Package and compress (archive) files into zip file.
- Package and compress a directory and its contents, [r]ecursively:
zip -r {{}} {{/path/to/dir}}
- E[x]clude unwanted files from being added to the compressed archive:
zip -r {{}} {{path/to/dir}} -x {{path/to/exclude}}
- Archive a directory and its contents with the highest level [9] of compression:
zip -r -{{9}} {{}} {{/path/to/dir}}
- Package and compress multiple directories and files:
zip -r {{}} {{/path/to/dir1 /path/to/dir2 /path/to/file}}
- Create an encrypted archive (user will be prompted for a password):
zip -e -r {{}} {{path/to/dir}}
- Add files to an existing zip file:
zip {{}} {{path/to/file}}
- Delete files from an existing zip file:
zip -d {{}} "{{foo/*.tmp}}"
- Archive a directory and its contents to a multi-part [s]plit zip file (e.g. 3GB parts):
zip -r -s {{3g}} {{}} {{path/to/dir}}