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*: fix style guide issues part 7 (#15793)

Managor 5 days ago

+ 8 - 8

@@ -5,32 +5,32 @@
 - Zeige Interfaces mit detaillierten Informationen:
-`ip address`
+`ip {{[a|address]}}`
 - Zeige Interfaces mit kurzen Netzwerkinformationen:
-`ip -brief address`
+`ip {{[-br a|-brief address]}}`
 - Zeige Interfaces mit kurzen link layer Informationen:
-`ip -brief link`
+`ip {{[-br l|-brief link]}}`
 - Zeige die Routing Tabelle:
-`ip route`
+`ip {{[r|route]}}`
 - Zeige Nachbarn (ARP Tabelle):
-`ip neighbour`
+`ip {{[n|neighbour]}}`
 - Schalte ein bestimmtes Interface ein oder aus:
-`ip link set {{interface}} {{up|down}}`
+`ip {{[l|link]}} set {{interface}} {{up|down}}`
 - Entferne oder füge eine IP zu einem Interface hinzu:
-`ip addr add/del {{ip}}/{{mask}} dev {{interface}}`
+`ip {{[a|address]}} add/del {{ip}}/{{mask}} dev {{interface}}`
 - Füge eine Standard Route hinzu:
-`ip route add default via {{ip}} dev {{interface}}`
+`ip {{[r|route]}} add default via {{ip}} dev {{interface}}`

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 - Lista las interfaces con información detallada:
-`ip address`
+`ip {{[a|address]}}`
 - Lista las interfaces con información breve de capa de red:
-`ip -brief address`
+`ip {{[-br a|-brief address]}}`
 - Lista las interfaces con información breve dada una capa de enlace:
-`ip -brief link`
+`ip {{[-br l|-brief link]}}`
 - Muestra la tabla de enrutamiento:
-`ip route`
+`ip {{[r|route]}}`
 - Muestra vecinos (tabla ARP):
-`ip neighbour`
+`ip {{[n|neighbour]}}`
 - Establece una interfaz arriba/abajo (up/down). Usa inglés:
-`ip link set {{interfaz}} {{up|down}}`
+`ip {{[l|link]}} set {{interfaz}} {{up|down}}`
 - Agrega/borra una dirección IP de una interfaz:
-`ip addr add/del {{ip}}/{{mask}} dev {{interfaz}}`
+`ip {{[a|address]}} add/del {{ip}}/{{mask}} dev {{interfaz}}`
 - Agrega una ruta predeterminada:
-`ip route add default via {{ip}} dev {{interfaz}}`
+`ip {{[r|route]}} add default via {{ip}} dev {{interfaz}}`

+ 9 - 9

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 # ip
 > Affiche / manipule l'adressage, le routage, les interfaces et périphériques réseau, les règles de routage et les tunnels.
-> Certaines commandes comme `ip address` ont leur propre documentation.
+> Certaines commandes comme `ip {{[a|address]}}ess` ont leur propre documentation.
 > Plus d'informations : <>.
 - Liste les interfaces avec des infos détaillées :
-`ip address`
+`ip {{[a|address]}}`
 - Liste les interfaces sur la couche réseau de façon synthétique :
-`ip -brief address`
+`ip {{[-br a|-brief address]}}`
 - Liste les interfaces sur la couche liaison de façon synthétique :
-`ip -brief link`
+`ip {{[-br l|-brief link]}}`
 - Affiche la table de routage :
-`ip route`
+`ip {{[r|route]}}`
 - Affiche les voisins (table ARP) :
-`ip neighbour`
+`ip {{[n|neighbour]}}`
 - Active/Désactive une interface :
-`ip link set {{interface}} {{up|down}}`
+`ip {{[l|link]}} set {{interface}} {{up|down}}`
 - Ajoute/Supprime une adresse ip à une interface :
-`ip addr add/del {{ip}}/{{mask}} dev {{interface}}`
+`ip {{[a|address]}} add/del {{ip}}/{{mask}} dev {{interface}}`
 - Ajoute une route par défaut :
-`ip route add default via {{ip}} dev {{interface}}`
+`ip {{[r|route]}} add default via {{ip}} dev {{interface}}`

