asciinema.md 1.0 KB


Record and replay terminal sessions, and optionally share them on https://asciinema.org. See also: terminalizer. More information: https://docs.asciinema.org/manual/cli/usage.

  • Associate the local install of asciinema with an asciinema.org account:

asciinema auth

  • Make a new recording (finish it with <Ctrl d> or type exit, and then choose to upload it or save it locally):

asciinema rec

  • Make a new recording and save it to a local file:

asciinema rec {{path/to/recording.cast}}

  • Replay a terminal recording from a local file:

asciinema play {{path/to/recording.cast}}

asciinema play https://asciinema.org/a/{{cast_id}}

  • Make a new recording, limiting any idle time to at most 2.5 seconds:

asciinema rec {{[-i|--idle-time-limit]}} 2.5

  • Print the full output of a locally saved recording:

asciinema cat {{path/to/recording.cast}}

  • Upload a locally saved terminal session to asciinema.org:

asciinema upload {{path/to/recording.cast}}