Interact with HashiCorp Vault.
More information:
safe target {{vault_addr}} {{target_name}}
- Authenticate the CLI client against the Vault server, using an authentication token:
safe auth {{authentication_token}}
- Print the environment variables describing the current target:
safe env
- Display a tree hierarchy of all reachable keys for a given path:
safe tree {{path}}
- Move a secret from one path to another:
safe move {{old/path/to/secret}} {{new/path/to/secret}}
- Generate a new 2048-bit SSH key-pair and store it:
safe ssh {{2048}} {{path/to/secret}}
- Set non-sensitive keys for a secret:
safe set {{path/to/secret}} {{key}}={{value}}
- Set auto-generated password in a secret:
safe gen {{path/to/secret}} {{key}}