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Add or change user database information, including login shell and password. See also: passwd. More information:

  • Set a specific login shell for the current user interactively:

su -c chpass

  • Set a specific login [s]hell for the current user:

chpass -s {{path/to/shell}}

  • Set a login [s]hell for a specific user:

chpass chsh -s {{path/to/shell}} {{username}}

  • Specify a user database entry in the passwd file format:

su -c 'chpass -a {{username:encrypted_password:uid:gid:...}} -s {{path/to/file}}' {{username}}

  • Only update the [l]ocal password file:

su -c 'chpass -l -s {{path/to/shell}}' {{username}}

  • Forcedly change the database [y]P password database entry:

su -c 'chpass -y -s {{path/to/shell}}' {{username}}