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+# mysqlsh
+> Advanced command-line client for MySQL, supporting SQL, JavaScript, and Python.
+> It offers features for managing InnoDB clusters and document store collections.
+> More information: <https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-shell/8.0/en/mysql-shell-commands.html>.
+- Start MySQL Shell in interactive mode:
+- Connect to a MySQL server:
+`mysqlsh --user {{username}} --host {{hostname}} --port {{port}}`
+- Execute a SQL statement on the server and exit:
+`mysqlsh --user {{username}} --execute '{{sql_statement}}'`
+- Start MySQL Shell in JavaScript mode:
+`mysqlsh --js`
+- Start MySQL Shell in Python mode:
+`mysqlsh --py`
+- Import JSON documents into a MySQL collection:
+`mysqlsh --import {{path/to/file.json}} --schema {{schema_name}} --collection {{collection_name}}`
+- Enable verbose output:
+`mysqlsh --verbose`