get-command.md 943 B


List and get available commands in the current PowerShell session. This command can only be run through PowerShell. More information: https://learn.microsoft.com/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/get-command.

  • List all available PowerShell commands (aliases, cmdlets, functions) in the current computer:


  • List all available PowerShell commands in the current session:

Get-Command -ListImported

  • List only PowerShell aliases/cmdlets/functions available in the computer:

Get-Command -Type {{Alias|Cmdlet|Function}}

  • List only programs or commands available on PATH in the current session:

Get-Command -Type Application

  • List only PowerShell commands by the module name, e.g. Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility for utility-related commands:

Get-Command -Module {{module}}

  • Get the command information (e.g. version number or module name) by its name:

Get-Command {{command}}