9.1 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
  3. """
  4. A Python script to generate or update alias pages.
  5. Disclaimer: This script generates a lot of false positives so it isn't suggested to use the sync option. If used, only stage changes and commit verified changes for your language by using -l LANGUAGE.
  6. Note: If the current directory or one of its parents is called "tldr", the script will assume it is the tldr root, i.e., the directory that contains a clone of
  7. If you aren't, the script will use TLDR_ROOT as the tldr root. Also, ensure 'git' is available.
  8. Usage:
  9. python3 scripts/ [-p PAGE] [-S] [-l LANGUAGE] [-s] [-n] [COMMAND]
  10. Options:
  11. -p, --page PAGE
  12. Specify the alias page in the format "platform/".
  13. -S, --sync
  14. Synchronize each translation's alias page (if exists) with that of the English page.
  15. -l, --language LANGUAGE
  16. Specify the language, a POSIX Locale Name in the form of "ll" or "ll_CC" (e.g. "fr" or "pt_BR").
  17. -s, --stage
  18. Stage modified pages (requires 'git' on $PATH and TLDR_ROOT to be a Git repository).
  19. -n, --dry-run
  20. Show what changes would be made without actually modifying the page.
  21. Positional Argument:
  22. COMMAND The command to be set as the alias command.
  23. Examples:
  24. 1. Add 'vi' as an alias page of 'vim':
  25. python3 scripts/ -p common/vi vim
  26. python3 scripts/ --page common/vi vim
  27. 2. Read English alias pages and synchronize them into all translations:
  28. python3 scripts/ -S
  29. python3 scripts/ --sync
  30. 3. Read English alias pages and synchronize them for Brazilian Portuguese pages only:
  31. python3 scripts/ -S -l pt_BR
  32. python3 scripts/ --sync --language pt_BR
  33. 4. Read English alias pages, synchronize them into all translations and stage modified pages for commit:
  34. python3 scripts/ -Ss
  35. python3 scripts/ --sync --stage
  36. 5. Read English alias pages and show what changes would be made:
  37. python3 scripts/ -Sn
  38. python3 scripts/ --sync --dry-run
  39. """
  40. import re
  41. from pathlib import Path
  42. from _common import (
  44. Colors,
  45. get_tldr_root,
  46. get_pages_dir,
  47. get_target_paths,
  48. get_locale,
  49. get_status,
  50. stage,
  51. create_colored_line,
  52. create_argument_parser,
  53. )
  54. IGNORE_FILES += ("", "")
  55. def test_ignore_files():
  56. assert IGNORE_FILES == (
  57. ".DS_Store",
  58. "",
  59. "",
  60. )
  61. assert ".DS_Store" in IGNORE_FILES
  62. assert "" in IGNORE_FILES
  63. def get_templates(root: Path):
  64. """
  65. Get all alias page translation templates from
  66. TLDR_ROOT/contributing-guides/translation-templates/
  67. Parameters:
  68. root (Path): The path of local tldr repository, i.e., TLDR_ROOT.
  69. Returns:
  70. dict of (str, str): Language labels map to alias page templates.
  71. """
  72. template_file = root / "contributing-guides/translation-templates/"
  73. with"utf-8") as f:
  74. lines = f.readlines()
  75. # Parse
  76. templates = {}
  77. i = 0
  78. while i < len(lines):
  79. if lines[i].startswith("###"):
  80. lang = lines[i][4:].strip("\n").strip(" ")
  81. while True:
  82. i = i + 1
  83. if lines[i].startswith("Not translated yet."):
  84. is_translated = False
  85. break
  86. elif lines[i].startswith("```markdown"):
  87. i = i + 1
  88. is_translated = True
  89. break
  90. if is_translated:
  91. text = ""
  92. while not lines[i].startswith("```"):
  93. text += lines[i]
  94. i = i + 1
  95. templates[lang] = text
  96. i = i + 1
  97. return templates
  98. def set_alias_page(
  99. path: Path, command: str, dry_run: bool = False, language_to_update: str = ""
  100. ) -> str:
  101. """
  102. Write an alias page to disk.
  103. Parameters:
  104. path (string): Path to an alias page
  105. command (string): The command that the alias stands for.
  106. dry_run (bool): Whether to perform a dry-run, i.e. only show the changes that would be made.
  107. language_to_update (string): Optionally, the language of the translation to be updated.
  108. Returns:
  109. str: Execution status
  110. "" if the alias page standing for the same command already exists or if the locale does not match language_to_update.
