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+# dbt
+> A tool to model transformations in data warehouses.
+> More information: <https://github.com/dbt-labs/dbt-core>.
+- Debug the dbt project and the connection to the database:
+`dbt debug`
+- Run all models of the project:
+`dbt run`
+- Run all tests of `example_model`:
+`dbt test --select example_model`
+- Build (load seeds, run models, snapshots, and tests associated with) `example_model` and its downstream dependents:
+`dbt build --select example_model+`
+- Build all models, except the ones with the tag `not_now`:
+`dbt build --exclude "tag:not_now"`
+- Build all models with tags `one` and `two`:
+`dbt build --select "tag:one,tag:two"`
+- Build all models with tags `one` or `two`:
+`dbt build --select "tag:one tag:two"`