+ 3 - 3

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 - एक पैकेज बनाएं और इसके डिपेंडेंसियों को इंस्टॉल करें:
-`makepkg --syncdeps`
+`makepkg {{[-s|--syncdeps]}}`
 - एक पैकेज बनाएं, इसके डिपेंडेंसियों को इंस्टॉल करें, और फिर इसे सिस्टम में इंस्टॉल करें:
-`makepkg --syncdeps --install`
+`makepkg {{[-s|--syncdeps]}} {{[-i|--install]}}`
 - एक पैकेज बनाएं, लेकिन स्रोत के हैश की जाँच को छोड़ें:
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 - सफलता पूर्वक बनाने के बाद काम के डायरेक्टरी को साफ करें:
-`makepkg --clean`
+`makepkg {{[-c|--clean]}}`
 - स्रोतों के हैश की जाँच करें:

+ 9 - 9

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 # ip
 > Mostra / manipola routing, dispositivi, criteri di routing e tunnel.
-> Alcuni sottocomandi, come `ip address`, hanno una propria documentazione d'uso.
+> Alcuni sottocomandi, come `ip {{[a|address]}}ess`, hanno una propria documentazione d'uso.
 > Maggiori informazioni: <>.
 - Elenca le interfacce con informazioni dettagliate:
-`ip address`
+`ip {{[a|address]}}`
 - Elenca le interfacce con informazioni brevi sul livello di rete:
-`ip -brief address`
+`ip {{[-br a|-brief address]}}`
 - Elenca le interfacce con informazioni brevi sul livello di collegamento:
-`ip -brief link`
+`ip {{[-br l|-brief link]}}`
 - Visualizza la tabella di routing:
-`ip route`
+`ip {{[r|route]}}`
 - Mostra i vicini (tabella ARP):
-`ip neighbour`
+`ip {{[n|neighbour]}}`
 - Attiva/disattiva un'interfaccia:
-`ip link set {{interfaccia}} {{up|down}}`
+`ip {{[l|link]}} set {{interfaccia}} {{up|down}}`
 - Aggiungi/elimina un indirizzo IP a/da un'interfaccia:
-`ip addr add/del {{ip}}/{{mask}} dev {{interfaccia}}`
+`ip {{[a|address]}} add/del {{ip}}/{{mask}} dev {{interfaccia}}`
 - Aggiungi una route predefinita:
-`ip route add default via {{ip}} dev {{interfaccia}}`
+`ip {{[r|route]}} add default via {{ip}} dev {{interfaccia}}`

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 - インターフェースの詳細情報を表示する:
-`ip address`
+`ip {{[a|address]}}`
 - 簡単なネットワークレイヤの情報を持つインターフェースを一覧表示する:
-`ip -brief address`
+`ip {{[-br a|-brief address]}}`
 - リンク層の簡単な情報を持つインターフェースを一覧表示する:
-`ip -brief link`
+`ip {{[-br l|-brief link]}}`
 - ルーティングテーブルを表示する:
-`ip route`
+`ip {{[r|route]}}`
 - ネイバー(ARP テーブル)を表示する:
-`ip neighbour`
+`ip {{[n|neighbour]}}`
 - インターフェースを up/down する:
-`ip link set {{インターフェース}} {{up|down}}`
+`ip {{[l|link]}} set {{インターフェース}} {{up|down}}`
 - インターフェースにIPアドレスを追加/削除する:
-`ip addr add/del {{ip}}/{{mask}} dev {{インターフェース}}`
+`ip {{[a|address]}} add/del {{ip}}/{{mask}} dev {{インターフェース}}`
 - デフォルトルートを追加する:
-`ip route add default via {{ip}} dev {{インターフェース}}`
+`ip {{[r|route]}} add default via {{ip}} dev {{インターフェース}}`

