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+# dotnet run
+> Run a .NET application without explicit compile or launch commands.
+> More information: <https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-run>.
+- Run the project in the current directory:
+`dotnet run`
+- Run a specific project:
+`dotnet run --project {{path/to/file.csproj}}`
+- Run the project with specific arguments:
+`dotnet run -- {{arg1=foo arg2=bar ...}}`
+- Run the project using a target framework moniker:
+`dotnet run --framework {{net7.0}}`
+- Specify architecture and OS, available since .NET 6 (Don't use `--runtime` with these options):
+`dotnet run --arch {{x86|x64|arm|arm64}} --os {{win|win7|osx|linux|ios|android}}`