:183 DATE:2016-12-03
- Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_quantity(3, "123", "1", null, null));
- fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "123");
- }
- @Test public void RenderSnak__time() {
- Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_time(3, "2012-01-02 03:04:05"));
- fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "30405 2 Jan 2012"); // NOTE: format is missing ":" b/c test does not init messages for html_wtr; DATE:2015-08-03
- }
- @Test public void RenderSnak__geo() {
- Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_geo(3, "3.4", "1.2"));
- fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "1°12'0"N, 3°24'0"E (<a href='/wiki/Q2'>http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q2</a>)");
- }
- @Test public void RenderSnak__monolingual() {
- Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_monolingual(3, "en", "abc_en"));
- fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "abc_en");
- }
- @Test public void RenderSnak__no_value() {
- Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, new Wbase_claim_string(3, Wbase_claim_value_type_.Tid__novalue, null));
- fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "");
- }
- @Test public void RenderSnak__data_value_is_null() {
- Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, new Wbase_claim_string(3, Wbase_claim_value_type_.Tid__somevalue, null));
- fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "");
- }
- @Test public void RenderSnak__data_value_is_null1() {
- Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, new Wbase_claim_string(3, Wbase_claim_value_type_.Tid__somevalue, null));
- fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "");
- }
- @Test public void FormatValues() {
- Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snaks_as_ary(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_monolingual(3, "en", "P3_en"), wdata_fxt.Make_claim_monolingual(3, "de", "P3_de"));
- fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_formatValues, args, "P3_en, P3_de");
- }
- @Test public void FormatValue__str() {
- Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_string(3, "test_str"));
- fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_formatValue, args, "test_str");
- }
- @Test public void GetEntityUrl() {
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntityUrl, Object_.Ary("Q2" ), "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityPage/Q2");
- }
- @Test public void GetSetting() {
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_obj(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getSetting, Object_.Ary("allowArbitraryDataAccess"), true); // PAGE:en.w:Beccles DATE:2018-06-27
- }
- @Test public void GetSetting__siteGlobalID() {
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_obj(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getSetting, Object_.Ary("siteGlobalID"), "enwiki");
- }
- @Test public void IncrementStatsKey() {
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_obj(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_incrementStatsKey, Object_.Ary("wikibase.client.scribunto.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage.call"), null);
- }
- @Test public void GetEntityModuleName() {
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_obj(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntityModuleName, Object_.Ary("Q123"), "mw.wikibase.entity");
- }
- @Test public void GetSiteLinkPageName() {
- wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_sitelink("enwiki", "Test_page").Xto_wdoc());
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getSiteLinkPageName, Object_.Ary("q2"), "Test_page");
- }
- @Test public void GetSiteLinkPageName_wiki() {// ISSUE#:665; PAGE:commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Paddy_Ashdown; DATE:2020-02-19
- wdata_fxt.Init_xwikis_add("frwiki");
- wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2")
- .Add_sitelink("enwiki", "q2_enwiki")