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 - 인터페이스를 자세한 정보와 함께 나열:
-`ip address`
+`ip {{[a|address]}}`
 - 네트워크 계층 정보 요약과 함께 인터페이스 나열:
-`ip -brief address`
+`ip {{[-br a|-brief address]}}`
 - 링크 계층 정보 요약과 함께 인터페이스 나열:
-`ip -brief link`
+`ip {{[-br l|-brief link]}}`
 - 라우팅 테이블 표시:
-`ip route`
+`ip {{[r|route]}}`
 - 이웃(ARP 테이블) 표시:
-`ip neighbour`
+`ip {{[n|neighbour]}}`
 - 인터페이스를 활성화/비활성화:
-`ip link set {{인터페이스}} {{up|down}}`
+`ip {{[l|link]}} set {{인터페이스}} {{up|down}}`
 - 인터페이스에 IP 주소 추가/삭제:
-`ip addr add/del {{IP}}/{{마스크}} dev {{인터페이스}}`
+`ip {{[a|address]}} add/del {{IP}}/{{마스크}} dev {{인터페이스}}`
 - 기본 경로 추가:
-`ip route add default via {{IP}} dev {{인터페이스}}`
+`ip {{[r|route]}} add default via {{IP}} dev {{인터페이스}}`

+ 3 - 3

@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
 - 패키지를 생성하고 의존성을 설치:
-`makepkg --syncdeps`
+`makepkg {{[-s|--syncdeps]}}`
 - 패키지를 생성하고 의존성을 설치한 다음 시스템에 설치:
-`makepkg --syncdeps --install`
+`makepkg {{[-s|--syncdeps]}} {{[-i|--install]}}`
 - 패키지를 생성하되 소스의 해시 검사를 건너뜀:
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 - 빌드가 성공한 후 작업 디렉토리 정리:
-`makepkg --clean`
+`makepkg {{[-c|--clean]}}`
 - 소스의 해시 검증:

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@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@
 - 특정 패키지에 의존하는 패키지 출력:
-`pactree --reverse {{패키지}}`
+`pactree {{[-r|--reverse]}} {{패키지}}`
 - 중복을 생략하고 의존성을 한 줄에 하나씩 출력:
-`pactree --unique {{패키지}}`
+`pactree {{[-u|--unique]}} {{패키지}}`
 - 특정 패키지의 선택적 의존성을 포함하고 출력을 색상으로 표시:
-`pactree --optional --color {{패키지}}`
+`pactree {{[-co|--color --optional]}} {{패키지}}`
 - 도움말 표시:

+ 3 - 3

@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
 - 두 포트 간 연결 해제:
-`pw-link --disconnect {{출력_포트_이름}} {{입력_포트_이름}}`
+`pw-link {{[-d|--disconnect]}} {{출력_포트_이름}} {{입력_포트_이름}}`
 - 모든 링크와 해당 ID 나열:
-`pw-link --links --ids`
+`pw-link {{[-lI|--links --ids]}}`
 - 도움말 표시:
-`pw-link -h`
+`pw-link {{[-h|--help]}}`

+ 2 - 2

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 - 스왑 영역의 레이블 설정:
-`swaplabel --label {{새_레이블}} {{경로/대상/파일}}`
+`swaplabel {{[-L|--label]}} {{새_레이블}} {{경로/대상/파일}}`
 - 스왑 영역의 UUID 설정 (UUID는 `uuidgen`을 사용하여 생성할 수 있습니다):
-`swaplabel --uuid {{새_UUID}} {{경로/대상/파일}}`
+`swaplabel {{[-U|--uuid]}} {{새_UUID}} {{경로/대상/파일}}`

