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+# git mergetool
+> Run merge conflict resolution tools to resolve merge conflicts.
+> More information: <https://git-scm.com/docs/git-mergetool>.
+- Launch the default merge tool to resolve conflicts:
+`git mergetool`
+- List valid merge tools:
+`git mergetool --tool-help`
+- Launch the merge tool identified by a name:
+`git mergetool --tool {{tool_name}}`
+- Don't prompt before each invocation of the merge tool:
+`git mergetool --no-prompt`
+- Explicitly use the GUI merge tool (see the `merge.guitool` config variable):
+`git mergetool --gui`
+- Explicitly use the regular merge tool (see the `merge.tool` config variable):
+`git mergetool --no-gui`