.travis.yml 548 B

  1. sudo: false
  2. language: node_js
  3. node_js:
  4. - stable
  5. cache: false
  6. after_success:
  7. - bash scripts/build.sh
  8. after_failure:
  9. - cat test_result | python scripts/send_to_bot.py
  10. env:
  11. global:
  12. # Used to upload the tldr archive to tldr-pages repo.
  13. # Achieved via the upload_assets() function of scripts/build.sh
  14. # This is an encrypted form of @agnivade's user token.
  15. - secure: AJPra/q3bCFHzMOam1aFz4tzasYuU261Mk6lISh1VJatibHa7nBErsuA3VbR5qth9LblH5HFmNGl4bwmas/PTD1P3lPAHO19gdlMb1kpS9MhTojQP/0EPCsyMTgnWcmNMU2XMvYGHFT0JFn4vj/0TrM9CUMDoT9WhtnVJfgRrlY=