+ 4 - 4

@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 - 서버에서 USB 장치를 `usbip`에 바인드:
-`sudo usbip bind --busid={{버스_ID}}`
+`sudo usbip bind --busid {{버스_ID}}`
 - 클라이언트에서 `usbip`에 필요한 커널 모듈 로드:
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 - 클라이언트에서 `usbip` 장치에 연결(버스 ID는 서버와 동일합니다):
-`sudo usbip attach -r {{IP_주소}} --busid={{버스_ID}}`
+`sudo usbip attach -r {{IP_주소}} --busid {{버스_ID}}`
 - 연결된 장치 나열:
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 - 장치에서 분리:
-`sudo usbip detach --port={{포트}}`
+`sudo usbip detach --port {{포트}}`
 - 장치의 바인드 해제:
-`usbip unbind --busid={{버스_ID}}`
+`usbip unbind --busid {{버스_ID}}`

+ 6 - 6

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 - 특정 비디오 장치의 지원 비디오 포맷과 해상도 나열:
-`v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext --device {{경로/대상/비디오_장치}}`
+`v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext {{[-d|--device]}} {{경로/대상/비디오_장치}}`
 - 비디오 장치의 모든 세부 정보 가져오기:
-`v4l2-ctl --all --device {{경로/대상/비디오_장치}}`
+`v4l2-ctl --all {{[-d|--device]}} {{경로/대상/비디오_장치}}`
 - 특정 해상도로 비디오 장치에서 JPEG 사진 캡처:
-`v4l2-ctl --device {{경로/대상/비디오_장치}} --set-fmt-video=width={{너비}},height={{높이}},pixelformat=MJPG --stream-mmap --stream-to={{경로/대상/출력.jpg}} --stream-count=1`
+`v4l2-ctl {{[-d|--device]}} {{경로/대상/비디오_장치}} --set-fmt-video=width={{너비}},height={{높이}},pixelformat=MJPG --stream-mmap --stream-to={{경로/대상/출력.jpg}} --stream-count=1`
 - 비디오 장치에서 원시 비디오 스트림 캡처:
-`v4l2-ctl --device {{경로/대상/비디오_장치}} --set-fmt-video=width={{너비}},height={{높이}},pixelformat={{포맷}} --stream-mmap --stream-to={{경로/대상/출력}} --stream-count={{캡처할_프레임_수}}`
+`v4l2-ctl {{[-d|--device]}} {{경로/대상/비디오_장치}} --set-fmt-video=width={{너비}},height={{높이}},pixelformat={{포맷}} --stream-mmap --stream-to={{경로/대상/출력}} --stream-count={{캡처할_프레임_수}}`
 - 모든 비디오 장치의 컨트롤과 그 값 나열:
-`v4l2-ctl --list-ctrls --device {{경로/대상/비디오_장치}}`
+`v4l2-ctl {{[-l|--list-ctrls]}} {{[-d|--device]}} {{경로/대상/비디오_장치}}`
 - 비디오 장치 컨트롤 값 설정:
-`v4l2-ctl --device {{경로/대상/비디오_장치}} --set-ctrl={{컨트롤_이름}}={{값}}`
+`v4l2-ctl {{[-d|--device]}} {{경로/대상/비디오_장치}} {{[-c|--set-ctrl]}} {{컨트롤_이름}}={{값}}`

+ 2 - 2

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 - 특정 그룹에 속한 사용자들에게 메시지 보내기:
-`wall --group {{그룹_이름}} {{메시지}}`
+`wall {{[-g|--group]}} {{그룹_이름}} {{메시지}}`
 - 파일에서 메시지 보내기:
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
 - 타임아웃과 함께 메시지 보내기 (기본값 300초):
-`wall --timeout {{초}} {{파일}}`
+`wall {{[-t|--timeout]}} {{초}} {{파일}}`

+ 1 - 1

@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@
 - [v]자세히 출력 켜기:
-`wol --verbose {{MAC_주소}}`
+`wol {{[-v|--verbose]}} {{MAC_주소}}`

