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+# cbt
+> Utility for reading data from Google Cloud's Bigtable.
+> More information: <https://cloud.google.com/bigtable/docs/cbt-reference>.
+- List tables in the current project:
+`cbt ls`
+- Print count of rows in a specific table in the current project:
+`cbt count "{{table_name}}"`
+- Display a single row from a specific table with only 1 (most recent) cell revision per column in the current project:
+`cbt lookup "{{table_name}}" "{{row_key}}" cells-per-column={{1}}`
+- Display a single row with only specific column(s) (omit qualifier to return entire family) in the current project:
+`cbt lookup "{{table_name}}" "{{row_key}}" columns="{{family1:qualifier1,family2:qualifier2,...}}"`
+- Search up to 5 rows in the current project by a specific regex pattern and print them:
+`cbt read "{{table_name}}" regex="{{row_key_pattern}}" count={{5}}`
+- Read a specific range of rows and print only returned row keys in the current project:
+`cbt read {{table_name}} start={{start_row_key}} end={{end_row_key}} keys-only=true`