Contribution are most welcome! All tldr
pages are stored in Markdown right here on GitHub. Just open an issue or send a pull request and we'll merge it as soon as possible.
Note that tldr
is focussed on concrete examples.
Here's a few guidelines to get started:
is forToken formatting:
syntax (e.g. tar cf {{my_file}}
instead of ../my/awesome/example
)Common pitfalls / "donts"
)tar {{options}}
tar {{c or x}}
)The best way to be consistent is to have a look at a few existing pages :)
For now, the format of each page has to match the following:
# command-name
> Short description
> Max 1 or 2 lines
- example description
`command -arg1 -arg2`
- example description
`command -arg1 -arg2`
Eventually we might relax the format to accept any Markdown, but for now this has the advantage of adding some consitency between all pages, and making sure we focus on concrete examples rather than lengthy explanation of the different flags.
In the odd case you need a few examples grouped together, the convention so far is:
- example description
`command -arg1`
`command -arg2`
Footnote: tldr is under MIT license.
You're free to modify or redistribute the content. That being said, but why not contribute over here? :) Say if you wanted to have tldr
pages in groff
format, why not have a client that uses pandoc and periodically updates straight from this repo?