+ 3 - 3

@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
 - Utwórz pakiet i zainstaluj jego zależności:
-`makepkg --syncdeps`
+`makepkg {{[-s|--syncdeps]}}`
 - Utwórz pakiet, zainstaluj jego zależności, a następnie zainstaluj utworzony pakiet:
-`makepkg --syncdeps --install`
+`makepkg {{[-s|--syncdeps]}} {{[-i|--install]}}`
 - Utwórz pakiet, ale pomiń sprawdzanie sum kontrolnych źrodeł:
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 - Wyczyść katalogi robocze po udanym budowaniu:
-`makepkg --clean`
+`makepkg {{[-c|--clean]}}`
 - Zwerifikuj sumy kontrolne źródeł:

+ 1 - 1

@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@
 - Wysłanie wiadomość z pliku z podanym timeoutem (sekundy, domyślnie 300):
-`wall -t {{sekundy}} {{plik}}`
+`wall {{[-t|--timeout]}} {{sekundy}} {{plik}}`

+ 8 - 8

@@ -6,32 +6,32 @@
 - Lista interfaces com informações detalhadas:
-`ip address`
+`ip {{[a|address]}}`
 - Lista interfaces com breves informações sobre a camada de rede:
-`ip -brief address`
+`ip {{[-br a|-brief address]}}`
 - Lista interfaces com breves informações sobre a camada de link de dados:
-`ip -brief link`
+`ip {{[-br l|-brief link]}}`
 - Exibe a tabela de roteamento:
-`ip route`
+`ip {{[r|route]}}`
 - Mostra vizinhos (ARP tabela):
-`ip neighbour`
+`ip {{[n|neighbour]}}`
 - Ativa / desativa uma interface:
-`ip link set {{interface}} {{up|down}}`
+`ip {{[l|link]}} set {{interface}} {{up|down}}`
 - Adiciona / remove um endereço de IP a uma interface:
-`ip addr add/del {{ip}}/{{mask}} dev {{interface}}`
+`ip {{[a|address]}} add/del {{ip}}/{{mask}} dev {{interface}}`
 - Adiciona uma rota padrão:
-`ip route add default via {{ip}} dev {{interface}}`
+`ip {{[r|route]}} add default via {{ip}} dev {{interface}}`

+ 2 - 2

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 - Lista todas as localidades disponíveis:
-`locale --all-locales`
+`locale {{[-a|--all-locales]}}`
 - Exibe todas as localidades disponíveis e os metadados associados:
-`locale --all-locales --verbose`
+`locale {{[-a|--all-locales]}} {{[-v|--verbose]}}`
 - Exibe o formato da data atual:

+ 3 - 3

@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
 - Monta um pacote e instala suas dependências:
-`makepkg --syncdeps`
+`makepkg {{[-s|--syncdeps]}}`
 - Monta um pacote, instala suas dependências e então o instala no sistema:
-`makepkg --syncdeps --install`
+`makepkg {{[-s|--syncdeps]}} {{[-i|--install]}}`
 - Monta um pacote, mas pula a verificação de hashes da fonte:
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 - Limpa os diretórios de trabalho após uma compilação bem sucedida:
-`makepkg --clean`
+`makepkg {{[-c|--clean]}}`
 - Verifica os hashes das fontes:

+ 4 - 4

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 - Lista todos as saídas e entradas de áudio com seus IDs:
-`pw-link --output --input --ids`
+`pw-link {{[-oiI|--output --input --ids]}}`
 - Cria uma conexão entre uma porta de entrada e uma porta de saída:
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
 - Desconecta duas portas:
-`pw-link --disconnect {{output_port_name}} {{input_port_name}}`
+`pw-link {{[-d|--disconnect]}} {{output_port_name}} {{input_port_name}}`
 - Lista todas as conexões com seus IDs:
-`pw-link --links --ids`
+`pw-link {{[-lI|--links --ids]}}`
 - Exibe ajuda:
-`pw-link -h`
+`pw-link {{[-h|--help]}}`

