12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546 |
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- # This script is executed by Travis CI when a PR is merged (i.e. in the `deploy` step).
- set -ex
- function initialize {
- if [ -z "$TLDRHOME" ]; then
- export TLDRHOME=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR:-$(pwd)}
- fi
- export TLDR_ARCHIVE="tldr.zip"
- export SITE_HOME="$HOME/site"
- export SITE_REPO_SLUG="tldr-pages/tldr-pages.github.io"
- # Configure git.
- git config --global user.email "travis@travis-ci.org"
- git config --global user.name "Travis CI"
- git config --global push.default simple
- git config --global diff.zip.textconv "unzip -c -a"
- # Decrypt and add deploy key.
- eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
- openssl aes-256-cbc -K "$encrypted_973441be79af_key" -iv "$encrypted_973441be79af_iv" -in ./scripts/id_ed25519_tldr_asset_upload.enc -out id_ed25519 -d
- chmod 600 id_ed25519
- ssh-add id_ed25519
- }
- function upload_assets {
- git clone --quiet --depth 1 git@github.com:${SITE_REPO_SLUG}.git "$SITE_HOME"
- mv -f "$TLDR_ARCHIVE" "$SITE_HOME/assets/"
- cp -f "$TLDRHOME/index.json" "$SITE_HOME/assets/"
- cd "$SITE_HOME"
- git add -A
- git commit -m "[TravisCI] uploaded assets after commits ${TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE}"
- git push -q
- echo "Assets (pages archive, index) deployed to static site."
- }
- ###################################
- # MAIN
- ###################################
- initialize
- upload_assets