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+# npm unstar
+> Remove the favorite/star mark from a package.
+> More information: <https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/commands/npm-unstar>.
+- Unstar a public package from the default registry:
+`npm unstar {{package_name}}`
+- Unstar a package within a specific scope:
+`npm unstar @{{scope}}/{{package_name}}`
+- Unstar a package from a specific registry:
+`npm unstar {{package_name}} --registry={{registry_url}}`
+- Unstar a private package that requires authentication:
+`npm unstar {{package_name}} --auth-type={{legacy|oauth|web|saml}}`
+- Unstar a package by providing an OTP for two-factor authentication:
+`npm unstar {{package_name}} --otp={{otp}}`
+- Unstar a package with a specific logging level:
+`npm unstar {{package_name}} --loglevel={{silent|error|warn|notice|http|timing|info|verbose|silly}}`