+ 8 - 8

@@ -6,32 +6,32 @@
 - Arayüzlerin bilgilerini ayrıntılı bir şekilde listele:
-`ip address`
+`ip {{[a|address]}}`
 - Arayüzlerin ağ katmanı bilgilerini kısa bir şekilde listele:
-`ip -brief address`
+`ip {{[-br a|-brief address]}}`
 - Arayüzlerin bağlantı katmanı bilgilerini kısa bir şekilde listele:
-`ip -brief link`
+`ip {{[-br l|-brief link]}}`
 - Yönlendirme tablosunu görüntüle:
-`ip route`
+`ip {{[r|route]}}`
 - Komşuları (ARP tablosunu) göster:
-`ip neighbour`
+`ip {{[n|neighbour]}}`
 - Bir arayüzü etkinleştir/devre dışı bırak:
-`ip link set {{arayüz}} {{up|down}}`
+`ip {{[l|link]}} set {{arayüz}} {{up|down}}`
 - Bir arayüze IP adresi ekle/sil:
-`ip addr add/del {{ip}}/{{maske}} dev {{arayüz}}`
+`ip {{[a|address]}} add/del {{ip}}/{{maske}} dev {{arayüz}}`
 - Öntanımlı yönlendirme ekle:
-`ip route add default via {{ip}} dev {{arayüz}}`
+`ip {{[r|route]}} add default via {{ip}} dev {{arayüz}}`

+ 2 - 2

@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
 - Disconnect two ports:
-`pw-link --disconnect {{çıktı_port_ismi}} {{girdi_port_ismi}}`
+`pw-link {{[-d|--disconnect]}} {{çıktı_port_ismi}} {{girdi_port_ismi}}`
 - Yardım sayfası göster:
-`pw-link -h`
+`pw-link {{[-h|--help]}}`

+ 2 - 2

@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
 - Список всії наявних локалізацій:
-`locale --all-locales`
+`locale {{[-a|--all-locales]}}`
 - Показати всі доступні локалізації та пов'язані метадані:
-`locale --all-locales --verbose`
+`locale {{[-a|--all-locales]}} {{[-v|--verbose]}}`
 - Відображення поточного формату дати:

+ 8 - 8

@@ -6,32 +6,32 @@
 - 列出带有详细信息的接口:
-`ip address`
+`ip {{[a|address]}}`
 - 列出带有简要网络层信息的接口:
-`ip -brief address`
+`ip {{[-br a|-brief address]}}`
 - 列出带有简要链路层信息的接口:
-`ip -brief link`
+`ip {{[-br l|-brief link]}}`
 - 显示路由表:
-`ip route`
+`ip {{[r|route]}}`
 - 显示邻居(ARP 表):
-`ip neighbour`
+`ip {{[n|neighbour]}}`
 - 使接口启动/关闭:
-`ip link set {{interface}} {{up|down}}`
+`ip {{[l|link]}} set {{interface}} {{up|down}}`
 - 向接口添加/删除 IP 地址:
-`ip addr add/del {{ip}}/{{mask}} dev {{interface}}`
+`ip {{[a|address]}} add/del {{ip}}/{{mask}} dev {{interface}}`
 - 添加默认路由:
-`ip route add default via {{ip}} dev {{interface}}`
+`ip {{[r|route]}} add default via {{ip}} dev {{interface}}`

+ 3 - 3

@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
 - 构建软件包并使用 `pacman` 安装缺失的依赖关系:
-`makepkg --syncdeps`
+`makepkg {{[-s|--syncdeps]}}`
 - 构建软件包、安装缺失的依赖后将其安装到系统:
-`makepkg --syncdeps --install`
+`makepkg {{[-s|--syncdeps]}} {{[-i|--install]}}`
 - 构建软件包但不验证源文件的检验值:
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 - 编译后清理工作文件:
-`makepkg --clean`
+`makepkg {{[-c|--clean]}}`
 - 下载源文件(如果不存在)并进行完整性检查:

