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+# cal
+> Display a calendar.
+> More information: <https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?cal>.
+- Display a calendar for the current month:
+- Display a calendar for a specific year:
+`cal {{year}}`
+- Display a calendar for a specific month and year:
+`cal {{month}} {{year}}`
+- Display the whole calendar for the current year using [j]ulian days (one-based, numbered from January 1):
+`cal -y -j`
+- [h]ighlight today and display [3] months spanning the date:
+`cal -h -3 {{month}} {{year}}`
+- Display the 2 months [B]efore and 3 [A]fter a specific [m]onth of the current year:
+`cal -A 3 -B 2 {{month}}`
+- Display a specific number of months before and after ([C]ontext) the specified month:
+`cal -C {{months}} {{month}}`
+- Specify the starting [d]ay of the week (0: Sunday, 1: Monday, ..., 6: Saturday):
+`cal -d {{0..6}}`