@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+#A Python script to generate a single PDF document with all the tldr pages. It works by generating
+#intermediate HTML files from existing md files using Python-markdown, applying desired formating
+#through CSS, and finally rendering them as PDF. There is no LaTeX dependency for generating the PDF.
+import os
+import sys
+import glob
+import re
+import markdown
+import argparse
+from weasyprint import HTML
+def main(loc, colorscheme):
+ oslist = []
+ allmd = []
+ group = []
+ ap = []
+ #Checking correctness of path
+ if not os.path.isdir(loc):
+ print("Invalid directory. Please try again!", file = sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ #Writing names of all directories inside 'pages' to a list
+ for os_dir in os.listdir(loc):
+ oslist.append(os_dir)
+ oslist.sort()
+ #Required strings to create intermediate HTML files
+ header = "<html><head><link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=" + colorscheme + ".css></head><body>\n"
+ footer = "</body></html>"
+ title_content = "<h1 class=titlemain>tldr pages</h1><h4 class=titlesub>Simplified and community driven man pages</h4></body></html>"
+ #Creating title page
+ with open("title.html", 'w') as f:
+ f.write(header + title_content)
+ group.append(HTML('title.html').render())
+ for operating_sys in oslist:
+ i = 1
+ #Required string to create directory title pages
+ dir_title = "<h2 class=titledir>" + operating_sys.capitalize() + "</h2></body></html>"
+ #Creating directory title page for current directory
+ with open("dir_title.html", 'w') as os_html:
+ os_html.write(header + dir_title)
+ group.append(HTML('dir_title.html').render())
+ #Creating a list of all md files in the current directory
+ for temp in glob.glob(os.path.join(loc, operating_sys, '*.md')):
+ allmd.append(temp)
+ #Sorting all filenames in the directory, to maintain the order of the PDF
+ allmd.sort()
+ #Conversion of md to HTML
+ for md in allmd:
+ with open(md, "r") as inp:
+ text = inp.readlines()
+ with open("htmlout.html", "w") as out:
+ out.write(header)
+ for line in text:
+ if re.match(r'^>', line):
+ line = line[:0] + '####' + line[1:]
+ html = markdown.markdown(line)
+ out.write(html)
+ out.write(footer)
+ group.append(HTML('htmlout.html').render())
+ print("Rendered page {} of the directory {}".format(str(i), operating_sys))
+ i += 1
+ allmd.clear()
+ #Merging all the documents into a single PDF
+ for doc in group:
+ for p in doc.pages:
+ ap.append(p)
+ #Writing the PDF to disk, preserving metadata of first tldr page
+ group[2].copy(ap).write_pdf('tldr.pdf')
+ if os.path.exists("tldr.pdf"):
+ print("\nCreated tldr.pdf in the current directory!\n")
+ #Removing unnecessary intermediate files
+ try:
+ os.remove("htmlout.html")
+ os.remove("title.html")
+ os.remove("dir_title.html")
+ except OSError:
+ print("Error removing temporary file(s)")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ #Unless specified otherwise by the user, this is the default colorscheme
+ colorscheme = "basic"
+ #Parsing the arguments
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("dir_path", help = "Path to tldr 'pages' directory")
+ parser.add_argument("-c", choices=["solarized-light", "solarized-dark"], help="Color scheme of the PDF")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ loc = args.dir_path
+ if args.c == "solarized-light" or args.c == "solarized-dark":
+ colorscheme = args.c
+ main(loc, colorscheme)