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+# automount
+> Read the `/etc/auto_master` file and mount `autofs` on the appropriate mount points to trigger the on-demand mounting of directories. Essentially, it's a way to manually initiate the system's automounting process.
+> Note: You'll most likely need to run with `sudo` if you don't have the necessary permissions.
+> More information: <https://keith.github.io/xcode-man-pages/automount.8.html>.
+- Run automount, flush the cache(`-c`) beforehand, and be verbose(`-v`) about it (most common use):
+`automount -cv`
+- Automatically unmount after 5 minutes (300 seconds) of inactivity:
+`automount -t 300`
+- Unmount anything previously mounted by automount and/or defined in `/etc/auto_master`:
+`automount -u`