- .Add_sitelink("frwiki", "q2_frwiki")
- .Xto_wdoc());
- fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getSiteLinkPageName, Object_.Ary("q2", "frwiki"), "q2_frwiki"); // fails if q2_enwiki
- }
-class Wbase_snak_utl_ {
- public static Keyval[] Get_snaks_as_ary(Wdata_wiki_mgr_fxt wdata_fxt, Wbase_claim_base... ary) {
- Keyval[] rv = Get_snaks_ary(wdata_fxt, ary);
- return To_scrib_args(rv); // EX: ["1":["1":{"property":"P1"},"2":{"property":"P2"}]]
- }
- public static Keyval[] Get_snaks_as_nde(Wdata_wiki_mgr_fxt wdata_fxt, String pid, Wbase_claim_base... ary) {
- Keyval[] rv = Get_snaks_ary(wdata_fxt, ary);
- Keyval kv = Keyval_.new_(pid, rv); // EX: "P1":[{"property":"P2"}]
- return To_scrib_args(Keyval_.Ary(kv)); // EX:["1":[{"P1":[{"property":"P11"}]]} // FOOTNOTE:references.snaks
- }
- private static Keyval[] To_scrib_args(Object arg) {
- Keyval[] rv = new Keyval[1];
- rv[0] = Keyval_.int_(0 + Scrib_core.Base_1, arg);
- return rv;
- }
- private static Keyval[] Get_snaks_ary(Wdata_wiki_mgr_fxt wdata_fxt, Wbase_claim_base... ary) {
- // use wdoc_bldr to create claims
- Wdata_doc wdoc = wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_claims(ary).Xto_wdoc();
- // extract snaks from claims;
- return Get_snaks(wdata_fxt, wdoc);
- }
- public static Keyval[] Get_snak(Wdata_wiki_mgr_fxt wdata_fxt, Wbase_claim_base itm) {
- Wdata_doc wdoc = wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_claims(itm).Xto_wdoc();
- Keyval[] snak_props = Get_subs_by_path(Get_snaks(wdata_fxt, wdoc), 0);
- return Keyval_.Ary(Keyval_.int_(1, snak_props));
- }
- private static Keyval[] Get_snaks(Wdata_wiki_mgr_fxt wdata_fxt, Wdata_doc wdoc) {
- Keyval[] wdoc_root = Scrib_lib_wikibase_srl.Srl(wdata_fxt.Wdata_mgr().Prop_mgr(), wdoc, false, false, Bry_.new_u8("Test_page"));
- Keyval[] snaks = Get_subs_by_path(wdoc_root, 0, 0);
- int snaks_len = snaks.length;
- Keyval[] rv = new Keyval[snaks_len];
- for (int i = 0; i < snaks_len; ++i) {
- rv[i] = Keyval_.int_(i + List_adp_.Base1, Get_subs_by_path(snaks, i, 1));
- }
- return rv;
- }
- private static Keyval[] Get_subs_by_path(Keyval[] root, int... levels) {
- int len = levels.length;
- Keyval[] rv = root;
- for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
- int idx = levels[i];
- rv = (Keyval[])rv[idx].Val();
- }
- return rv;
- }
-Explaining this snippet:
-return To_scrib_args(Keyval_.Ary(kv)); // EX:["1":[{"P1":[{"property":"P11"}]]}
-* This occurs as a result of https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sed_(コンピュータ)
-* It has an Infobox which will eventually call this https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module:WikidataIB
-local sourced = function(claim)
- if claim.references then
- for kr, vr in pairs(claim.references) do
- local ref = mw.wikibase.renderSnaks(vr.snaks)
- if not ref:find("Wikipedia") then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
-Checking then with https:/www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P3966
-, "references":
- [
- { "hash":"fa278ebfc458360e5aed63d5058cca83c46134f1"
- , "snaks":
- { "P143":
- [
- { "snaktype":"value"
- , "property":"P143"
- , "hash":"e4f6d9441d0600513c4533c672b5ab472dc73694"
- , "datavalue":
- { "value":
- { "entity-type":"item"
- , "numeric-id":328
- , "id":"Q328"
- }
- , "type":"wikibase-entityid"
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- , "snaks-order":
- [ "P143"
- ]
- }
- ]
-That means claims.references.snaks is this
- { "P143":
- [
- { "snaktype":"value"
- , "property":"P143"
- , "hash":"e4f6d9441d0600513c4533c672b5ab472dc73694"
- , "datavalue":
- { "value":
- { "entity-type":"item"
- , "numeric-id":328
- , "id":"Q328"
- }
- , "type":"wikibase-entityid"
- }
- }
- ]
- }
-Now, going back to "To_scrib_args(Keyval_.Ary(kv))"
-* "kv" represents "P1":[{"property":"P11"}
-* "kv" gets wrapped in Keyval_.Ary b/c SnakDeserialization will deserialize into key/val pairs; '{"P1":[{"property":"P11"}]}' '["P1":[["property":"P11"]]]'
-* "To_scrib_args()" will put the entire thing as '["1":...]'