+ 6 - 6

@@ -9,24 +9,24 @@
 - Show only processes or threads actually doing I/O:
-`sudo iotop --only`
+`sudo iotop {{[-o|--only]}}`
 - Show I/O usage in non-interactive mode:
-`sudo iotop --batch`
+`sudo iotop {{[-b|--batch]}}`
 - Show only I/O usage of processes (default is to show all threads):
-`sudo iotop --processes`
+`sudo iotop {{[-P|--processes]}}`
 - Show I/O usage of given PID(s):
-`sudo iotop --pid={{PID}}`
+`sudo iotop {{[-p|--pid]}} {{PID}}`
 - Show I/O usage of a given user:
-`sudo iotop --user={{user}}`
+`sudo iotop {{[-u|--user]}} {{user}}`
 - Show accumulated I/O instead of bandwidth:
-`sudo iotop --accumulated`
+`sudo iotop {{[-a|--accumulated]}}`

+ 8 - 8

@@ -6,32 +6,32 @@
 - List interfaces with detailed info:
-`ip address`
+`ip {{[a|address]}}`
 - List interfaces with brief network layer info:
-`ip -brief address`
+`ip {{[-br a|-brief address]}}`
 - List interfaces with brief link layer info:
-`ip -brief link`
+`ip {{[-br l|-brief link]}}`
 - Display the routing table:
-`ip route`
+`ip {{[r|route]}}`
 - Show neighbors (ARP table):
-`ip neighbour`
+`ip {{[n|neighbour]}}`
 - Make an interface up/down:
-`ip link set {{interface}} {{up|down}}`
+`ip {{[l|link]}} set {{interface}} {{up|down}}`
 - Add/Delete an IP address to an interface:
-`ip addr add/del {{ip}}/{{mask}} dev {{interface}}`
+`ip {{[a|address]}} add/del {{ip}}/{{mask}} dev {{interface}}`
 - Add a default route:
-`ip route add default via {{ip}} dev {{interface}}`
+`ip {{[r|route]}} add default via {{ip}} dev {{interface}}`

+ 2 - 2

@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
 - List all available locales:
-`locale --all-locales`
+`locale {{[-a|--all-locales]}}`
 - Display all available locales and the associated metadata:
-`locale --all-locales --verbose`
+`locale {{[-a|--all-locales]}} {{[-v|--verbose]}}`
 - Display the current date format:

+ 3 - 3

@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
 - Make a package and install its dependencies:
-`makepkg --syncdeps`
+`makepkg {{[-s|--syncdeps]}}`
 - Make a package, install its dependencies then install it to the system:
-`makepkg --syncdeps --install`
+`makepkg {{[-s|--syncdeps]}} {{[-i|--install]}}`
 - Make a package, but skip checking the source's hashes:
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 - Clean up work directories after a successful build:
-`makepkg --clean`
+`makepkg {{[-c|--clean]}}`
 - Verify the hashes of the sources:

+ 3 - 3

@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@
 - Print what packages depend on a specific package:
-`pactree --reverse {{package}}`
+`pactree {{[-r|--reverse]}} {{package}}`
 - Dump dependencies one per line, skipping duplicates:
-`pactree --unique {{package}}`
+`pactree {{[-u|--unique]}} {{package}}`
 - Include optional dependencies of a specific package and colorize the output:
-`pactree --optional --color {{package}}`
+`pactree {{[-co|--color --optional]}} {{package}}`
 - Display help:

+ 4 - 4

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 - List all audio output and input ports with their IDs:
-`pw-link --output --input --ids`
+`pw-link {{[-oiI|--output --input --ids]}}`
 - Create a link between an output and an input port:
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
 - Disconnect two ports:
-`pw-link --disconnect {{output_port_name}} {{input_port_name}}`
+`pw-link {{[-d|--disconnect]}} {{output_port_name}} {{input_port_name}}`
 - List all links with their IDs:
-`pw-link --links --ids`
+`pw-link {{[-lI|--links --ids]}}`
 - Display help:
-`pw-link -h`
+`pw-link {{[-h|--help]}}`