  111. "\x1b[36mpage added"
  112. "\x1b[34mpage updated"
  113. "\x1b[36mpage would be added"
  114. "\x1b[34mpage would updated"
  115. """
  116. locale = get_locale(path)
  117. if locale not in templates or (
  118. language_to_update != "" and locale != language_to_update
  119. ):
  120. # return empty status to indicate that no changes were made
  121. return ""
  122. # Test if the alias page already exists
  123. original_command = get_alias_page(path)
  124. if original_command == command:
  125. return ""
  126. status = get_status(
  127. "added" if original_command == "" else "updated", dry_run, "page"
  128. )
  129. if not dry_run: # Only write to the path during a non-dry-run
  130. alias_name = path.stem
  131. text = (
  132. templates[locale]
  133. .replace("example", alias_name, 1)
  134. .replace("example", command)
  135. )
  136. path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
  137. with"w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
  138. f.write(text)
  139. return status
  140. def get_alias_page(path: Path) -> str:
  141. """
  142. Determine whether the given path is an alias page.
  143. Parameters:
  144. path (Path): Path to a page
  145. Returns:
  146. str: "" If the path doesn't exit or is not an alias page,
  147. otherwise return what command the alias stands for.
  148. """
  149. if not path.exists():
  150. return ""
  151. with"utf-8") as f:
  152. for line in f:
  153. # match alias (`tldr <alias>`)
  154. if match :="^`tldr (.+)`", line):
  155. return match[1]
  156. return ""
  157. def sync(
  158. root: Path,
  159. pages_dirs: list[Path],
  160. alias_name: str,
  161. original_command: str,
  162. dry_run: bool = False,
  163. language_to_update: str = "",
  164. ) -> list[Path]:
  165. """
  166. Synchronize an alias page into all translations.
  167. Parameters:
  168. root (Path): TLDR_ROOT
  169. pages_dirs (list of Path's): Path's of page entry and platform, e.g. "".
  170. alias_name (str): An alias command with .md extension like "".
  171. original_command (str): An Original command like "vim".
  172. dry_run (bool): Whether to perform a dry-run, i.e. only show the changes that would be made.
  173. language_to_update (str): Optionally, the language of the translation to be updated.
  174. Returns:
  175. list (list of Path's): A list of Path's to be staged into git, using by --stage option.
  176. """
  177. paths = []
  178. for page_dir in pages_dirs:
  179. path = root / page_dir / alias_name
  180. status = set_alias_page(path, original_command, dry_run, language_to_update)
  181. if status != "":
  182. rel_path = "/".join([-3:])
  183. paths.append(rel_path)
  184. print(create_colored_line(Colors.GREEN, f"{rel_path} {status}"))
  185. return paths
  186. def main():
  187. parser = create_argument_parser(
  188. "Sets the alias page for all translations of a page"
  189. )
  190. parser.add_argument("command", type=str, nargs="?", default="")
  191. args = parser.parse_args()
  192. root = get_tldr_root()
  193. # A dictionary of all alias page translations
  194. global templates
  195. templates = get_templates(root)
  196. pages_dirs = get_pages_dir(root)
  197. target_paths = []
  198. # Use '--page' option
  199. if != "":
  200. target_paths += get_target_paths(, pages_dirs)
  201. for path in target_paths:
  202. rel_path = "/".join([-3:])
  203. status = set_alias_page(path, args.command, args.dry_run, args.language)
  204. if status != "":
  205. print(create_colored_line(Colors.GREEN, f"{rel_path} {status}"))
  206. # Use '--sync' option
  207. elif args.sync:
  208. pages_dirs.remove(root / "pages")
  209. en_path = root / "pages"
  210. platforms = [ for i in en_path.iterdir() if not in IGNORE_FILES]
  211. for platform in platforms:
  212. platform_path = en_path / platform
  213. commands = [
  214. f"{platform}/{}"
  215. for page in platform_path.iterdir()
  216. if not in IGNORE_FILES
  217. ]
  218. for command in commands:
  219. original_command = get_alias_page(root / "pages" / command)
  220. if original_command != "":
  221. target_paths += sync(
  222. root,
  223. pages_dirs,
  224. command,
  225. original_command,
  226. args.dry_run,
  227. args.language,
  228. )
  229. # Use '--stage' option
  230. if args.stage and not args.dry_run and len(target_paths) > 0:
  231. stage(target_paths)
  232. if __name__ == "__main__":
  233. main()