849 B


Conditionally execute a command several times. More information:

  • Execute given commands for the specified set:

for %{{variable}} in ({{item_a item_b item_c}}) do ({{echo Loop is executed}})

  • Iterate over a given range of numbers:

for /l %{{variable}} in ({{from}}, {{step}}, {{to}}) do ({{echo Loop is executed}})

  • Iterate over a given list of files:

for %{{variable}} in ({{path\to\file1.ext path\to\file2.ext ...}}) do ({{echo Loop is executed}})

  • Iterate over a given list of directories:

for /d %{{variable}} in ({{path\to\directory1.ext path\to\directory2.ext ...}}) do ({{echo Loop is executed}})

  • Perform a given command in every directory:

for /d %{{variable}} in (*) do (if exist %{{variable}} {{echo Loop is executed}})