+ 2 - 2

@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
 - Set the label of a swap area:
-`swaplabel --label {{new_label}} {{path/to/file}}`
+`swaplabel {{[-L|--label]}} {{new_label}} {{path/to/file}}`
 - Set the UUID of a swap area (you can generate a UUID using `uuidgen`):
-`swaplabel --uuid {{new_uuid}} {{path/to/file}}`
+`swaplabel {{[-U|--uuid]}} {{new_uuid}} {{path/to/file}}`

+ 4 - 4

@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 - Bind a USB device to `usbip` on the server:
-`sudo usbip bind --busid={{bus_id}}`
+`sudo usbip bind --busid {{bus_id}}`
 - Load the kernel module required by `usbip` on the client:
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 - Attach to the `usbip` device on the client (bus ID is the same as on the server):
-`sudo usbip attach -r {{ip_address}} --busid={{bus_id}}`
+`sudo usbip attach -r {{ip_address}} --busid {{bus_id}}`
 - List attached devices:
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 - Detach from a device:
-`sudo usbip detach --port={{port}}`
+`sudo usbip detach --port {{port}}`
 - Unbind a device:
-`usbip unbind --busid={{bus_id}}`
+`usbip unbind --busid {{bus_id}}`

+ 6 - 6

@@ -13,24 +13,24 @@
 - List supported video formats and resolutions of a specific video device:
-`v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext --device {{path/to/video_device}}`
+`v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext {{[-d|--device]}} {{path/to/video_device}}`
 - Get all details of a video device:
-`v4l2-ctl --all --device {{path/to/video_device}}`
+`v4l2-ctl --all {{[-d|--device]}} {{path/to/video_device}}`
 - Capture a JPEG photo with a specific resolution from video device:
-`v4l2-ctl --device {{path/to/video_device}} --set-fmt-video=width={{width}},height={{height}},pixelformat=MJPG --stream-mmap --stream-to={{path/to/output.jpg}} --stream-count=1`
+`v4l2-ctl {{[-d|--device]}} {{path/to/video_device}} --set-fmt-video=width={{width}},height={{height}},pixelformat=MJPG --stream-mmap --stream-to={{path/to/output.jpg}} --stream-count=1`
 - Capture a raw video stream from video device:
-`v4l2-ctl --device {{path/to/video_device}} --set-fmt-video=width={{width}},height={{height}},pixelformat={{format}} --stream-mmap --stream-to={{path/to/output}} --stream-count={{number_of_frames_to_capture}}`
+`v4l2-ctl {{[-d|--device]}} {{path/to/video_device}} --set-fmt-video=width={{width}},height={{height}},pixelformat={{format}} --stream-mmap --stream-to={{path/to/output}} --stream-count={{number_of_frames_to_capture}}`
 - List all video device's controls and their values:
-`v4l2-ctl --list-ctrls --device {{path/to/video_device}}`
+`v4l2-ctl {{[-l|--list-ctrls]}} {{[-d|--device]}} {{path/to/video_device}}`
 - Set the value of a video device control:
-`v4l2-ctl --device {{path/to/video_device}} --set-ctrl={{control_name}}={{value}}`
+`v4l2-ctl {{[-d|--device]}} {{path/to/video_device}} {{[-c|--set-ctrl]}} {{control_name}}={{value}}`

+ 2 - 2

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 - Send a message to users that belong to a specific group:
-`wall --group {{group_name}} {{message}}`
+`wall {{[-g|--group]}} {{group_name}} {{message}}`
 - Send a message from a file:
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
 - Send a message with timeout (default 300):
-`wall --timeout {{seconds}} {{file}}`
+`wall {{[-t|--timeout]}} {{seconds}} {{file}}`

+ 1 - 1

@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@
 - Turn on verbose output:
-`wol --verbose {{mac_address}}`
+`wol {{[-v|--verbose]}} {{mac_address}}`