# systemctl > Control the systemd system and service manager. > More information: . - Show all running services: `systemctl status` - List failed units: `systemctl --failed` - Start/Stop/Restart/Reload/Show the status a service: `systemctl {{start|stop|restart|reload|status}} {{unit}}` - Enable/Disable a unit to be started on bootup: `systemctl {{enable|disable}} {{unit}}` - Reload systemd, scan for new or changed units: `systemctl daemon-reload` - Check if a unit is active/enabled/failed: `systemctl {{is-active|is-enabled|is-failed}} {{unit}}` - List all service/socket/automount units filtering by running/failed state: `systemctl list-units {{[-t|--type]}} {{service|socket|automount}} --state {{failed|running}}` - Show the contents & absolute path of a unit file: `systemctl cat {{unit}}`