+package gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.libs.wikibases;
+import gplx.Bool_;
+import gplx.Bry_;
+import gplx.Keyval;
+import gplx.Keyval_;
+import gplx.List_adp_;
+import gplx.Object_;
+import gplx.String_;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.Scrib_core;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.Scrib_invoke_func_fxt;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.Scrib_lib;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.libs.Scrib_lib_wikibase;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.scribunto.libs.Scrib_lib_wikibase_srl;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.Wdata_doc;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.Wdata_wiki_mgr_fxt;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.claims.enums.Wbase_claim_value_type_;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.claims.itms.Wbase_claim_base;
+import gplx.xowa.xtns.wbases.claims.itms.Wbase_claim_string;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+public class Basic__tst {
+ private final Scrib_invoke_func_fxt fxt = new Scrib_invoke_func_fxt(); private Scrib_lib lib;
+ private final Wdata_wiki_mgr_fxt wdata_fxt = new Wdata_wiki_mgr_fxt();
+ @Before public void init() {
+ fxt.Clear_for_lib("en.wikipedia.org", "zh-hans");
+ lib = fxt.Core().Lib_wikibase().Init();
+ wdata_fxt.Init(fxt.Parser_fxt(), false);
+ wdata_fxt.Init_lang_fallbacks("zh-hant", "zh-hk");
+ }
+ @Test public void IsValidEntityId() {
+ IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.Y, "P1");
+ IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.Y, "P123");
+ IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.Y, "Q1");
+ IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.Y, "Q123");
+ IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.Y, "A:B:Q123");
+ IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.N, "p1");
+ IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.N, "q1");
+ IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.N, "P");
+ IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.N, "P1A");
+ IsValidEntityIdCheck(Bool_.N, "P01");
+ }
+ private void IsValidEntityIdCheck(boolean expd, String val) {
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_bool(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_isValidEntityId, Object_.Ary(val), expd);
+ }
+ @Test public void EntityExists() {
+ wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_label("en", "b").Xto_wdoc());
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_bool(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_entityExists, Object_.Ary("q2" ), true);
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_bool(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_entityExists, Object_.Ary("Q1" ), false);
+ }
+ @Test public void GetEntityId() {
+ wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc("Q2")
+ .Add_sitelink("enwiki", "Earth")
+ );
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntityId, Object_.Ary("Earth" ), "Q2");
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntityId, Object_.Ary("missing_page" ), null);
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntityId, Object_.Ary("" ), null); // PAGE:en.w:Water_treader DATE:2018-07-01
+ }
+ @Test public void GetReferencedEntityId() {
+ wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("Q1").Xto_wdoc());
+ wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("Q2").Add_claims(wdata_fxt.Make_claim_entity_qid(1, 1)).Xto_wdoc());
+ wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("Q3").Add_claims(wdata_fxt.Make_claim_entity_qid(1, 2)).Xto_wdoc());
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getReferencedEntityId, Object_.Ary("Q3", "P1", NewToIds("Q1")), "Q1");
+ }
+ private static Keyval[] NewToIds(String... toIds) {
+ int len = toIds.length;
+ Keyval[] rv = new Keyval[len];
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ rv[i] = Keyval_.int_(i, toIds[i]);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ @Test public void GetLabel__cur() {// do not get fallback
+ wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_label("zh-hans", "s").Add_label("zh-hant", "t").Xto_wdoc());
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getLabel, Object_.Ary("q2"), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last("1=s", "2=zh-hans"));
+ }
+ @Test public void GetLabel__fallback_1() { // get 1st fallback
+ wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_label("zh-hant", "t").Add_label("zh-hk", "h").Xto_wdoc());
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getLabel, Object_.Ary("q2"), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last("1=t", "2=zh-hant"));
+ }
+ @Test public void GetLabel__fallback_2() {// get 2nd fallback
+ wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_label("zh-hk", "hk").Xto_wdoc());
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getLabel, Object_.Ary("q2"), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last("1=hk", "2=zh-hk"));
+ }
+ @Test public void GetLabel__fallback_en() {// get en
+ wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_label("en", "lbl_en").Xto_wdoc());
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getLabel, Object_.Ary("q2"), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last("1=lbl_en", "2=en"));
+ }
+ @Test public void GetDescr() {
+ wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_description("zh-hans", "s").Add_description("zh-hant", "t").Xto_wdoc());
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getDescription, Object_.Ary("q2"), "s");
+ }
+ @Test public void GetSlink() {
+ wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_sitelink("enwiki", "a").Xto_wdoc());
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getSiteLinkPageName, Object_.Ary("q2"), "a");
+ }
+ @Test public void GetEntity() {
+ wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_label("en", "b").Xto_wdoc());
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntity, Object_.Ary("q2", false), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
+ ( "1="
+ , " id=q2"
+ , " type=item"
+ , " schemaVersion=2"
+ , " labels="
+ , " en="
+ , " language=en"
+ , " value=b"
+ ));
+ }
+ @Test public void GetEntity_property() { // PURPOSE: getEntity should be able to convert "p2" to "Property:P2"; EX:es.w:Arnold_Gesell; DATE:2014-02-18
+ wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("Property:p2").Add_label("en", "b").Xto_wdoc());
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntity, Object_.Ary("p2", false), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
+ ( "1="
+ , " id=Property:p2" // only difference from above
+ , " type=property" // also, type should be "property"; PAGE:ru.w:Викитека:Проект:Викиданные DATE:2016-11-23
+ , " schemaVersion=2"
+ , " datatype=<<NULL>>"
+ , " labels="
+ , " en="
+ , " language=en"
+ , " value=b"
+ ));
+ }
+ @Test public void GetEntity_ws() { // PURPOSE: trim, b/c some pages will literally pass in "Property:P5\n"; PAGE:de.w:Mailand–Sanremo_2016 ISSUE#:363; DATE:2019-02-12
+ wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_label("en", "b").Xto_wdoc());
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntity, Object_.Ary(" q2\n\t", false), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
+ ( "1="
+ , " id=q2"
+ , " type=item"
+ , " schemaVersion=2"
+ , " labels="
+ , " en="
+ , " language=en"
+ , " value=b"
+ ));
+ }
+// @Test public void GetEntity__missing() { // PURPOSE: missing entity should return empty kv array; PAGE:de.w:Critérium_International_2016 DATE:2017-12-30
+// fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str_ary(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntity, Object_.Ary("q2", false), String_.Concat_lines_nl_skip_last
+// ( "1=" // not ""
+// ));
+// }
+ @Test public void RenderSnaks() {
+ Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snaks_as_ary(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_monolingual(3, "en", "P3_en"), wdata_fxt.Make_claim_monolingual(3, "de", "P3_de"));
+ fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnaks, args, "P3_en, P3_de");
+ }
+ @Test public void RenderSnaks_pid() { // PURPOSE: handle RenderSnaks like {"P10":[{"property":"P20"}]}; ISSUE#:666; DATE:2020-03-01
+ Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snaks_as_nde(wdata_fxt, "P123", wdata_fxt.Make_claim_monolingual(3, "en", "P3_en"), wdata_fxt.Make_claim_monolingual(3, "de", "P3_de"));
+ fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnaks, args, "P3_en, P3_de");
+ }
+ @Test public void RenderSnak__entity() {
+ wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("Q3").Add_label("en", "test_label").Xto_wdoc());
+ Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_entity_qid(2, 3));
+ fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "test_label");
+ }
+ @Test public void RenderSnak__str() {
+ Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_string(3, "test_str"));
+ fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "test_str");
+ }
+ @Test public void RenderSnak__quantity() {
+ Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_quantity(3, "123", "1", "125", "121")); // NOTE: entity-less units output "1"; EX:wd:Q493409 DATE:2016-11-08
+ fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "123±2");
+ }
+ @Test public void RenderSnak__quantity__null_bounds() { // PURPOSE: handle null lbound / ubound; PAGE:wd.q:183 DATE:2016-12-03
+ Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_quantity(3, "123", "1", null, null));
+ fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "123");
+ }
+ @Test public void RenderSnak__time() {
+ Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_time(3, "2012-01-02 03:04:05"));
+ fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "30405 2 Jan 2012"); // NOTE: format is missing ":" b/c test does not init messages for html_wtr; DATE:2015-08-03
+ }
+ @Test public void RenderSnak__geo() {
+ Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_geo(3, "3.4", "1.2"));
+ fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "1°12'0"N, 3°24'0"E (<a href='/wiki/Q2'>http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q2</a>)");
+ }
+ @Test public void RenderSnak__monolingual() {
+ Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_monolingual(3, "en", "abc_en"));
+ fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "abc_en");
+ }
+ @Test public void RenderSnak__no_value() {
+ Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, new Wbase_claim_string(3, Wbase_claim_value_type_.Tid__novalue, null));
+ fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "");
+ }
+ @Test public void RenderSnak__data_value_is_null() {
+ Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, new Wbase_claim_string(3, Wbase_claim_value_type_.Tid__somevalue, null));
+ fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "");
+ }
+ @Test public void RenderSnak__data_value_is_null1() {
+ Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, new Wbase_claim_string(3, Wbase_claim_value_type_.Tid__somevalue, null));
+ fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_renderSnak, args, "");
+ }
+ @Test public void FormatValues() {
+ Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snaks_as_ary(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_monolingual(3, "en", "P3_en"), wdata_fxt.Make_claim_monolingual(3, "de", "P3_de"));
+ fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_formatValues, args, "P3_en, P3_de");
+ }
+ @Test public void FormatValue__str() {
+ Keyval[] args = Wbase_snak_utl_.Get_snak(wdata_fxt, wdata_fxt.Make_claim_string(3, "test_str"));
+ fxt.Test__proc__kvps__flat(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_formatValue, args, "test_str");
+ }
+ @Test public void GetEntityUrl() {
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntityUrl, Object_.Ary("Q2" ), "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:EntityPage/Q2");
+ }
+ @Test public void GetSetting() {
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_obj(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getSetting, Object_.Ary("allowArbitraryDataAccess"), true); // PAGE:en.w:Beccles DATE:2018-06-27
+ }
+ @Test public void GetSetting__siteGlobalID() {
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_obj(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getSetting, Object_.Ary("siteGlobalID"), "enwiki");
+ }
+ @Test public void IncrementStatsKey() {
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_obj(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_incrementStatsKey, Object_.Ary("wikibase.client.scribunto.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage.call"), null);
+ }
+ @Test public void GetEntityModuleName() {
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_obj(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getEntityModuleName, Object_.Ary("Q123"), "mw.wikibase.entity");
+ }
+ @Test public void GetSiteLinkPageName() {
+ wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_sitelink("enwiki", "Test_page").Xto_wdoc());
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getSiteLinkPageName, Object_.Ary("q2"), "Test_page");
+ }
