#!/bin/bash # File: android-interact.sh PROG_NAME=`python -c "import os, sys; print(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1]))" "$0"` PROG_DIR=`dirname "$PROG_NAME"` cd "$PROG_DIR" # Please check that your path is the same, since this might be different among devices # RES_DIR="/mnt/sdcard/tencent/MicroMsg" # old version of wechat use this path. RES_DIR="/data/data/com.tencent.mm" MM_DIR="/data/data/com.tencent.mm" echo "Starting rooted adb server..." adb root if [[ $1 == "db" || $1 == "res" ]]; then echo "Looking for user dir name..." sleep 1 # sometimes adb complains: device not found # look for dirname which looks like md5 (32 alpha-numeric chars) userList=$(adb ls $RES_DIR | cut -f 4 -d ' ' | sed 's/[^0-9a-z]//g' \ | awk '{if (length() == 32) print}') numUser=$(echo "$userList" | wc -l) # choose the first user. chooseUser=$(echo "$userList" | head -n1) [[ -n $chooseUser ]] || { >&2 echo "Could not find user. Please check whether your resource dir is $RES_DIR" exit 1 } echo "Found $numUser user(s). User chosen: $chooseUser" if [[ $1 == "res" ]]; then mkdir -p resource ( cd resource || exit echo "Pulling resources... " for d in avatar image2 voice2 emoji video sfs; do echo "Trying to download $RES_DIR/$chooseUser/$d with busybox ..." adb shell "cd $RES_DIR/$chooseUser && busybox tar czf - $d 2>/dev/null | busybox base64" | base64 -di | tar xzf - [[ -d $d ]] && continue echo "Trying to download $RES_DIR/$chooseUser/$d with tar & base64 ..." adb shell "cd $RES_DIR/$chooseUser && tar czf - $d 2>/dev/null | base64" | base64 -di | tar xzf - [[ -d $d ]] && continue echo "Trying to download $RES_DIR/$chooseUser/$d with adb pull (slow) ..." mkdir -p $d ( cd $d || exit adb pull "$RES_DIR/$chooseUser/$d" ) [[ -d $d ]] || { echo "Failed to download $RES_DIR/$chooseUser/$d" } done echo "Resource pulled at ./resource" echo "Total size: $(du -sh | cut -f1)" ) else echo "Pulling database and avatar index file..." adb pull $MM_DIR/MicroMsg/$chooseUser/EnMicroMsg.db [[ -f EnMicroMsg.db ]] && \ echo "Database successfully downloaded to EnMicroMsg.db" || { >&2 echo "Failed to pull database by adb!" exit 1 } adb pull $MM_DIR/MicroMsg/$chooseUser/sfs/avatar.index [[ -f avatar.index ]] && echo "Avatar index successfully downloaded to avatar.index" fi else echo "Usage: $0 " exit 1 fi