locust.md 775 B


Load-testing tool to determine number of concurrent users a system can handle.

  • Load-test "example.com" with web interface using locustfile.py:

locust --host={{http://example.com}}

  • Use a different test file:

locust --locustfile={{test_file.py}} --host={{http://example.com}}

  • Run test without web interface, spawning 1 user a second until there are 100 users:

locust --no-web --clients={{100}} --hatch-rate={{1}} --host={{http://example.com}}

  • Start locust in master mode:

locust --master --host={{http://example.com}}

  • Connect locust slave to master:

locust --slave --host={{http://example.com}}

  • Connect locust slave to master on a different machine:

locust --slave --master-host={{master_hostname}} --host={{http://example.com}}