+ @Test public void GetSiteLinkPageName_wiki() {// ISSUE#:665; PAGE:commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Paddy_Ashdown; DATE:2020-02-19
+ wdata_fxt.Init_xwikis_add("frwiki");
+ wdata_fxt.Init__docs__add(wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2")
+ .Add_sitelink("enwiki", "q2_enwiki")
+ .Add_sitelink("frwiki", "q2_frwiki")
+ .Xto_wdoc());
+ fxt.Test_scrib_proc_str(lib, Scrib_lib_wikibase.Invk_getSiteLinkPageName, Object_.Ary("q2", "frwiki"), "q2_frwiki"); // fails if q2_enwiki
+ }
+class Wbase_snak_utl_ {
+ public static Keyval[] Get_snaks_as_ary(Wdata_wiki_mgr_fxt wdata_fxt, Wbase_claim_base... ary) {
+ Keyval[] rv = Get_snaks_ary(wdata_fxt, ary);
+ return To_scrib_args(rv); // EX: ["1":["1":{"property":"P1"},"2":{"property":"P2"}]]
+ }
+ public static Keyval[] Get_snaks_as_nde(Wdata_wiki_mgr_fxt wdata_fxt, String pid, Wbase_claim_base... ary) {
+ Keyval[] rv = Get_snaks_ary(wdata_fxt, ary);
+ Keyval kv = Keyval_.new_(pid, rv); // EX: "P1":[{"property":"P2"}]
+ return To_scrib_args(Keyval_.Ary(kv)); // EX:["1":[{"P1":[{"property":"P11"}]]} // FOOTNOTE:references.snaks
+ }
+ private static Keyval[] To_scrib_args(Object arg) {
+ Keyval[] rv = new Keyval[1];
+ rv[0] = Keyval_.int_(0 + Scrib_core.Base_1, arg);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ private static Keyval[] Get_snaks_ary(Wdata_wiki_mgr_fxt wdata_fxt, Wbase_claim_base... ary) {
+ // use wdoc_bldr to create claims
+ Wdata_doc wdoc = wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_claims(ary).Xto_wdoc();
+ // extract snaks from claims;
+ return Get_snaks(wdata_fxt, wdoc);
+ }
+ public static Keyval[] Get_snak(Wdata_wiki_mgr_fxt wdata_fxt, Wbase_claim_base itm) {
+ Wdata_doc wdoc = wdata_fxt.Wdoc_bldr("q2").Add_claims(itm).Xto_wdoc();
+ Keyval[] snak_props = Get_subs_by_path(Get_snaks(wdata_fxt, wdoc), 0);
+ return Keyval_.Ary(Keyval_.int_(1, snak_props));
+ }
+ private static Keyval[] Get_snaks(Wdata_wiki_mgr_fxt wdata_fxt, Wdata_doc wdoc) {
+ Keyval[] wdoc_root = Scrib_lib_wikibase_srl.Srl(wdata_fxt.Wdata_mgr().Prop_mgr(), wdoc, false, false, Bry_.new_u8("Test_page"));
+ Keyval[] snaks = Get_subs_by_path(wdoc_root, 0, 0);
+ int snaks_len = snaks.length;
+ Keyval[] rv = new Keyval[snaks_len];
+ for (int i = 0; i < snaks_len; ++i) {
+ rv[i] = Keyval_.int_(i + List_adp_.Base1, Get_subs_by_path(snaks, i, 1));
+ }
+ return rv;
+ }
+ private static Keyval[] Get_subs_by_path(Keyval[] root, int... levels) {
+ int len = levels.length;
+ Keyval[] rv = root;
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ int idx = levels[i];
+ rv = (Keyval[])rv[idx].Val();
+ }
+ return rv;
+ }
+Explaining this snippet:
+return To_scrib_args(Keyval_.Ary(kv)); // EX:["1":[{"P1":[{"property":"P11"}]]}
+* This occurs as a result of https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sed_(コンピュータ)
+* It has an Infobox which will eventually call this https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module:WikidataIB
+local sourced = function(claim)
+ if claim.references then
+ for kr, vr in pairs(claim.references) do
+ local ref = mw.wikibase.renderSnaks(vr.snaks)
+ if not ref:find("Wikipedia") then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+Checking then with https:/www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P3966
+, "references":
+ [
+ { "hash":"fa278ebfc458360e5aed63d5058cca83c46134f1"
+ , "snaks":
+ { "P143":
+ [
+ { "snaktype":"value"
+ , "property":"P143"
+ , "hash":"e4f6d9441d0600513c4533c672b5ab472dc73694"
+ , "datavalue":
+ { "value":
+ { "entity-type":"item"
+ , "numeric-id":328
+ , "id":"Q328"
+ }
+ , "type":"wikibase-entityid"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ , "snaks-order":
+ [ "P143"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+That means claims.references.snaks is this
+ { "P143":
+ [
+ { "snaktype":"value"
+ , "property":"P143"
+ , "hash":"e4f6d9441d0600513c4533c672b5ab472dc73694"
+ , "datavalue":
+ { "value":
+ { "entity-type":"item"
+ , "numeric-id":328
+ , "id":"Q328"
+ }
+ , "type":"wikibase-entityid"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Now, going back to "To_scrib_args(Keyval_.Ary(kv))"
+* "kv" represents "P1":[{"property":"P11"}
+* "kv" gets wrapped in Keyval_.Ary b/c SnakDeserialization will deserialize into key/val pairs; '{"P1":[{"property":"P11"}]}' '["P1":[["property":"P11"]]]'
+* "To_scrib_args()" will put the entire thing as '["1":...]'