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+# openfortivpn
+> A VPN client, for Fortinet's proprietary PPP+SSL VPN solution.
+> More information: <https://github.com/adrienverge/openfortivpn>.
+- Connect to a VPN with a username and password:
+`openfortivpn --username={{username}} --password={{password}}`
+- Connect to a VPN using a specific configuration file (defaults to `/etc/openfortivpn/config`):
+`sudo openfortivpn --config={{path/to/config}}`
+- Connect to a VPN by specifiying the host and port:
+`openfortivpn {{host}}:{{port}}`
+- Trust a given gateway by passing in its certificate's sha256 sum:
+`openfortivpn --trusted-cert={{sha256_sum}}`